WCCO: 4 Things Claeys, Gophers Need To Accomplish (Claeys Needs A Program Promoter)


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per Jeff:

The Gophers won eight games and are headed to another bowl, but excitement for the program is at its lowest point in several years. Here are four things Claeys and the Gophers need to accomplish if goal is to take the program from eight wins to the next level.

Zero Buzz Around The Football Program
Gophers 0-4 in Trophy Games
Quarterback Play… Enough Said
Tracy Claeys Needs A Program Promoter


Go Gophers!!

Not sure putting a lot of effort into "program promotor" really is that useful until they get some more notable Ws.

Getting a graduate transfer as QB could go a long ways into making this happen.

per Jeff:

The Gophers won eight games and are headed to another bowl, but excitement for the program is at its lowest point in several years. Here are four things Claeys and the Gophers need to accomplish if goal is to take the program from eight wins to the next level.

Zero Buzz Around The Football Program
Gophers 0-4 in Trophy Games
Quarterback Play… Enough Said
Tracy Claeys Needs A Program Promoter


Go Gophers!!

Coach Claeys and the Boosters, need a program promoter, bring in an actual Star Quarterback that will get people excited about the program. Graduate transfers that are good, seem to be game changers these days.

One simple adjustment that should be made is to break up the media contact a bit. Claeys has his weekly press conference on Tuesday at 11am and then his weekly radio show at 12noon. It's all the same questions and answers. He should move his radio show to another day like Thursday. Kill had a post game on Saturday, Sid on Sunday, Press on Tuesday, and Radio show on Thursday.

Wanna be a Head Coach of a P5 program...you gotta be able to work the media, the boosters and the recruits. Part of the job description.

Coach Claeys and the Boosters, need a program promoter, bring in an actual Star Quarterback that will get people excited about the program. Graduate transfers that are good, seem to be game changers these days.

Wow- how astute. I'm sure they never thought about that possibility- which I admit is odd since there is a virtual plethora of them begging to come here.

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Wanna be a Head Coach of a P5 program...you gotta be able to work the media, the boosters and the recruits. Part of the job description.

Yup. That will be the reason he fails. Very good X and O's coach, but that is probably the least important aspect of being a CFB HC.

Damn straight he needs a program promoter. It's called an axe, pig and jug along with a broken chair.

Damn straight he needs a program promoter. It's called an axe, pig and jug along with a broken chair.

That's how Claeys will do it. He's not a talker, he's not flashy, results will have to be the promoter for his team I think.

We have 3 trophy games. Penn State does not count.

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yup. That will be the reason he fails. Very good X and O's coach, but that is probably the least important aspect of being a CFB HC.

Agree with you and GopherinPhilly. You've got to pound the drum in this market for your share of attention from media and fans. Claeys seems oblivious to shrinking fan base despite a good run the last few years. It's not just about winning, you must take a fan base with you as that is so critical to the success of any program, for many reasons. The thought of hiring a "program promoter" is ridiculous.

Claeys would have trouble promoting free beer in a titty bar next to a Marine barracks.

The U should have hired Kill as a program promoter.

The U should have hired Kill as a program promoter.

I was thinking the same thing. Why did it not work out between him and Kaler?

Kill - Indefatigable ambassador and promoter. After all, he was part of the push to get the athletic village program moving forward.

I was thinking the same thing. Why did it not work out between him and Kaler?

Kill - Indefatigable ambassador and promoter. After all, he was part of the push to get the athletic village program moving forward.

I truly believe that if Claeys wanted this, and I am not suggesting he doesn't, it could happen. It was a short term contract that was signed with KSU and if Kill really isn't able to coach again then why not make a part of this program. If not Kill I think Holtz owes it to us.

I was thinking the same thing. Why did it not work out between him and Kaler?

Kill - Indefatigable ambassador and promoter. After all, he was part of the push to get the athletic village program moving forward.

Could be that Kill doesn't want this kind of role.

I think that may be the case that Kill wanted more than Kaler was willing to allow Kill to do. Kaler must have said no to Kill handling any stress inducing job.

Things may change now that Kill is in the best of health since stepping down from coaching. Who knows.

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