Where are You Watching B1G West Title Game?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I've been to a couple games this year and will be a season ticket holder next season. With Thanksgiving weekend I will, however, watch the game from enemy territory. The Wisconsin Dells! I will have the family decked out in Maroon and Gold for the weekend. Go Gophers!

Home in Bayfield as our friends who we share our ST's with will be in the seats. We normally have our family TDay gathering that weekend but it was cancelled. Sure going to miss not being at TCF!!!

There will be no title game because the Boilers are going to shock the world in Madison on Saturday!

Sec 137 getting primed for the 2nd field rush of the season

I've been to a couple games this year and will be a season ticket holder next season. With Thanksgiving weekend I will, however, watch the game from enemy territory. The Wisconsin Dells! I will have the family decked out in Maroon and Gold for the weekend. Go Gophers!
st pete beach

I'll either be at my brother's house in Madison or on my couch in Springfield, depending on when the best day to travel home is.

Watching it on the bigscreen in our basement tomorrow :)

Section 148, row 8. Bought tickets from a GH user

At the Cooperstown B&G in Newberg OR in between going to wineries!

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