What are you looking for today?

Ogee Ogilthorpe

Tattooed Millionaire
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Okay, other than the obvious (defensive improvement, sustained drives on offense, improved special teams play), what do you want to see against NIU today?

For me, plain and simple; TACKLING. Tackling has been a problem in all three games, even though the defense as a whole improved quite a bit against USC. Yards after contact has been attrocious. They are just going to have to get better at wrapping up and finishing plays.

Manuel has improved and statistically had a nice game against USC with an INT, forced fumble, and recovery, but he missed a boatload of tackles as well, not to mention getting burned on a few big plays.

On a side note, after re-watching a good chunk of the USC game recently, the Gophers were a lot more in that game than it may have seemed. The J. Edwards facemask call was flat out huge, a real game changer. 10 minutes left in the game, down 12 points, with that sack the Gophers force a punt and get the ball likely on the USC side of midfield, in great position to make it a one-possession game.

In addition, against what most considered a far superior opponent, the Gophers had TWO penalties through the first 59 1/2 minutes of the game (and obviously just 4 total). Considering what a problem that was last year, that's just outstanding.

I agree tackling is number one, and secondary play is number 2.

I'm also looking for the offense to be run with more precision. The passing game needs more work than the running game, so I expect there will be more attention there. Both run and pass blocking by the line should be much better, so I'll be looking for the RB or H-back picking up the pass rush, and I'm hoping routes are run much better by everyone.

On the offense I want to see a style running game like the MTSU one that hopefull coupled with improved defense gives us a lead to start working on defeating the 9 man in the box situation we're going to see over and over again until we can abuse it.

On D, just solid play. Better tackling and most importantly better gap protection against that run. USC solved or D line by doubling off both DT's, our LB's were not in the correct position to counter. I expect our opponents to do the same until we can deal with it.

A win and a few style points. Grinding it out might not be enough for the football-wise fans.

you mean the football-not-so-wise fans.

Well, I was being diplomatic.

Either way, I want to see some good football out of the Gophers. A few nice drives that are capped with TDs after burning a good chunk of clock. Some 3-and-outs forced by the defense. Bryant Allen catching a punt without waving his arm over his head first.

Bryant will see more action today too. I'm looking forward to that. I think if we can get an early lead we'll rest Bennett too which should mean more Kirwood. That'll be nice.

I want to see a better mix of run and pass to help keep the opposing D honest. Playing smash mouth football when the opposing D stacks the box is not a good approach. And take advantage of single coverage on Gray and McKnight with check-offs by Weber.

ST play must get better.

The youngsters on D have to start making the basic plays. Someone on D has to step up and provide some leadership, make big plays and show all BT potential. Right now no one is close to that level. Will someone show the right stuff at DE?

Gophers get out ahead, mix it up (no 33 carries for 84 yards) and Gray finally gets some reps at QB. Defense contains NIU QB.

1) Win

2) Gray at QB

3) better tackling

4) no big plays against

5) RB to make a long run to the house

6) pressure on QB and some sacks

7) WR's stepping it up a notch

I hope you find them. And may we all find what we are looking for.

Strong performance...

till the clock reads 00:00 in the 4th Quarter with a Gopher W.

Enough fans in the stands that you can't make out the spelling of "M-I-N-N-E-S-O-T-A" from the chairback seats.

No Bitter End Club tonight.

That's what I'd like to see.

Go Gophers! Beat the Huskies!

a healthy and dominant Duane Bennett
a smart Weber
an offensive play that I can't predict before the ball is snapped
a perfect game from the placekicker and punter
a lot of fans at the stadium

Just a win please. I've given up asking for anything more. This team will most likely win ugly when they are lucky enough to win. I'm o.k. with that.

You'll forgive me for saying this but why do I think that would really not make any difference to you?

Because I'm down on Brew. If they go out there, play well and show us they're not a bunch of stiffs (coaches and players alike), then great. But the fact of the matter is, we have a coach who in 3-1/4 seasons hasn't show much. You can't win every game, but if you lose to the likes of NDSU, USD, FIA and beat none of your rivals then people are going to doubt you. Honestly, I hope Brew and Crew prove us all wrong. But if we're 5-7 and he's retained, it's just Wacker and Salem all over. Why throw 2011 away?

Because I'm down on Brew. If they go out there, play well and show us they're not a bunch of stiffs (coaches and players alike), then great. But the fact of the matter is, we have a coach who in 3-1/4 seasons hasn't show much. You can't win every game, but if you lose to the likes of NDSU, USD, FIA and beat none of your rivals then people are going to doubt you. Honestly, I hope Brew and Crew prove us all wrong. But if we're 5-7 and he's retained, it's just Wacker and Salem all over. Why throw 2011 away?

As someone said in another quote, 5-7 is the record you don't want to have if you think this season will be the bellwether for Brewster's future at Minnesota. At 4-6, he's most likely gone, and at 6-6 he most likely stays. It's that sticky 5-7 record that will give Maturi fits (especially if Brew beats a rival).

A Pass Play On First Down...

Fat chance. That would be counter to Brewster's motto for this year..."Pound the rock." Just wait till next year when his new motto will be "Balance." (Assuming he is still around next year.)

1) Win
2) Gray at QB
Was for 1 snap (hand-off), Fail
3) better tackling
4) no big plays against
5) RB to make a long run to the house
Called back for penalty, Fail
6) pressure on QB and some sacks
No pressure, no sacks, Fail
7) WR's stepping it up a notch

Gray was solid, Lair and McKnight as well, Push
1 of 7

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