The origin of "Becky" instead of Bucky.

Right. It's Badger week. There was no malice intended. And the reaction from some people is ridiculous. It's Wisconsin for crying out loud. I've got one guy that tells me I live in Pequot Lakes and I challenged some guy to a fight at the Mall of America. Another guy thinks I was dating some celebrity in Florida. The military goof says I reside in Destin, Florida every winter. My wife and I have been in that area just once and that was three years ago and that's why I brought up the Badger story. We did not go back because it is to cold! We go further south down around Naples and Fort Meyers. What I thought was just a fun post has turned into a goat.fu-k.

Totally get where your intentions are Ruppert. But I think the part that I highlighted is exactly where you often get tripped up. Your perception of what you think is just having some fun or poking the bear a bit in relation to how you often choose to "deliver" said messages frequently seems to get lost in translation for a good number of people and why you get some push back. Just saying. Think about it for a second.

Again, know your intentions are good and you love the Minnesota Golden Gophers and that is really all that matters.

Cheers and Go Gophers! Beat Wisconsin!

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