What to do?


Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Now that the work week is done (1/2 day), what can I do to keep my mind occupied before tomorrows kickoff??

A. Drink heavily... Pass out?

B. Try to get co-workers to reenact the Tow-Arnett to Bennett play using a stapler as the ball?

C. See what rubbing hand sanitizer all over my head will feel like?

D. Figure out how I can get the people in my section to call me Dude-Bro? I always wanted to be known as Dude-Bro!

E. Other?

Now that the work week is done (1/2 day), what can I do to keep my mind occupied before tomorrows kickoff??

A. Drink heavily... Pass out?

B. Try to get co-workers to reenact the Tow-Arnett to Bennett play using a stapler as the ball?

C. See what rubbing hand sanitizer all over my head will feel like?

D. Figure out how I can get the people in my section to call me Dude-Bro? I always wanted to be known as Dude-Bro!

E. Other?

Login to Buckyville as a Badger insider and ask why Clay is leaving the team?:D

Seems like all options will work

B for the win!!! Add C if you fear getting H1N1 from said coworkers, or perhaps combine A and C in some kind of toxic cocktail combination? Wear a shirt tomorrow that has "Dude-Bro" written on it with an arrow pointing to your head, then invite a bunch of GH'ers to come to your section and start a chant. I'm game.

B for the win!!! Add C if you fear getting H1N1 from said coworkers, or perhaps combine A and C in some kind of toxic cocktail combination? Wear a shirt tomorrow that has "Dude-Bro" written on it with an arrow pointing to your head, then invite a bunch of GH'ers to come to your section and start a chant. I'm game.

This is why group decisions are always better than trying to work things out yourself. Well said frozen...

A: Always a good option
B: Well you are done with work, so that might be logistically difficult.
C: I can't believe you haven't tried this yet!!
D: I will be happy to call you Dude-Bro, you might want to add it as a signature to remind us so we call you that.

I think maybe aim for 'A' and in the mean time prepare a different happy dance for each potential scorer.

I doubt this will be of much help, but since it is Friday... you could always drink the hand sanitizer and then see how your head feels? This would be sort of an A. & C. combo?

If this works, let me know... I can't stop my foot from tapping... waiting for the clock to wind down:eek:

How about going to sleep so you don't make stupid posts like this one.

How about going to sleep so you don't make stupid posts like this one.

The FUN POLICE have entered the building. Please cease your fun and put both hands on the wall.

The FUN POLICE have entered the building. Please cease your fun and put both hands on the wall.

If we resist will the GH members question the validity of his fun-police report? Will we get suspended for the weekend of the Illini game? :D :D :D

Last week entering the game some lady by me had her vodka in her washed out hand sanitizer container. That is kinda like an A, C combo maybe?

I doubt this will be of much help, but since it is Friday... you could always drink the hand sanitizer and then see how your head feels? This would be sort of an A. & C. combo?

If this works, let me know... I can't stop my foot from tapping... waiting for the clock to wind down:eek:

Any of our resident Badger fans care to tell us about the efficacy of using hand sanitizer as an intoxicant?

Last week entering the game some lady by me had her vodka in her washed out hand sanitizer container. That is kinda like an A, C combo maybe?

genius! Get liquor into the stadium, and bonus great parlor trick!

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