All Things DinkyTown Athletes

Does DTA have a Nigerian Prince donor? If not please look in your trash folder for step by step instruction email.

Difference between the haves and have nots? Even more than it was when the money was under the table. Georgia QB with a (probably leased) Urus Performance.

NIL should be an asset for Gopher recruiting, retaining players. How do we make that happen as direct donations have personal - business budget constraints? Improvement of the program to compete with the upper teams must be with the help of NIL. Elevating the Gopher football experience for players, recruits, fans. DTA helps with getting donations from non-fans.

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when is the DTA black trucker hat going to be available for purchase? also noticed that the DTA athletes are no longer listed on the website.

Was at a family get together this weekend with some cousins who are avid Gopher fans. They are older than me. They had absolutely no idea about DTA or its partners. I had a feeling this may be the case so I brought along some Duck, Duck, Beer. They liked it and said they would buy it. The point being is that there are still ALOT of people completely unaware of this whole thing and how fans can impact players staying or going.

Two thumbs up for Gray Duck’s DTA hard seltzer called Bomba Juice. I didn’t know they were going to sell a hard seltzer until I walked past an almost empty shelf of it in the liquor store. Just in time for summer!

My coworker ordered 10 hats for the gopher fans in the office.

Been stopped several times to talk about my hat. I just tell everyone who asks to buy one and say it’s the best hat I’ve ever owned. It’s not but they can afford a hat.

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