Fleck to meet with Winfield this week

I couldn't care much less about what Coyle said publicly as to why Claeys was relieved. In almost every case, it's better for both parties to not list an array of things as to the reasons for going in a different direction. It wouldn't have served Claeys well if Coyle had publicly rattled off a bunch of short-comings in his head coach. It wouldn't have helped him in his search for continued employment and a list of things publicly would have just given message board "experts" a million things to critique, pick apart, and try to dispel.

I fired someone two weeks ago for being lazy, not being a "team player", punctuality issues, and failing to call in when he decided to take a day off when things were slow on the job. But what did I tell HIM and anyone else when it came up? "It just wasn't a good fit".

You sound like a h3ll of a boss. Lie and manipulate. Sounds wonderful.

Back to Winfield and the other 9.
If the 5 who are being expelled have their ruling upheld they will not be back. Obvious statement.
If those 5 have their ruling of expulsion changed to a suspension of some kind, then will they stay?
Same with the other 4 who are up for a 1 year suspension. If the ruling stands, do they stay?
Either way with those 4, I would hope that Coach Fleck would want to keep them and that they would want to stay.
Everyone deserves a second chance and those 4 should be given one.
Shenault being on probation only, would be the one who should be staying regardless of what happens.

You sound like a h3ll of a boss. Lie and manipulate. Sounds wonderful.
You sure do have a way of taking a few words and making something out of nothing. You've been doing this throughout all this mess. Please do everyone a favor and stop.

You sure do have a way of taking a few words and making something out of nothing. You've been doing this throughout all this mess. Please do everyone a favor and stop.
I wonder if that's what Winfield Sr will tell Fleck.

I couldn't care much less about what Coyle said publicly as to why Claeys was relieved. In almost every case, it's better for both parties to not list an array of things as to the reasons for going in a different direction. It wouldn't have served Claeys well if Coyle had publicly rattled off a bunch of short-comings in his head coach. It wouldn't have helped him in his search for continued employment and a list of things publicly would have just given message board "experts" a million things to critique, pick apart, and try to dispel.

I fired someone two weeks ago for being lazy, not being a "team player", punctuality issues, and failing to call in when he decided to take a day off when things were slow on the job. But what did I tell HIM and anyone else when it came up? "It just wasn't a good fit".

But Coyle did all of that stuff. If Coyle had gone up there and said that he just wanted to hire his own guy and Tracy Claeys was not a fit, you'd have a point.

He trashed Kill and Claeys and implied they ran a dirty program. He brought up recruiting rankings from rivals. He talked about blowing second half leads.

He literally did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you said you would do if you fired someone. The opposite.

Back to Winfield and the other 9.
If the 5 who are being expelled have their ruling upheld they will not be back. Obvious statement.
If those 5 have their ruling of expulsion changed to a suspension of some kind, then will they stay?
Same with the other 4 who are up for a 1 year suspension. If the ruling stands, do they stay?
Either way with those 4, I would hope that Coach Fleck would want to keep them and that they would want to stay.
Everyone deserves a second chance and those 4 should be given one.
Shenault being on probation only, would be the one who should be staying regardless of what happens.

I was not under the assumption that the suspensions were football only.

I couldn't care much less about what Coyle said publicly as to why Claeys was relieved. In almost every case, it's better for both parties to not list an array of things as to the reasons for going in a different direction. It wouldn't have served Claeys well if Coyle had publicly rattled off a bunch of short-comings in his head coach. It wouldn't have helped him in his search for continued employment and a list of things publicly would have just given message board "experts" a million things to critique, pick apart, and try to dispel.

I fired someone two weeks ago for being lazy, not being a "team player", punctuality issues, and failing to call in when he decided to take a day off when things were slow on the job. But what did I tell HIM and anyone else when it came up? "It just wasn't a good fit".

You have HR at your place of employment?

But Coyle did all of that stuff. If Coyle had gone up there and said that he just wanted to hire his own guy and Tracy Claeys was not a fit, you'd have a point.

He trashed Kill and Claeys and implied they ran a dirty program. He brought up recruiting rankings from rivals. He talked about blowing second half leads.

He literally did the EXACT OPPOSITE of what you said you would do if you fired someone. The opposite.

Then I would say he was wrong, without question. I was responding more to the comment I quoted about Coyle saying he dismissed Claeys for negative emails and recruiting. Full disclosure, I haven't listened to one word from Coyle or Kaler in this entire incident because I don't really care that much about what they have to say. We'll never know all the details behind how the incident was handled, the factors that went into dismissing Claeys, etc. And it doesn't matter to me, really.

I just don't get the entire up-in-arms over Coyle and Kaler at this point. I'm sure they botched part of this situation, without question. People are acting like those two should be perfect and infallible. There's a new coaching staff taking over, a new recruiting class ready to sign in a few weeks, and spring practice soon after that. I'm ready to move on and think about the 2017 season.

Please quit posting! You show how clueless you are every time.
LOL, avoidance is a good clue.

I don't trust Coyle or Kaler as far as you can throw them. Their reasons for firing Claeys were poor and deceitful. At-will labor laws allow for such legal cowardice and manipulation by management and owners, but that does not make the firing just and right. No, it makes the firing legal, even though it is ethically wrong.

