Welcome to the future!

I love the mobile access! Posting from my phone now.

Now, I'll never get any work done...

Go button

Am I missing it, or is there no longer a "go" button to return you to the list of threads? the "Go Advanced" takes me to a fancy reply menu.

Am I missing it, or is there no longer a "go" button to return you to the list of threads? the "Go Advanced" takes me to a fancy reply menu.

I think i found the answer to this. scroll down in a thread to Quick Navigation, where you see Quick Navigation and top. click on Quick Navigation and it will bring up a list call site area and forums. scroll down to where it said forums and you will get the rest.

Am I missing it, or is there no longer a "go" button to return you to the list of threads? the "Go Advanced" takes me to a fancy reply menu.

I've always just used the "Forum > Minnesota Gopher sports > 6 National Titles Football Forum > Welcome to the future!' links at the top of the page myself.

Excuse me. I misplaced my flux capacitor. Can someone find it and re-wire it for me? Thank you.

It was better two generations ago! And it keeps getting worse.

Take it back to the year 2000 please.

I think we should go back to the old Oregon Trail days. I hated it when I died of cholera though.


Looks good, I like seeing GH get a fresh coat of paint, so to speak.

I think i found the answer to this. scroll down in a thread to Quick Navigation, where you see Quick Navigation and top. click on Quick Navigation and it will bring up a list call site area and forums. scroll down to where it said forums and you will get the rest.

Thanks Gophersfan. An extra click or two - but what the heck, its progress... And I like the new look

Check this out guys, looks like Minnesota football had Nebraska's number.....


Is it possible to make the avatar size limit at least 100x100 pixels instead of 80x80? C'mon now it's 2011 and we live in AMERICA give us our freedom.

Is it possible to make the avatar size limit at least 100x100 pixels instead of 80x80? C'mon now it's 2011 and we live in AMERICA give us our freedom.

Ha! This would be the only change I'd ask for outside of MAYBE darkening up the maroon (make it more maroon than brown). To be honest, though.. I like this color over the old one far better.

Nice layout and engine, but even more ads and clutter than before? No thanks.

looks great! but there is still that unsightly 'donate to gopherhole' link on the right hand side. you'd think the in-thread ads would have taken care of the revenue problems.

Yeah I really don't have a problem with ads, especially on a free site but when they start showing up in threads that's when adblock gets turned on.

Is it possible to make the avatar size limit at least 100x100 pixels instead of 80x80? C'mon now it's 2011 and we live in AMERICA give us our freedom.

We have increased the avatar size limit. Thanks for the suggestion.

The background is maroon until the page loads in its entirety. Only then does the message background get set to white. That means when loading is slow, it's awfully hard to read the messages, as they are black on maroon.

The background is maroon until the page loads in its entirety. Only then does the message background get set to white. That means when loading is slow, it's awfully hard to read the messages, as they are black on maroon.

Ditto - pages actually loading slower for me with the new format.

Please note that we have turned off the in-thread ad for any user that has registered and has been accepted to the GopherHole community of posters. If you were to sign out, you will see the in-thread ads, but if you are signed in you will no longer see the in-thread ads.

Thanks, GopherHole Staff

I wouldn't mind the slow loading, but the black text on maroon until the page finishes loading is a pain. It's like it is laying down a maroon background, and only laying down the white after everything else has loaded. I've seen a number of web sites where the text doesn't even load until after the ads have loaded. I understand why they do it, it's to keep people from just reading what they want and moving on before ads have loaded.

We have increased the avatar size limit. Thanks for the suggestion.

Please note that we have turned off the in-thread ad for any user that has registered and has been accepted to the GopherHole community of posters. If you were to sign out, you will see the in-thread ads, but if you are signed in you will no longer see the in-thread ads.

Thanks, GopherHole Staff

Awesome!!! Thanks for the considerations/changes!!

So am I the only one getting a chuckle out of some of the ads that pop up in people's posts?

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