Royce Charged


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
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Royce charged with 2 counts of misdemeanor

Myron Tweet

Royce White has been charged with two counts of misdemeanor trespassing related to laptop theft investigation.

2 counts misdemeanor trespassing according to Myron's tweet.

That's it? Really? Way to go UMPD.

Looks like not enough to charge Royce with anything else, so we are going to got you this way. How many misdemeanors can one guy have before he is finally let go? While not a "big" crime, it is still a crime. Guess there goes any chance we see him this year or maybe ever...

Wow, 2 counts of misdemeanor trespassing after all that?! Please.

Now that this charade is done with, let's move on.

Looks like not enough to charge Royce with anything else, so we are going to got you this way. How many misdemeanors can one guy have before he is finally let go? While not a "big" crime, it is still a crime. Guess there goes any chance we see him this year or maybe ever...

are you nuts? I am taking this the other way....I bet we see Royce reinstated immediately and on the court very soon!

Looks like not enough to charge Royce with anything else, so we are going to got you this way. How many misdemeanors can one guy have before he is finally let go? While not a "big" crime, it is still a crime. Guess there goes any chance we see him this year or maybe ever...

I'm sure Tubby knew what Royce was going to be charged with and realizes the charges are so minimal that he allowed him to practice.

As a District Attorney, I'm embarassed. That's a chicken-*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# charge. I'm assuming the charge arises from him being in a dorm where he was not supposed to be? Who's the victim? The University? This is not the way the criminal justice system is supposed to work. It sounds like they're trying to save face after spending a ton of resources on a minor incident.

Maturi and Tubby were already aware he was 'trespassing' in the dorms when he wasn't suppose to be. If that was reason enough to kick him off the team they would have done it long ago.

Heeeeeeeee's BACK! IMO.

Why did he even get trespassing? Was he not supposed to be in the dorm at all? I mean, if so that was kinda dumb, but seems like a cop out for them cause they can't nail him with what they want. Very strange to me.

As a District Attorney, I'm embarassed. That's a chicken-*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# charge. I'm assuming the charge arises from him being in a dorm where he was not supposed to be? Who's the victim? The University? This is not the way the criminal justice system is supposed to work. It sounds like they're trying to save face after spending a ton of resources on a minor incident.
Totally agree...what a joke.

They try to save face by giving him 2 counts for literally only walking into a dorm where he wasn't "supposed" to be? Please.

As a District Attorney, I'm embarassed. That's a chicken-*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# charge. I'm assuming the charge arises from him being in a dorm where he was not supposed to be? Who's the victim? The University? This is not the way the criminal justice system is supposed to work. It sounds like they're trying to save face after spending a ton of resources on a minor incident.

Exactly. Royce may not be the greatest guy in the world, but this is pathetic. If virtually any other student at the U had been involved in this, the 'investigation' would have ended after 5 minutes with a pat on the shoulder and a 'though luck, kid, lock your room next time.' They obviously felt they had to justify themselves to bring this pathetic charge. The UMPD should be publically called out by Maturi and Bruinicks. They won't be, I know, but it should happen.

This is a f@*%in' shake down! Witch hunting is alive and well in MN.

Sadly, Tubby likely won't let him play even though there are people playing in the league that are facing felony charges. And this could very well screw up his plea agreement in the prior misdemeanor charges as well.

Why even waist the resources. They spent three months for a trespassing charge, he should play tommorow. If that is what they were going to charge him with it should have been done in November. A complete scam.

This is a f@*%in' shake down! Witch hunting is alive and well in MN.

Sadly, Tubby likely won't let him play even though there are people playing in the league that are facing felony charges. And this could very well screw up his plea agreement in the prior misdemeanor charges as well.

yea that is what i am wondering how will this affect his plea deal... while a trumt up charge it could have really bad consiquences for royce

Yeah, this whole thing is pretty darn fishy. I know trespassing is a crime, but holy cow, after all that wasted time, they charge him with the equivalent of being somewhere he wasn't supposed to be. Wow. I guess this investigation was time well spent. :rolleyes:

Looks like not enough to charge Royce with anything else, so we are going to got you this way. How many misdemeanors can one guy have before he is finally let go? While not a "big" crime, it is still a crime. Guess there goes any chance we see him this year or maybe ever...

Maturi needs grow a pair. Sit Tubby down and let him know the type of kids he has been bringing into the program is no longer going to be tolerated. The program is becoming a joke.

yea that is what i am wondering how will this affect his plea deal... while a trumt up charge it could have really bad consiquences for royce
Doubt it. They already knew about dorm incident this when they were pleading in the MOA deal. At worst it will go on his permanent record, but a misdemeanor is not going to exacerbate the previous charge at the MOA.

Maturi needs grow a pair. Sit Tubby down and let him know the type of kids he has been bringing into the program is no longer going to be tolerated. The program is becoming a joke.
If every program kicked out a kid that had a misdemeanor in high school/college, you'd probably have a problem filling out rosters across the country.

As a District Attorney, I'm embarassed. That's a chicken-*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# charge. I'm assuming the charge arises from him being in a dorm where he was not supposed to be? Who's the victim? The University? This is not the way the criminal justice system is supposed to work. It sounds like they're trying to save face after spending a ton of resources on a minor incident.

I had to deal with the city attorney and she tried the same bs with me when she didn't get me to admit to obstruction, she said she would charge me with illegal assembly, when I said I would fight that too she dropped everything. I guarantee Royce ends up with nothing out of this.

If every program kicked out a kid that had a misdemeanor in high school/college, you'd probably have a problem filling out rosters across the country.

maybe true, but how many misdemeanors does he have, and how many is enough?

I had to deal with the city attorney and she tried the same bs with me when she didn't get me to admit to obstruction, she said she would charge me with illegal assembly, when I said I would fight that too she dropped everything. I guarantee Royce ends up with nothing out of this.

I'm all for laws and paying your due penalty etc. But this is a garbage charge. I seriously doubt that there would have been any charges were this not a high profile case in the news. The police are acting like dog catchers here. I'd say he's paid his price and he should be on court. One more screw up and he's gone, but this one should be over.

I wouldn't have such a huge problem with this charge if they'd completed thier investigation and charged Royce with this in a week or two. But to drag it out for nearly 3 months and then charge him like this is petty and weak.

Given the immense waste of time and taxpayer resources, they would have looked horrible if they'd charged him with nothing, but this doesn't make them come off any better. Just petty and vindictive, covering thier own arses, IMO.

I had to deal with the city attorney and she tried the same bs with me when she didn't get me to admit to obstruction, she said she would charge me with illegal assembly, when I said I would fight that too she dropped everything. I guarantee Royce ends up with nothing out of this.
So you've also had a run-in with the law?


Let this Kid Play!

For those folks on here who want him off the team for his lack of perfection, please look yourself in the mirror before you spout off. Remember the next time you are speeding on 494 and don't get caught, yor when you jwalk across hennepin Ave, or when you get a speeding ticket, or when you say something so stupid on this website, ou are actually comitting a more serious offense than what RW is charged with! What a waste of money,resources, and time. This may have cost the Big Ten Hundreds of Thousands of dollars if they miss the NCAA tournament.

His attitide and some of his deeds certainly don't thrill me. But give the kid the benefit of the doubt and LET ROYCE PLAY

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