Gophers' Kill: 'A heck of a lot of psychology work' in this week's plans


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Greder:

Quarterback Mitch Leidner and a few other players telephoned coach Jerry Kill on Saturday night to reiterate their commitment to rebound after the Gophers barely beat Kent State 10-7 at TCF Bank Stadium.

"There were two or three kids that called and said, 'Hey, coach, we're gonna get going. We're going to get it right,' " Kill relayed Sunday. "They care. They work their butts off."

Kill said he will be more of a psychologist than tactician this week after his offense compiled 288 total yards, averaged 2.4 yards per rush and committed three turnovers against the Mid-American Conference opponent.

"My job is to get them feeling better, and that's not easy," Kill said. "That's the biggest thing I got to do is ... a heck of a lot of psychology work."

Go Gophers!!

Really hope the fans/media give the negativity a rest and get behind the team from here on out.

One thing I am thankful for from a coaching perspective is the EQUITY and experience that this coaching staff has dealing with perspective and adversity. With an experienced coaching staff there isn't a lot that these guy's have not seen before either here or at those other stops that they will be stumped by, and they know they can rely on their teaching, and coaching because they have had success and have had successful outcomes there entire careers. This staff would not be the Minnesota staff if they had not been successful people at other some times worse places than Minnesota. When coach Kill and his staff took over at Minnesota we were not in a good place as a program.
To me it is a good thing that the message and what they are coaching will not deviate that much this week and the players know these coaches will be hard at work trying to make them successful and have that trust that the players will work hard and play hard.

Look no further than both Adam Weber and Mike Sherels from our own Gopher coaching staff, they had to go through constant terminology changes, constant coaching changes with different messages, and chaos of how to do things and how to call plays, Weber even had a coach having him throw a useless tennis ball or someone that tried to change his throwing motion and learn a huge playbook. People don't think that stuff matters but it does, that constant tumult and change, when 50 different people are trying to tell you what you are doing wrong or how to do your job, that and 50 people in your ear telling you that you suck or your no good. For me it is a good thing we have experienced people to right the ship and make things get better.

Having familiarity with the ups and downs of a season, struggles with injury's all of these things will benefit the Gophers this week.

Football can be a really humbling game, both success and failure, saw the lowest of the lows winning 1 game as a Sophomore and going undefeated state champs as a senior. I played the game, but it doesn't mean I'm an expert, and I certainly never made it to the level of all of these D1 players have. No matter all of the negative threads, about not being a D1 player or coach, most if few of us have achieved that level of play. or coaching that is why I hope someone like Mitch Leidner can tune out the boos and hysteria.
Leidner made that throw to Wolitarsky in double coverage that go route and Wolitarsky went up and got it against Kent State, that was good enough for me to believe he is good enough. Some times you have to go make plays, KJ Maye made that diving touchdown catch hurt yet he made a play and the QB made the throw. The coaches are used to the criticism they have been called a lot worse by parents of players not playing and everything else than a few message board posters can sling.

Gophers are 2-1 where we all thought they would be, has there been some struggles yes but there always is. I am excited for the Gophers to play Ohio on Saturday because they are the most Big 10 like team we will play on our schedule in the non-conference. That Ohio game is going to be a good test to get us ready to play and win a game. It is going to be a good game and it will be good preparation for Saturday and the coming weeks against Northwestern and Purdue, road games yes but with our defense and improved play both winnable games. This season is just getting started as far as I am concerned, this week we will start to get ready for a Big 10 slate that will bring us all to a level we as fans all want to be at. I still see a lot of success for this team on the horizon. I can still see this team in Indianapolis at the end of the year, they still have it in them.

The injuries at TE and OL have got to be killing us. How did we come into our first game so banged up? It's like it was already mid-season - we had something like 4 starters out or hobbled, and it's just gotten worse from there.

I think the booing had to do with the playcalling more than anything else.

I think the booing had to do with the playcalling more than anything else.

I agree, but the punting and field position play was calculated to minimize risk of turnovers, and keep field position. Mortell had a great game on Saturday. Obvious the game plan wasn't working on offense, so they shifted gears and said let the defense win the game.
May have not been pretty, was boring, but they did what they needed to do to win the game and minimize the chance of a loss. Now we move on, and need a much better week because the schedule from here on out just get's more difficult each week. Get some people healthy and go Gophers.

I think the booing had to do with the playcalling more than anything else.

All the booing had to do with the playcalling. Not the players 'executing' but the same 6 plays ran all game to no avail..
..interestingly enough, the one creative play resulted in a touchdown.

Positive play begets positive comments.

Understood. Constructive criticism, being upset after a rough game (that we won) and ranting is normal. The problem I have is the dwelling. Be upset for a day or two, ok that's understandable. By Monday or so it's time to move on and get back to being positive. Good, strong fan bases have this quality I think. They don't dwell on the bad things. What's the fun in doing that? This is supposed to be FUN!! Yeah we have some problems on O right now, but our D is playing lights out and we have one more game to work out some kinks in our depleted O Line.

