Up to 10,000 fans may attend Gophers Spring Game on May 1

Disappointing that the state will only allow 10k fans. That's even less than they're allowing in California for baseball games.

I wonder how the wait list will work. I'd have to imagine quite a few people who got tickets won't end up going and just reserved them while they had the chance and will figure out if they're going later.
Guarantee this is the case, and if you want to go just check back frequently as it gets closer. I bet you’ll get in.

This. I tried getting a pod of 4 (tried about 5 times), no dice. So I tried 2, and that worked. Tried getting another 2 (so whole family can go), no dice. So we have two. The problem with these "free" tickets is I'm willing to bet a good chunk of people just snatched them up in case they go. There will be a fair amount of people that got tickets that don't show.

IMO, it would have been better to just charge a nominal fee (like $5?) per seat and donate proceeds to charity. That keeps out the people that are just getting tickets "in case", and probably results in better attendance.
In this one year exception, that would’ve been a fantastic idea.

Normally of course, the stadium is simply open and whoever wants to go has no problem finding an open seat.

From my experience buying computer parts this past winter, the site is just choking. Sites will default to "Unavailable" so as to not over-sell. Just keep trying.

I am also interested in what their enforcement plan will be for mask wearing. Ushers/security spaced out? Honor based? Wait until someone nearby complains?
Probably wait until someone complains.
honestly people that concerned about it shouldn’t attend. Because it isn’t going to be enforced perfectly.

Maybe the tickets being gone in a matter of a couple hours is a harbinger for future Spring games. The most that I've ever seen doesn't come close to 10,000 people.

Maybe the tickets being gone in a matter of a couple hours is a harbinger for future Spring games. The most that I've ever seen doesn't come close to 10,000 people.
That's kinda what worries me tho.... maybe bots sucking up tickets that the few who actually would go would use...

That's kinda what worries me tho.... maybe bots sucking up tickets that the few who actually would go would use...
What would bots do with free tickets try to sell them? think there is actually a true demand for once since we haven't been able to go to games for awhile we shall see may 1st who shows up

What would bots do with free tickets try to sell them? think there is actually a true demand for once since we haven't been able to go to games for awhile we shall see may 1st who shows up
They're free so yah, and being free it costs them nothing to be wrong...

Wonder how many trolls got them with the idea of not going?

May have been noted already but it would seem that individuals with a Gopher Score of 10,000 or less could have been given a preferential shot...even just one day.

The stat I'm curious about is how many of these went to individuals without a Gopher score. That might be a good gauge for expanding interest.

They were gone so fast. Wish they'd taken a credit card and charged for no-shows. I bet there will be <2,000 people there.

That's kinda what worries me tho.... maybe bots sucking up tickets that the few who actually would go would use...
Let's hope not. Maybe the ticket office can put a clock for when ticket holders have to show electronically that they have entered TCF Bank Stadium. At a cutoff time, they default their tickets to those on a waiting list.

The problem is, how can they do this efficiently and fairly.

The Spring Game is a perfect outing for families. I hope more of them come out to enjoy a rather glorious family day.

I like to think there's a lot of "clever" people on this board...


I asked other season tickets holders if they received the spring game email. Nope.
I got it around 10:00/10:30 a.m. and was able to pick seats from any section. Guess I'm one of the lucky ones. I do know my other buddy that has season tickets next to me didn't get an email until 11:30 ish. Not sure why they couldn't send a mass email to all season ticket holders.

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