

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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it 17-14 Wisconsin right now. UNLV just scored a TD after they recover a fumble and return to about the Wisconsin 20 yards line.

go UNLV.

haha I kno I love it :) ...that'll shut um up for a bit.

Go Rebs! Keep it up!
Suck it, bucky. You're ugly and you have no shoulders.

I'd love for Wisconsin to lose, but if you've been watching the game you know UNLV has looked like absolute garbage. They have less yards on offense then they do points. If UNLV were to win this Wisconsin would have to commit about 3 or 4 more turn overs. I'd bet UNLV would get blown out by Middle Tennessee State.

I'd love for Wisconsin to lose, but if you've been watching the game you know UNLV has looked like absolute garbage. They have less yards on offense then they do points. If UNLV were to win this Wisconsin would have to commit about 3 or 4 more turn overs. I'd bet UNLV would get blown out by Middle Tennessee State.

UNLV seems to be struggling with their new coaching staff/offense just TINY BIT. Most pathetic offensive display I've seen in a long time. Like any team changing coaches and schemes, they'll take their lumps this year, no doubt about it.

The same guy for UNLV has both fumble recoveries. Hopefully he is the next Jamaal Brummer!!!

It was 'Brimmer' not 'Brummer', but yeah that guy pretty much single-handedly brought down the Badgers back in 2003
(11 tackles, two sacks, two interceptions, a FFd and a 55-yard fumble return for TD)

He was one of the best safeties in college football in 2003 and 2004, and I was stunned when he went undrafted in 2005. Apparently he was too slow and unathletic enough to play in the NFL. He fooled me on that day against Wisconsin though...

Man, UNLV is stating to come apart now. Not really surprising though, as the really didn't look like they could maintain the whole game.

Didn't get to watch the game at all, but did UNLV really get 127 rushing yards and 105 passing? From what I've read they looked horrible, and how did Bucky's D look out there?


Didn't get to watch the game at all, but did UNLV really get 127 rushing yards and 105 passing? From what I've read they looked horrible, and how did Bucky's D look out there?

Yes, and that was all after halftime. I'm sure Wisky mixed in a few backups but I saw a good portion of their starters out there the entire game. UNLV had (-2) yards at halftime I believe.

Basically, UNLV has two QB's to choose from. To start the game, they went with the one who has CONSIDERABLY less game experience (4 starts I think) Mark Clausen, instead of the one who has started the majority of the games the last three years, Omar Clayton.

Clausen apparently started because the coaches thought he had a better grasp of the new offense being implemented by the new coaching regime at UNLV. He was horrendous, the offense was horrendous.

Clayton came in and rallied them to 215 yards of offense in the second half, offense looked better, etc. Had Clayton played the entire game, it might have actually been interesting.

Bottom line, UNLV used to run the spread and is switching to more of a power running attack and their personnel doesn't fit that scheme very well. They'll struggle offensively this year, without a doubt.

Clayton came in and rallied them to 215 yards of offense in the second half, offense looked better, etc. Had Clayton played the entire game, it might have actually been interesting.

You watched the game and actually think that if Clayton played it could have been an interesting game? UNLV was manhandled in all aspects of the game yesterday. A couple of really bad turnovers is what made the game somewhat interesting, not who was under center for UNLV.

Credit Where Credit Due

I hate to hand out compliments to Bucky, but that was the most lopsided 20-pt win I've seen in a while.

As mentioned in another post, it was men vs. boys, truth be told.

We'll see how Bucky fares against the Big Ten competition, but they are as advertised, and I expect them to be formidable player in determining the league champ.

thanks Ogee. I was at the game also. The best early moment for UNLV occurred before the game. They have a fast talking dj with Jim Fassel (former Giants coach) and a couple of other guys. It was on the scoreboard so these guys could be seen an heard by the fans. One of them says, "have you seen how big Wiscinsin's linemen are?" One of the other guys says, "that not surprising, have you seen how fat their fans are?" That brought a reaction, but there was at least a grain of truth in it.

thanks Ogee. I was at the game also. The best early moment for UNLV occurred before the game. They have a fast talking dj with Jim Fassel (former Giants coach) and a couple of other guys. It was on the scoreboard so these guys could be seen an heard by the fans. One of them says, "have you seen how big Wiscinsin's linemen are?" One of the other guys says, "that not surprising, have you seen how fat their fans are?" That brought a reaction, but there was at least a grain of truth in it.

LOL. Thats hilarious.

Anyway, it will be interesting to see how good becky is when they play a team that isn't both small and slow like UNLV. Also, UNLV looked confused on both offense and defense much of the game (new coach/new systems). Taking this into account, I think MTSU would have blown out UNLV. Not a surprise that becky dominated them physically.

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