who will get turkey of the year...


Nov 20, 2008
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i know this was discussed before, but with the meltdown, I can't seem to find the post.

so - who will it be? if it's not brewster or maturi, i will demand a recount.

who really cares?! reusse and his lap dog souhan can go and play out in traffic on I-94 as far as i am concerned.

it is the reusse negativity lovers, glass-half empty die-hards (which you seem to be) that make minneapolis/st. paul pretty much suck as a sports-talk town. there is no middle ground with any team, any coach or any player. it is either go really negative or begrudgingly show a little positivity only when you absolutely have to. that approach is so tiring and lame.

Patrick was given a lot of ammunition with this sorry game ....

The Timberwolves may deserve turkey of the year. Ever since Garnett was traded, the Timberwolves have stunk, and no one seemed to care. If they moved to another city, I don't know if many would care or even notice.

To me, that makes them more of a Turkey. But, since they've been nearly forgotten, they won't get enough notice to be strongy considered Turkey of the year.

The Timberwolves may deserve turkey of the year. Ever since Garnett was traded, the Timberwolves have stunk, and no one seemed to care. If they moved to another city, I don't know if many would care or even notice.

To me, that makes them more of a Turkey. But, since they've been nearly forgotten, they won't get enough notice to be strongy considered Turkey of the year.

that's true - but didn't mchale get it last year? if he did, i think that gives them immunity this year.

Joe Nathan. Reusse can't stand Nathan. He might even hate him more than Brewster.

Brewster has to win the award this year because he

Joe Nathan. Reusse can't stand Nathan. He might even hate him more than Brewster.

will already be fired, or at least his firing will be all but certain by next Thanksgiving and Ruesse is not going to miss out on his long awaited chance to give the award to Brewster.

Ruesse is getting ready to serve up a big dish of crow for the next few months for all the Brewster Kool Aid drinkers.

Ummmm....there's a guy named Lucia who might be the prohibitive favorite.

Hockey is sort of an under the radar niche sport

Ummmm....there's a guy named Lucia who might be the prohibitive favorite.

even in Minnesota, and Ruesse and most of the media people do not care about hockey much so that might mean Lucia avoids the award.

I am not a hockey fan, but I am surprised Lucia isn't getting more heat.

Funny ... I just tweeted on this very topic ... Kahn/Rambis, Lucia, Delmon, for Patrick Joe Nathan, Risebrough, Glen Taylor, and others in the mix ... but today had to seal it right for Brew or Fisch? Pound the Rock, etc... 30 straight possessions to end reg. season w/o a TD.

and why does anyone care about what you just tweeted? so transparent doogie, so transparent. :rolleyes:

please tell me that no one actually "gives" you press credentials when you attend sporting events......

Royce White, remember he gave it to Kerri Strug and he might be older than her. Wild season ticket holders, Chili for the Farve deadlines only to back down.

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