Nice deflection. 1 for 10 on 3’s.
Shooters shoot better against # 20? Or what ranking does the shooting improve?
Usually better teams play better defense. Hence why they are better.
You’re judging off one game when there is a larger sample size. Why? To fit a narrative.

I like the way they're competing. Just outgunned. And that last no call was absolutely atrocious. Inexcusable for Division I level refs to miss that total hack.

wow! What an offensive performance in the first half. Just glad I gave my tickets up. We were promised good defense, must have missed it during the first half. Same ole’, same ole’ as last year. At least BJ showed some common sense with his mask.
Take a nice hot bubble bath. It's not safe out here for you.

I’m gonna be honest and I’m basing this off of part of one game but the offense isn’t inspiring. Lots of 3s, not a lot of movement. When they move they get good results but it’s a ton of standing. If you’re missing tons of 3s—find other shots.

Defensively they have been fun to watch. Michigan St is good.

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