76 Classic: Minnesota vs Texas A&M Game thread


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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get a win Gophers.

I won't be watching this game. the Bears at Vikes game will be on.

Watching the first hour of the Vikes, then the dvr takes over (for the Vikings game) Go Gophs.

Yes, unfortunately we have to jump back and forth on this one. Go Vikes and Go Gophers.

Hopefully Cutler will throw 5 int's and then everyone will be able to give their entire attention to the Gophs :clap:

xman: that is what I shall do. my remote still works to flip-flop back and forth.

I am taking a break from having wallets stolen during Walmart scam for this afternoon...Sunday is a day of rest.

Go Gophers! Go Vikes!

Not me...

I will be watching the team that will NEVER threaten to move out of state !!!

:clap: :clap: :clap:

My solution

DVR on tv2. Watch other game live on TV1. Wont get done watching until about 9 tonight. wow

starting five

wow. Joseph, Hoff, Johnson, and the two bigs

keep posting up, please... we have 2 seven footers...

Hey guys, just a reminder, if you want to chat live, instead of on this thread - we have the new and improved chat room. You can click on it on the lower gold menu bar.

God that was a HORRIBLE call on Damian Johnson

Colton---I hate when he shoots free throws--he's worse than Shaq.


Raining three's. Gawd I hate that.

Now we have them right where we want them. We are 9 down at the half but Westy has fresh legs! Where is he anyway? :confused: :confused: :confused:

I think based on the starting lineup for tonight that it's pretty clear that Tubby is very unhappy with certain players on this team. And this first half effort certainly won't quell that. Overall, the offensive execution was better. Hard to win when you can't even hit a two-footer however. Defensively, this has been another poor effort. Everybody reaching, cheating and on a couple of the three's (especially on the one in transition), guys left their man WIDE open.

All and all, another putrid half.

So if the Gophers lose this game, and they happen to beat Miami, they'll have to go to the NCAA tourney committee with only 1 in over a BCS school during non-conference and one win over a good program from the Horizon. I'm thinking 11 wins better be the goal in the Big Ten.

It's truly unbelievable how stagnant our offense is. Everybody stands at one spot and hopes they're open. If they're not open, they casually jog back towards the ball, get a pass and the cycle starts again. We don't set screens, we don't make cuts to the basket. And even when we do pass the ball, we wait and wait and wait until the defense is set, then pass the ball. :mad:

I believe that with the Big Ben be vastly improved the NIT is precisley where we are going. We are the same team as last year and our two recruits that we added (I am not counting Mbawe or White) have both been virtually invisible in this tournament. We simply do not have the offense or rebounding to compete in the improved Big Ten this year. We have been dominated on the boards by two undersized teams. Watching the game today you saw Bryan Davis for A&M dominate the glass and come up with every big rebound and be a low post force that wins the game for them. It is early yet but we know these players and there limitations. Having Hoffbarber out there for 20 minutes in the first half you saw exactly why he is a tenth man or at best a ninth man on a good team. He simply lacks the foot speed to play with tournament teams guards. He has a high basketball IQ but his athleticism is what limits him. We were a team that struggled offensively last year and our two recruits have not looked like they are ready to make a big difference.

Well, Texas A&M tried to give the game to us, and predictably, we did the basketball equivalent of say "thanks for the offer, but we'll let you have it." Disgusting on every single front.

Out coached...as a coach you tell your guys to foul there, if you do not have the possesion arrow

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