Marcus tweet: Alabama radio reported Fulmer to Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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Marcus tweet:

"Alabama sports radio host Paul Finebaum reported this afternoon that Phil Fulmer is going to Gophers. Nothing but speculation at this point."

Go Gophers!!

Well, wouldn't that be something.

Finebaum is an admittedly hilarious professional troll. His speculation doesn't really mean anything though.

If you haven't listened to his show you really should pick up a stream, especially after a Bama loss. Good lord.

of all the candidates that are currently not working it seems to me that he would be the least likely to take the job.

So it would be surprising to me if it was true.

Interesting if true, according to Wikipedia, Fulmer is considered and "Ace recruiter"

I just can't believe we'd hire someone this quickly. That would tell me that they did about as thorough an interview process as John McCain did in 2008.

Hey have I awkwardly shoehorned my nascent political views into my sports forum today? Let me see what I can do.

I just can't believe we'd hire someone this quickly. That would tell me that they did about as thorough an interview process as John McCain did in 2008.

Nothing is official and I wouldn't take the tweet very seriously.

It isn't such a bad idea to make the hire early. It give that new coach a chance to start recruiting and we have first dibs on candidates who may be weary of what other jobs will open up.

of all the candidates that are currently not working it seems to me that he would be the least likely to take the job.

So it would be surprising to me if it was true.

Interesting if true, according to Wikipedia, Fulmer is considered and "Ace recruiter"

His second to last recruiting class was ranked 3rd in the nation. Two years prior it was 4th in the nation. But hey, the current juniors and RS sophs were 17th in the country.

<img src="">

You guys act as if he was our first choice.. How do you know that he wasn't 7th or so on the list and just so happened want the job?

You DO realize that we won't get our first choice, right?

I'm very on-the-fence about Fulmer.

Very impressive resume (although it is basically all within Tennessee). Above average recruiter. High name recognition. Hopefully not past his prime.

I guess I don't know anything about his demeanor or coaching style. Any opinions on this?

You guys act as if he was our first choice.. How do you know that he wasn't 7th or so on the list and just so happened want the job?

You DO realize that we won't get our first choice, right?

I don't necessarily have anything against Fulmer.

If the Gophers have contacted/interviewed Belotti, Leach, Edsall, Sumlin, calhoun and six or seven other coaches of that caliber and have concluded that Fulmer is the best candidate, then I could support a decision to hire someone (Fulmer or anyone else) this early. I am just a little skeptical that they could have done adequate vetting yet.

But that's just a guess. Maybe Joel has been making informal contacts since the South Dakota game and had already eliminated a lot of the coaches that are being discussed.

You guys act as if he was our first choice.. How do you know that he wasn't 7th or so on the list and just so happened want the job?

You DO realize that we won't get our first choice, right?

Yep. Dungy has turned down hourly inquiries from Maturi.

Ferentz wasn't Iowa's first choice. Not many schools get their first choice when doing a national search. Point being that just because you don't get the first guy doesn't mean you failed. PF would not be my first choice either but it doesn't mean they made a poor decision.

The best thing about Fulmer... he's not Trestman.

You forgot about the part how he's one of the very few (if any) of our coaching candidates that actually has a National Championship on his resume.

Just saying.

They should literally haul one of those animatronic country bears out there instead and just say they hired Phillip Fulmer. Phil's hittin the washboard, he looks upset with the D's play in the second half.

I'm not going to get too worked up by the spoutings of a sports radio jock. Particularly one from Alabama. Remember that Alabama & Tennessee have a football rivalry that puts the Minnesota-(insert inbred neighbor state here) rivalries to shame. It could be that Finebaum is just trying to stir up the pot, or as an excuse to badmouth Fulmer when he doesn't get the job. This has about as much validity as the BS tweets from Joe Schmit or BariA-hole. Show me a link to a story on ESPN or CNNsi, and then I'll start getting worried.

Considering all the ratting out that $EC coaches do on one another, Phil isn't terribly well liked across state lines. Wasn't their a warrant out for his arrest so he'd testify in some sports agent trial a while back. Had something to do with skank at either Alabama or Auburn, I forget which.

It would be awesome to see Bielema in his sights.

He reminds me a bit of Boss Hog in the Dukes of Hazard.

perhaps a stretch

Rocky Top you'll always be
Home sweet home to me
Good ol' Rocky Top
Rocky Top TCF

Phillip Fulmer reportedly in Gophers coaching mix
Posted by John Taylor on November 2, 2010, 2:12 PM EDT
In the two-plus weeks since Tim Brewster was canned as Minnesota’s head coach, names such as Randy Shannon, Mike Leach, Mark Mangino, Scott Linehan, Jeff Jagodzinski and Marc Trestman have popped up on reports seeking to identify a list of potential replacements.

Today, you can add arguably the biggest “name” to the unofficial list of candidates.

According to a tweet from‘s Tom Dienhart, former Tennessee coach Phillip Fulmer is a name that has emerged in connection to the Gopher vacancy.

Fulmer was connected to openings Notre Dame, Louisville, South Florida and, yes, Tennessee in the past 11 months, but has been out of coaching since “parting ways” with the Volunteers in 2008. Fulmer has been working for CBS Sports on their SEC coverage the past two seasons, but has made it clear that he would like to return to coaching.

However, based on his own words, Minnesota might not be the opening he’s looking for.

“I’m not going to put myself and my family in a position where I’m going to a place that is a stepping-stone … a place that doesn’t have a history of doing well,” Fulmer said last November. “I’m looking for a place that has some history. If I have to sit or not coach that’s kind of the way it’s going to be I guess.”

The Gophers certainly have a history — 40 or more years ago. Since those halcyon days of Rose Bowls in the early sixties, however, the only history the football program has known on a regular basis has been a miserable one. Would Fulmer go against his own words and “stoop” to the Gophers’ level? That will very likely depend on how desperate he is to get back into coaching. And what other jobs come open between now and January.

I find it hard to believe that we would have already made a decision. I find it even harder to believe that someone close to the fb program would not have broken this story before some guy in Alabama. I think this is just a rouse to help his ratings.

I have a buddy in Bamaland that's friends with (one of?) Finebaum's producer(s). He texted his bud and asked about this for me and got this response, "not a done deal, but he's definitley in the mix".

My bud said he'll keep me posted if he hears anything else.

This hire would break significantly from the norm, as far as U of M football coach hiring over the past 40 years is concerned. Considering a coach with a high win percentage? Wow, what a concept!

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