Michigan State - Minnesota Basketball Game Time Change - 11am!

GopherHole Staff

GopherHole Admin
Staff member
Nov 3, 2008
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GopherHole just got word that, to accommodate fans that would like to see both the Insight Bowl and the Michigan State game, they changed the basketball game time to 11am on December 31st.

Wow, talk about a dead Williams Arena for such a huge conference game! 11 am! The students that haven't left for Winter Break won't even be out of their beds by then.

Wow, talk about a dead Williams Arena for such a huge conference game! 11 am! The students that haven't left for Winter Break won't even be out of their beds by then.

They made it out of bed for 11am football games (well, some of them did, haha) - I don't think that will be the issue. I think it's a give and take - many have to work that day, so you lose those fans. On the flip side, you will get all of the fans that didn't want to spend NYE's evening at the Barn, as well as all of those that would want to watch the Bowl game. Personally, I'm thrilled! Regardless if I make it to Phoenix, I will get to watch this game on TV or in person, and will be able to see the Bowl game.

The U must have really gone out of there way to get this done, thank you!!!

Major thumbs down to this decision

The 11 a.m. start virtually guarantees even less of a homecourt advantage, for what is clearly one of our most significant Big 10 home games of the season. As From the Barn said, there will be a lot more people for sure unable to go now because of the 11 a.m. start. At least with the 5 p.m. start, it's not a stretch for people working that day to get to The Barn. I'm not convinced many folks with tickets to the basketball game would have skipped it to watch the Gopher football team (coming off a 55-0 loss) play on a network that isn't very accessible. I hope the Insight Bowl is worth it & the Gophers beat the snot out of Kansas.

On the bright side, I guess I'll have a long lunch on New Year's Eve.

This is seriously the stupidest decision the athletic department has made since the Glen Mason contract extension. All the high rollers will already be Arizona for the football game, so their seats will be empty. All the regular folks won't be able to get off work. Most of the students will either be gone or not awake yet. Who does this benefit? The 23 people who have the NFL network and the people going to the bowl game that get to watch basketball at 9 am? Why? And what about all those people, and I'm sure there are a couple thousand at least, who bought tickets knowing they could get to a 5pm and will now have to beg for the full day off or try to dump their tickets. Someone should be fired.

I second that

Dumb, dumb & dumber decision.

If the Gophers end up in the neighborhood of one win shy of a NCAA Tournament berth on Selection Sunday and one of those losses is a home loss to Sparty, I wouldn't feel real good if I was the guy who made the request for the time change.

To me it's this simple. There's no way on earth there will be a better crowd for the 11 a.m. start than the 5 p.m. start. No freakin' way. Yes, the players & coaches (not fans) win games, but why give up any kind of additional advantage whatsoever?

And why screw over the fans right when people are getting excited again?

I agree that 11am isn't ideal but I think it is better than 5. It allows fans of both teams to see both games which I think a large percentage of people want. When it comes down to it I think the barn will be full for the Big Ten opener against a big time opponent with the home squad at 11-1 (or 12-0 if we can beat Louisville) regardless of what time it is.

I'm skeptical of Williams being anywhere near full for an 11 a.m. start on what is a workday for a lot of fans, but I hope you are right.

The football game isn't even on a real cable channel. Fans will want to go to the game, but they will be more interested in keeping their jobs. If the game was originally scheduled for 11 am, a sell out would be possible. In the late 90s the first Big Ten home game was a week day, might have been January 2 against Purdue, but the game had been scheduled for months so people could make accommodations. Forcing people to scramble at the last second to try to get off work is a mean-spirited disaster.

I have tickets to the game. I also have to work that day.

I can do a 5 p.m. start. An 11 a.m. game -- meaning a minimum of three hours out of the office -- is much more problematic.

I actually like this move. First, quite a few people have New Year's Eve off anyway. Second, don't most people work until 5? What were those folks going to do? Just show up late? Third, while this may affect people in the TC planning to attend, it greatly benefits people not in the area who can now watch both games on television.

Who has the NFL network?

And you don't see why it is easier to leave work 2 hours early vs leaving at 10 am?

Oh and another thing about the students is that the ones that are in the TC will actually probably be more likely to go to an 11am start. The 5pm start was cutting it awfully close to going out that night. Also, students had trouble with 11am starts in football because games are on Saturday, meaning they were up late and then hungover from the night before. That shouldn't be the case with a mid-week game...students also probably won't go out the night before to save up for New Year's Eve.

Who has the NFL network?

And you don't see why it is easier to leave work 2 hours early vs leaving at 10 am?

Bars have NFL Network.

