Washington Post: For Rick and Richard Pitino, the NCAA tournament is family business


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Nov 11, 2008
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per the Washington Post:

When a young man veers from sanity and strays into the same profession in which his father has roared into the Hall of Fame, even strangers might feel an impulse. Do not do this, kid. Do something else, anything else. Study the cello. Something.

On the phone, Richard Pitino sounds not like some daredevil, but like an observant, measured and sane 34-year-old human. When he tells of typical nights at home finishing dinner and then going to the television to study basketball, it doesn’t exactly sound like Rio de Janeiro at the Pitino house in Minnesota. When he says, “There always seems to be a notepad right by my side,” even an accountant might swoon.

When he says he knows not-too-high, not-too-low is a cliché, but that he aims to live by that cliché, well, what better tack for riding the tumult from 8-23 in his third Minnesota season to 23-8 in his fourth?

If it takes some pluck to haul a surname into a field where that surname always will be heavy, then there’s pluck in the Big Ten coach of the year who will pilot the Minnesota sideline Friday in the Big Ten tournament at Verizon Center. The third son among Rick and Joanne Pitino’s six children opted for coaching even though, as Rick Pitino said Monday by telephone, “I tried to discourage all my kids” from it. Richard Pitino did so even though, asked how much his parents worried about the choice, he said, “Oh, very much so. They didn’t want me to be a coach.”


Go Gophers!!

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