I guess it comes down to what you want to focus on. If you wanna be a downer about everything that's your choice, but enough of those types of fans or people around the program can have an effect on that program. That's a fact.

Understood. Constructive criticism, being upset after a rough game (that we won) and ranting is normal. The problem I have is the dwelling. Be upset for a day or two, ok that's understandable. By Monday or so it's time to move on and get back to being positive. Good, strong fan bases have this quality I think. They don't dwell on the bad things. What's the fun in doing that? This is supposed to be FUN!! Yeah we have some problems on O right now, but our D is playing lights out and we have one more game to work out some kinks in our depleted O Line.

I guess it comes down to what you want to focus on. If you wanna be a downer about everything that's your choice, but enough of those types of fans or people around the program can have an effect on that program. That's a fact.

According to a certain someone, "it's sad so many have embraced this."

Since he is always right, we should not be having fun!

Agreed, but the players don't know that.

Could be but more likely they did. IMHO you have to be pretty competitive to be a player at this level. Hard to believe that they were content to try to run straight ahead 3 times, kick a FG and then give it back to Kent State and depend on their "D" to win the game for them.

If they have so little pride that they didn't care, then Kill and Company do have ".. a heck of a lot of psychology work" ahead of them. :rolleyes:

Understood. Constructive criticism, being upset after a rough game (that we won) and ranting is normal. The problem I have is the dwelling. Be upset for a day or two, ok that's understandable. By Monday or so it's time to move on and get back to being positive. Good, strong fan bases have this quality I think. They don't dwell on the bad things. What's the fun in doing that? This is supposed to be FUN!! Yeah we have some problems on O right now, but our D is playing lights out and we have one more game to work out some kinks in our depleted O Line.

I guess it comes down to what you want to focus on. If you wanna be a downer about everything that's your choice, but enough of those types of fans or people around the program can have an effect on that program. That's a fact.

Fair enough. I'm certainly over last week. Hoping we see a much better game come Saturday and I'll be having a grand time either way. Brother and his fiancée will be in from Israel to take in tailgating and the game. That's got to be near the furthest travelled to see this one...

Fair enough. I'm certainly over last week. Hoping we see a much better game come Saturday and I'll be having a grand time either way. Brother and his fiancée will be in from Israel to take in tailgating and the game. That's got to be near the furthest travelled to see this one...

Jealous, haven't seen a game live in longer than I like to admit. Hopefully our O can get healed a bit and really come out and make a statement this weekend!

Could be but more likely they did. IMHO you have to be pretty competitive to be a player at this level. Hard to believe that they were content to try to run straight ahead 3 times, kick a FG and then give it back to Kent State and depend on their "D" to win the game for them.

If they have so little pride that they didn't care, then Kill and Company do have ".. a heck of a lot of psychology work." ahead of them.
That is an awful thing to suggest. Awful. IMHO the players felt terrible about execution mistakes because they are firmly behind their coaches, and were busting their butts BECAUSE they care and as Jaymil suggested, they likely thought they were being booed. All of you who booed them were classless. Have some PRIDE in your collective fan base and don't condone or support something that is BAD behavior.

That is an awful thing to suggest. Awful. IMHO the players felt terrible about execution mistakes because they are firmly behind their coaches, and were busting their butts BECAUSE they care and as Jaymil suggested, they likely thought they were being booed. All of you who booed them were classless. Have some PRIDE in your collective fan base and don't condone or support something that is BAD behavior.

Bullshat, unless you're implying that the players are idiots. That is an awful thing to suggest. Or your'e trying to underline the "falsehood" that people were booing the players and not the play calling. Not a surprise that you'd be so fond of throwing the players under the bus rather than the Staff. Read it again without your horns up and thinking of the last line as being sarcastic. Needed to use the simile list or you just trying to be a "bleep"?

Of course all of this pre-supposes that you're a real person rather than a troll.

My bad?:rolleyes:

Bullshat, unless you're implying that the players are idiots. That is an awful thing to suggest. Or your'e trying to underline the "falsehood" that people were booing the players and not the play calling. Not a surprise that you'd be so fond of throwing the players under the bus rather than the Staff. Read it again without your horns up and thinking of the last line as being sarcastic. Needed to use the simile list or you just trying to be a "bleep"?

Of course all of this pre-supposes that you're a real person rather than a troll.

My bad?:rolleyes:
Were you in the film room? (rhetorical) Have you talked to the players? (My guess is you haven't) I expressed my opinion, based on how I would feel as a player if the crowd was booing. Go back and look at the game again. Lots of missed assignments. There were also plays called that, with the benefit of hindsight, the coaches would say weren't the best. The philosophy seemed to me to be quite conservative, but I'm sure (certain) the players are behind the coaches and felt they could have executed better. Even with those "stacked boxes" with a key block not missed they could have been explosive plays. It's not xbox. These are real people and I have no doubt they're all working harder and smarter at what they do than most of those who IMHO are unfairly criticizing them.