And not really. I'm back in school now but when I worked a 9-5 between undergrad and law school it was just as easy to take a full PTO day as it was to leave a few hours early.

I just get the impression that the majority of people disappointed with this move are those that probably wouldn't make an effort to watch the football game anyway. I could be wrong, but it seems like there isn't as much overlap at Minnesota of GOPHER fans in general as there are at lots of schools. It's like you either enjoy football, basketball, or hockey, but they tend to be mutually exclusive.

As a fan of all Gopher sports, I like the move.

Anyone know if this game is going to be on BTN?

Otherwise I could maybe buy someone's tickets ... probably wouldn't be willing to pay the full price though ...

I hope this works out...

I have a friend flying in that morning from E. Lancing to go to the game with us...


I got this from the SID


Gopher Hoops Game on Dec. 31 Changed to an 11 a.m. Tip

The Big Ten Conference and the Big Ten Network today announced that the tip-time for University of Minnesota Men’s Basketball game versus Michigan State on Wednesday, Dec. 31 has been changed from 5:00 p.m. CT to 11:00 a.m. CT. The change was made in order to avoid direct conflict with Minnesota’s Insight Bowl football game that is scheduled for 4:30 p.m. CT.

The doors to Williams Arena will open at 10:00 a.m.

Single-game and season tickets are still available for the 2008-09 season. Fans interested in purchasing tickets may call the ticket office at 612-624-8080, or toll free at 1-800-U-GOPHER. Tickets may also be purchased through Minnesota’s official athletics department website,

The Big Ten Network, the top destination for hoops fans this winter, will broadcast the game with Wayne Larrivee and Tim McCormick on the call.


who has New Years Eve off? many students are already gone for break, people who are out of college and have normal jobs likely have to work (even working a half day I would miss the game). I now suspect attendance will be pathetic for a game in which the Barn should be rockin'.

I'm sure they moved it to not conflict w/ Gopher fball, which is good in theory, but it still stinks.

I have to agree with those of you saying this is a terrible idea. I don't think it was going to sell out anyway being at 5 p.m. on New Year's Eve, but it's going to be much worse at 11 a.m. Student attendance was going to be marginal anyway. The only hope was a large turnout by the general public. It's one thing to sneak out of the office at 3:30 on New Year's Eve. A lot of offices are probably pretty quiet by then. But to attend a game at 11 a.m. may be impossible for a lot of people or require them to use a vacation day if they want to go.

I am out of state and so was not attending. Sure it may seem better for those who wanted to watch both games on tv. But I was going to work it out to be able to watch both games at the same time. I cannot, however take 3 hours off work in the middle of the day to watch the baseketball game. My only option now will be to Tivo both and try to watch them in order when I get home and not stumble across either score in the meantime. How is that better?

This is an awesome decision. NYE is going to be a great day of Gopher Sports!!!

When someone can't go to a game what do they usually do? Find someone who can go and sell them or give them the tickets. I am sure the Barn will be full. I know I am gonna try and get 2-3 tickets now that I can go to the game and then go to a Bowl/NYE Party. While not as convenient for some "where there's a will there's a way" and I'm sure most of you will somehow make it to the Barn. If not maybe you can give them to a charity and use them as a late year tax write-off.

I think this move sucks. First off how many people would be watching this game anyway with it being on NFL Network. Lot's of Comcast people don't have. Second, they have sucked the life out this game now. Thanks for taking away our home court advantage, mind as well play this one on a neutral court. One thing to remember with this also is the University of Minnesota does not have the day off of work. Have fun parking when all of the lots and ramps are full with contract parking vehicles.


I fly into MSP, landing at 2. Had plenty of time to stop off with baggage and get to Big Ten for a sub.

This sucks. One of two games I was going to get to see this year. Big Ten opener at 11am against a top team? At least if it were a 1pm or 2pm game I could have still made it on an earlier flight.


Horrible Idea!!

Wow..this idea sucks. I have to work that day and its not easy for me to just take a vacation day at that time if its not planned in advance since the staff is already thin during holidays.

Stupid, stupid, stupid....

I understand why some people don't like this decision, I really do. That said, personally, I love it. I can now watch hoops at the Barn and then watch football on TV. I love both Gopher hoops and Gopher football, so this is a beautiful thing for someone like me. Huge day of Gopher sports, who could ask for more? 11am is not an issue for me. I'm already taking (as I always do) the entire week after Christmas off. So, its Minnesota basketball and then Minnesota football. I do feel sympathy for those negatively impacted by this, but at least for this Gopher fan, I give it a thumbs up.

I also predict that Williams Arena will still rock that day. Time will tell, pun intended.

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