These arguments about if the team will win 6 or 8 or 10 games next year are so stupid. How anyone can say we don't have anyone returning like Jonnyboy keeps saying is just being dumb and trying to lower expectations. Those saying the Gophers should win 10 or more games are trying to raise expectations. Let's not go through the whole Mason vs Brewster nonsense again where some seemingly want to see the team lose.

Yes, there are question marks at DB, and there would have been at QB regardless of the coaching change. However, every college team has to start an inexperienced QB every couple of years. It's not like we had a Heisman winner starting for us. If Claeys was coming back he would have said we should be competing in December, despite a new QB. In reality, he did a great job by not playing Croft last year to maintain a year of eligibility and correct Kill's mistake of throwing Croft to the wolves at Northwestern.

Take off your Claeys bias, whatever it may be -- support or non-support ---, and there is a lot of returning talent. The offense has almost everyone back but QB and Wolitarski. The defense has a lot of experience back, and we will have to see what happens at DB, but there is some talent there, just not a lot of depth right now.

As fans we cannot control the coaching decision. I liked Claeys, thought we should bring him back, but at the same time recognized he made mistakes and I was never confident he would take the team the next step. Now Fleck is here, I'm going to support the coach, just like I have every other coach since I started going to games at Memorial Stadium.

Please quit the stupid pissing matches based on your pro-Claeys and anti-Claeys bias. It's so stupid. Just support the new coach, and I think if people simply do that, it is pretty evident the team should be ok, despite a number of unknowns.

Where is all this great talent returning everyone is seeing? No quarterback that has started a game. No proven reciever. Solid tight ends. Decent at best offensive line. Good running backs. Decent d-line. Good linebackers. Questionable secondary considering no one knows who's going to be on the team next year. How is this loaded with talent?

I'd bet we have three receivers with more receiving yards than Woli did this year. Two for sure.

My question is will the players show even a little bit of loyalty to the guy who lost a dream job and multi million dollar salary defending them or will they just cave?

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They are kids that, in the end, need to look out for themselves first. So many will cave. Not the high road, but the smart move.

My question is will the players show even a little bit of loyalty to the guy who lost a dream job and multi million dollar salary defending them or will they just cave?

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As I assume you have said in the past: it's a business. What is there to defend? What do the players have to prove? They only have one chance to play college football and sh!t happens. Claeys will get another job, do you expect the players to be martyrs for him and throw away their football careers to make a point? Next man/coach up.... and make the best of the hand you are dealt.

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They are kids that, in the end, need to look out for themselves first. So many will cave. Not the high road, but the smart move.

I don't get the loyalty thing here.

TC isn't the coach anywhere even.... what good would pouting do for anyone. It wouldn't even help TC...

The king is dead.

Long live the king.

As I assume you have said in the past: it's a business. What is there to defend? What do the players have to prove? They only have one chance to play college football and sh!t happens. Claeys will get another job, do you expect the players to be martyrs for him and throw away their football careers to make a point? Next man/coach up.... and make the best of the hand you are dealt.

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Yeah, I'm not 100% sure what the players could possibly do. I don't think Claeys would want them to do anything other than what is best for them.

Yeah, I'm not 100% sure what the players could possibly do. I don't think Claeys would want them to do anything other than what is best for them.

Even when Bo was out at Nebraska and he hated the administration.... he told his players to play hard for the next coach and for each other and not to blame them.

The President of the University called Winfield Jr a "rapist." Let that sink in when a coach talks about changing culture, but wants a kid who the president has called a rapist.
What does the word "hypocrite" actually mean?

No, he did not.

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These arguments about if the team will win 6 or 8 or 10 games next year are so stupid. How anyone can say we don't have anyone returning like Jonnyboy keeps saying is just being dumb and trying to lower expectations. Those saying the Gophers should win 10 or more games are trying to raise expectations. Let's not go through the whole Mason vs Brewster nonsense again where some seemingly want to see the team lose.

Yes, there are question marks at DB, and there would have been at QB regardless of the coaching change. However, every college team has to start an inexperienced QB every couple of years. It's not like we had a Heisman winner starting for us. If Claeys was coming back he would have said we should be competing in December, despite a new QB. In reality, he did a great job by not playing Croft last year to maintain a year of eligibility and correct Kill's mistake of throwing Croft to the wolves at Northwestern.

Take off your Claeys bias, whatever it may be -- support or non-support ---, and there is a lot of returning talent. The offense has almost everyone back but QB and Wolitarski. The defense has a lot of experience back, and we will have to see what happens at DB, but there is some talent there, just not a lot of depth right now.

As fans we cannot control the coaching decision. I liked Claeys, thought we should bring him back, but at the same time recognized he made mistakes and I was never confident he would take the team the next step. Now Fleck is here, I'm going to support the coach, just like I have every other coach since I started going to games at Memorial Stadium.

Please quit the stupid pissing matches based on your pro-Claeys and anti-Claeys bias. It's so stupid. Just support the new coach, and I think if people simply do that, it is pretty evident the team should be ok, despite a number of unknowns.


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