It must suck being a Nebraska fan right now


Fleck Superfan
Feb 26, 2013
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Ever since their glory years, they've been searching for answers expecting than any season might be the "next season" to get on-board.
I remember the optimism one of my Nebby co-workers had for when they hired Callahan. Prior to Callahan being hired, they had all kinds of visions of NFL coaches or other top college coaches coveting the Nebraska job.
Then Callahan was hired, and some were disappointed, but many figured he'd be the guy to take them into the new millenium.
Then they went through all the same changes with other coaches coming in to turn things around.

By the time they had joined the Big Ten, they were far more realistic, but many figured they would often appear in Big Ten Championship games. Bo Pellini wasn't good enough for them.

Since joining the Big Ten, they are now 67-55.
Gophers are 66-55.
Being the same as the Gophers is probably not what they hoped for.
Over the last 5-6 years the difference has been even greater and the recent trajectory shows two different directions for the two schools.

What's worst is they seem to be stuck with a coach who is 100% Nebraska history, and they might not be able to move beyond him for a while.

The "best" win for Scott Frost is either their win over us when we had Robb Smith as defensive coordinator, or being PSU or Purdue this year.

Today's recruits have never been to Nebraska, don't aspire to go there, almost certainly don't live there now, and have no living memory of them being a contending football team.

Multi-decade runs of success can stop cold and fade away. Ask Army. Or...Minnesota

Frost era: 12 losses by a TD or less.

Frost: “We are just that close to a National Championship!”

HuskerMax and HuskerBoard are both pretty resigned to things for the time being.

Was at Lincoln when we won there under Coach Kill. The post-game radio show almost made the car radio melt as Pelini was being attacked ruthlessly...of course for losing to Minnesota in Lincoln.

I think that passion has passed for the time being...which is a good thing.

He's the anti-Fleck on momentum.

Frost really seems to believe in momentum and losing momentum really hurts, and they become a victim of losing momentum.

Also said hard to get in rhythm with Minnesota trying to take all the time off the clock.

He's the anti-Fleck on momentum.

Frost really seems to believe in momentum and losing momentum really hurts, and they become a victim of losing momentum.

Also said hard to get in rhythm with Minnesota trying to take all the time off the clock.

Hard to get into a rhythm when you can’t stop the other team? Yeah...that is football. Frost is a phony.

"Momentum" is not in Coach Fleck's dictionary for sure.

Nebraska in general does 'a-lot-of-bitching'. Seems like every game these lose, they have some sort of excuse to complain about. Their fans think they should be winning in the Big Ten. Hahaha...pull your f*cking pants up Nebraska...Maybe you should cut your losses and move back to the Big 12 conference.

Little story:

One of our buddies here in Rochester is a huge Husker fan. I'll never forget when they joined the BIG. That was ten years ago. On that day we were all hanging out at our favorite watering hole and congratulating him on the Huskers joining our conference and we looked forward to playing them annually. He boasted how great Nebraska was and that they would run roughshod all over our conference and on top of that, they would NEVER lose to our lowly Gophers. I reminded him back then, that the Gophers held a nine game lead in the all time series, and that even if Nebraska never lost to us, it would take 10 years for them to finally take the lead in the head-to-head series, and by then I would be 61 years old! Well here we are, 10 years later, and we have split with them (5-5) over the years, and we still hold the 9 game edge. I told him today that I can't wait until I'm 71 and we can then again revisit the all time head-to-head record.

I'd be concerned right now about this coaching choice if I were in their shoes. Why didn't they focus more on the running game against our run defense and on a windy day with a quarterback that was off today? I believe Frost calls the plays.

Frost/Nebraska’s struggles prove one thing: it’s easy to be “relevant” in a bad conference. The Big XII and “the American” (Big East) are just not the Big Ten.

7-2 in the Big XII = 4-5 in the Big Ten.

You better believe it must suck, considering their stadium becomes the 3rd largest city in the state during home games.

Frost/Nebraska’s struggles prove one thing: it’s easy to be “relevant” in a bad conference. The Big XII and “the American” (Big East) are just not the Big Ten.

7-2 in the Big XII = 4-5 in the Big Ten.

I still have nightmares about the 2006 (Texas Tech), 2008 (Kansas), and 2009 (Iowa State) Insight Bowls.

It's amazing how all these teams have a "great week of practice" and then play like bleep on Saturday.

Just once I want to hear a coach come out and say, "we stunk up the joint this week in practice!"

Didn’t they play in the conference championship game in like their second or third year in the conference?

HuskerMax and HuskerBoard are both pretty resigned to things for the time being.

Was at Lincoln when we won there under Coach Kill. The post-game radio show almost made the car radio melt as Pelini was being attacked ruthlessly...of course for losing to Minnesota in Lincoln.

I think that passion has passed for the time being...which is a good thing.
This is true, a kind of acceptance of mediocrity has set in, partly because Frost was expected to be the messiah, but that hasn't happened yet. He's trying to win in the B10 with running QBs instead of north-south running backs - and it isn't working. He needs a pro-style QB and a pair of good N-S runners and needs to dump the Oregon offense he ran as OC there and later at Central FL. It doesn't work in the more physical B10. Also, for decades, NE was in the Little Six and Big Two, when the only game that counted in the old Big8 was the one with Oklahoma.

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