Conzemius had a terrible segment on KFAN this morning


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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Some of the more bizarre excerpts paraphrased below (repeat: these are not exact quotes) -

"Tommy Olson will be starting at LT against MTSU"

- The NCAA has to be looking into this. I'm fairly certain that a player can't be playing in HS and college at the same time.

"Matt Garmin will be starting at DE"

- Now we have the real answer to the "Garmin"/Optimus Prime debate. Brewster was influenced by Matt's family and all that GPS money they have coming in.

"Adam Weber will make an NFL roster and be a #3/#4 QB in the league for years."


- Hold on.


- OK, that's better.

"Moses Alipate should be the #2 QB."

- Yeah, OK, Justin. Have you been paying attention at all the last 4 months?

"MarQueis Gray can't be an NFL QB, because tall QBs don't succeed in the NFL."

- I could write a doctoral thesis on all the ways in which this statement is 100% wrong.

"MarQueis Gray runs terrible routes."

- Seriously, Justin - did MarQueis bang your sister or something?

"Minnesota is the worst team in their own division."

- Was I dreaming, or did Michigan go 1-7, 2-6 in the Big Ten the last two years? Did we, or did we not, beat Northwestern and MSU last year? Nice defeatist attitude, Justin. I guess, though, that you're well versed in playing for teams who win 1 game in the Big Ten, so you're pretty defensive about it, apparently.

Regarding the last paraphrase, I completely agree with you. I won't fear Michigan again until I'm forced to and MSU and NU are not that scary either. I consider both teams to be ones we should beat at home consistently. Northwestern, especially, I just don't get people's utter respect for them. Yes, they are pesky, but I would wager our long term success over theirs in a second. It's not an attractive destination for recruits in any sense of the word, and it's just too tough academically to sustain any sort of football dominance.

I was completely dissapointed in the Flash this morning. He must not be anywhere near "connected" this year. It was a terrible segment.

Whoa.....that's really bad. I'm kinda hoping you misheard a few things. Seriously, tall QBs don't suceed? Yep, there's no way a 6'4", 230 kid with a lightening arm, and insane athletic ability could possibly become an NFL QB. Tom Brady's only 6'4", 225. Peyton Manning's way too tall, he's 6'5", 230. Wow...please tell me you just misinterpreted that.

As far as thinking we're doomed because of the divisions, that's just the Minnesota defeatist mentality. No matter what division setup was announced, you were gonna hear "fans" who said we had no chance in it. I couldn't be happier with the division setup.

Actually it was quite good I thought. He is right in the coaching staff putting players in positions to succeed at the next level. The point he made about Hageman at DE and being able to get to the next level totally made sense. These coaches try to get these kids to the next level because that is what they told the players they would do in recruiting them. As for Gray I would not be shocked it Alipate supplants him as the #2. Remember he was recruited when we were running the spread offense and that is what he would have flourished in. Now that we are in a pro-style offense it puts limits on his abilities.

The Gophers are getting air time on KFAN and for a large chunk of time too. Stop whining.

He also said we are playing USC next week.

I thought that at first, too, but I'm fairly sure he said "USD" and just kind of slurred his letters a little. Kinda said "USCD".

Whoa.....that's really bad. I'm kinda hoping you misheard a few things. Seriously, tall QBs don't suceed? Yep, there's no way a 6'4", 230 kid with a lightening arm, and insane athletic ability could possibly become an NFL QB. Tom Brady's only 6'4", 225. Peyton Manning's way too tall, he's 6'5", 230. Wow...please tell me you just misinterpreted that.

No, he actually went to great lengths to advance his point. Brought up Dan McGwire (most random example ever), and how he was tall, and a first round pick - therefore tall QBs can't succeed in the NFL. I'm convinced Conzemius has some kind of agenda against MQ.

Conzemius has always delivered a less than acceptable Gopher preview and review. Last year was always mispronounced names and comments about things that didn't happen e.g. empty stadium. It's not his full time job so no big deal but it is KFANs full time job so get MV or Oleboy to replace JC.

That said- He did mention a super player we have been saving named Mar-kees Gray who may play at QB. 5 min of prep and he would have had the name correct.

I only caught the very beginning of it on my way to work this morning. If that's actually how it went then that's pathetic. An e-mail to the station is warranted.