Were you in the film room? (rhetorical) Have you talked to the players? (My guess is you haven't) I expressed my opinion based on trying to protect Coach Kill and his staff against his players and anyone who actually buys tickets and attends games.

Now that is the truest thing you've ever sort of said.:drink:

Now that is the truest thing you've ever sort of said.
Go ahead and try to justify bad behavior. Demeaning? That's not true. I promise you Coach Kill and his staff are working harder to win under difficult circumstances than any of their entitled-because-they-bought-a-ticket critics. And, they've been successful everywhere because they have a philosophy that works, and they do it the right way. The key is doing things the right way. While there are variations, there certainly is a difference between right and wrong. I want things to get better. You just want to be divisive. I won't give up on you. Come over to the good side and be part of making this work.

Go ahead and try to :blah::blah::blah::blah::blah::blah:.


As trolls go you have a novel bit but your insistence on re-writing what everybody says or just ignoring it and just being a dick gives you away. Sorry I tried to take you seriously. Again,my bad..


As trolls go you have a novel bit but your insistence on re-writing what everybody says or just ignoring it and just being a dick gives you away. Sorry I tried to take you seriously. Again,my bad..
Apology accepted. Feel free to block me or boo me. I'm not offended by you, just disappointed.

That is an awful thing to suggest. Awful. IMHO the players felt terrible about execution mistakes because they are firmly behind their coaches, and were busting their butts BECAUSE they care and as Jaymil suggested, they likely thought they were being booed. All of you who booed them were classless. Have some PRIDE in your collective fan base and don't condone or support something that is BAD behavior.

Bad behavior is preaching to Gopher fans about etiquette when you aren't a Gopher fan. I'm starting to wonder if you're Kill's wife or mom?

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Bad behavior is preaching to Gopher fans about etiquette when you aren't a Gopher fan. I'm starting to wonder if you're Kill's wife or mom?

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Hi Lakesgopher. Haven't heard from you in a while since you came after me last season with this odd theory. It's possible to be a fan and not attend the school or grow up in Minnesota. I'm not the only one. The reason I became a Gopher fan is because I've been a Jerry Kill fan for more than 20 years. If in your opinion that makes me a bad person, you're entitled to think that. I care about what happens to the Gopher football program, including the coaches, players, and even the fans. I'm not related to Coach Kill. Etiquette is universal.

So that is what this board has become - a guy who says he doesn't like fans booing during the game is now a "troll."

Gee, I thought this was a place to express different opinions about Gopher FB - at least that's what the "Leidner s*cks" crowd keeps saying.
The people who criticize the coaches and players demand the right to express their opinion, but if someone tries to support the coach and players, then they're a "troll."

Gopher Hole - Fair and Balanced!

So that is what this board has become - a guy who says he doesn't like fans booing during the game is now a "troll."

Gee, I thought this was a place to express different opinions about Gopher FB - at least that's what the "Leidner s*cks" crowd keeps saying.
The people who criticize the coaches and players demand the right to express their opinion, but if someone tries to support the coach and players, then they're a "troll."

Gopher Hole - Fair and Balanced!

He doesn't believe people the have right to be critical. Anyone that is critical he tries to shout down and accuse of displaying BAD behavior. He posted fans at the game think they are entitled to be critical because they bought a ticket. Fans that bought tickets have every right to voice their displeasure if they so choose about the product on the field whether killme likes it or not.

The people who criticize the coaches and players demand the right to express their opinion, but if someone tries to support the coach and players, then they're a "troll."

Gopher Hole - Fair and Balanced!

That's why I never use the word "troll." First of all, it is a trite expression used by people who lack the verbal acumen (or are simply too lazy) to more precisely define their targets. Secondly, it is too often thrown around when a difference of opinion arises.

That's why I never use the word "troll." First of all, it is a trite expression used by people who lack the verbal acumen (or are simply too lazy) to more precisely define their targets. Secondly, it is too often thrown around when a difference of opinion arises.

I take it you have never seen a *********** post, the king of trolls.:rolleyes:

P.S. There is a reason why the GopherHole does not allow his name to read!

Hi Lakesgopher. Haven't heard from you in a while since you came after me last season with this odd theory. It's possible to be a fan and not attend the school or grow up in Minnesota. I'm not the only one. The reason I became a Gopher fan is because I've been a Jerry Kill fan for more than 20 years. If in your opinion that makes me a bad person, you're entitled to think that. I care about what happens to the Gopher football program, including the coaches, players, and even the fans. I'm not related to Coach Kill. Etiquette is universal.

If I remember correctly, you previously said that you are a Kill fan and if Kill were to leave so would you. To me that's annoying, it's similar to when a person says they love the Miami Heat and as soon as Lebron went to Cleveland they were buying Cavs gear, saying they were a Cavs fan from day 1

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