oops -- wrong forum

This thread just ran a 3.26 hand-timed 40-yard dash.

This thread just got bulldozed for more student housing.

This thread just ran a 3.26 hand-timed 40-yard dash.

Did this thread do it with:

Cleets, tennis shoes or track shoes?

Grass, track or hardwood?

Outdoors or indoors?

Rain, snow or sunshine?

Gatorade or Powerade?

Eastern, central, mountain or pacific time zone?

Did this thread do it with:

Cleets, tennis shoes or track shoes?

Grass, track or hardwood?

Outdoors or indoors?

Rain, snow or sunshine?

Gatorade or Powerade?

Eastern, central, mountain or pacific time zone?

1. Ballet slippers

2. Concourse at the Mall of America

3. Concrete

4. 30 mph crosswind coming off the ferris wheel

5. Sneaky Pete (3/4 Colt .45 malt liquor with MD 20/20 floated on top).

6. Greenwich Mean Time

1. Ballet slippers

2. Concourse at the Mall of America

3. Concrete

4. 30 mph crosswind coming off the ferris wheel

5. Sneaky Pete (3/4 Colt .45 malt liquor with MD 20/20 floated on top).

6. Greenwich Mean Time


There's only one thing that can cure this thread, Acupuncture.

Disagree. I think icing will cure this thread.

This thread is not going to listen to any of you. This thread is gonna ask its mother's best friend to recommend a doctor. And after this thread does just that, this thread will write a 4000 word diatribe telling Coach Kill to kiss this thread's ass.

This thread got directions from Waldo and can't be found.

This thread refuses to tell who the next men's Bball coach will be.

This thread is upset it no longer ranks as the thread with the most pages....

This thread has only 48 pages to go to top Shaka's thread.

This thread won't accept last rites. It only accepts the right of first refusal.

This thread is tired of "Meatsauce" on KFAN saying something "nobody wants to see".

Meatsauce on KFAN morning show keeps reiterating the fact that he is available for any and all "nude scenes"
on any movies being shot in Minnesota. This thread does not want to see either Meat Sauce or his girlfriend from KDWB
Fallon nude. This thread agrees that both Fallon and Meatsauce, have faces for radio

This thread thinks that Norwood Teague has a new BB coach lined up, but he is still involved in tournament play, and refuses to give this thread any info about it because it would get leaked out.

This thread is surprised nobody from this message board remarked about Kill talking 10 dash time and who was the fastest.

This thread refuses to be outdone by a Richard...

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