Actually it was quite good I thought. He is right in the coaching staff putting players in positions to succeed at the next level. The point he made about Hageman at DE and being able to get to the next level totally made sense. These coaches try to get these kids to the next level because that is what they told the players they would do in recruiting them. As for Gray I would not be shocked it Alipate supplants him as the #2. Remember he was recruited when we were running the spread offense and that is what he would have flourished in. Now that we are in a pro-style offense it puts limits on his abilities.

Yes, he was right about Hageman. Never said he wasn't. How do you excuse all of the aforementioned for someone allegedly "in the know" about the Gopher program?

The Gophers are getting air time on KFAN and for a large chunk of time too. Stop whining.

Eat it.

No, he actually went to great lengths to advance his point. Brought up Dan McGwire (most random example ever), and how he was tall, and a first round pick - therefore tall QBs can't succeed in the NFL. I'm convinced Conzemius has some kind of agenda against MQ.

That's disappointing. I mean, it's one thing to question whether MarQueis has the chops to be an NFL QB cause maybe he doesn't read the field well, or maybe his arm isn't as accurate, or maybe he relies too much on his legs (none of which can really be proven at this point since we've seen limited QB action from him), but to sit there and say because he's too tall? That's just bad.

I heard the same stuff too. He also said though that he thought they'd go 6-6 and that Brewster finally had a good coaching staff and while the "tall QB"stuff was bizarre he also said that Gary had a chance to get to the NFL as a wideout.

The MTSU stuff though is an indictment of their level of College Football knowledge or effort. Even Rosen talked and acted as though MTSU is a SIU level team. They are not and 20 minuts of research woud have corrected that.

Anybody with a lack of recent knowledge of College Football sees any Big Ten game being played against a non-BCS school as an automatic blowout. Mi, IA, PU, WI and yes Minnesota knows thats a thought from the past.

Minnesota should be better, but MTSU is pretty good, extra words in their name or not.

One other note to the KFAN guys, it's not 1983 anymore, even though that's where your knowledge of College Football ends, even though some of you were kids at the time!

I remember some months ago

on Rosens sports sunday he said dont be surprised if Seantrel Henderson becomes a gopher and that Edwards was reminding people of Adrian Peterson. Not going by his thoughts anymore. Maybe he just throws stuff out there.

I was extremely disappointed in Rosen today. I took my time getting to work so I could listen to his segment and he seemed to stoop to the level of the morning host idiots. Usually he is the voice of reason and insight, but today, he was just as bad as the wedding singer, second rate long snapper, and something named Sludge.

Dammit the one time I missed listening to KFAN. :cool02:

(I'm enamored by Icelands large fonts)

Two thing slay me. One, why anyone listens to KFAN. And second why it gets play here as well.
Was the Fargo Flash on drugs, or was he channeling Dave Lee?

JC also said NW has as many RoseBowl wins as the U of M, zero. Cripes. this guy played for the U.

I heard it as well and am trying to give him the benefit of the doubt that he is obviously not in midseason form. It was pretty bad.

Anybody with a lack of recent knowledge of College Football sees any Big Ten game being played against a non-BCS school as an automatic blowout. Mi, IA, PU, WI and yes Minnesota knows thats a thought from the past.

I try not to let things get to me regarding gopher football but this continues to bother me more than anything else. Anyone who has paid attention to college football in the past 10 years can see the disparity between big school BCS teams and smaller division 1 teams has shrunk.

Wake up, it's not 1984.

I try not to let things get to me regarding gopher football but this continues to bother me more than anything else. Anyone who has paid attention to college football in the past 10 years can see the disparity between big school BCS teams and smaller division 1 teams has shrunk.

Wake up, it's not 1984.

Michigan-Appalachian State anyone?

KFAN might have better coverage if there were more Gopher fans than Hawkeye fans on their college football board.

I hammered JC for an apparent lack of effort but this week he hit it through the uprights! Nice work Justin, you prepared and delivered.
I can now look forward to the Thursday segment each week whether the Gophs win or lose.
He went to TCF for the viewing and rewatched the game on DVR that is more than most gopher fans did for the MTSU game.

I just can't believe I didn't get any love for the Matt Garin GPS joke...

Didn't even think of putting that station on. Just figured they wouldn't be able to control themselves with the Vikes starting play tonight.

I listened this morning and was very impressed. Also impressed that the other yahoos didnt bash the program at all. Good segment overall.

FYI Dpo, I got a good laugh out of it.

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