Thoughts on Devron Bostic and 08-09 Gophs


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Nov 20, 2008
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Watching last night's game 12 minutes or so into the game I looked at the Gopher bench and there sat Bostic and Carter, currently our #11 and #12 options off the bench. I thought to myself -"never before in Gopher history have we had two players of this level of athletic ability sitting that far down the bench". In fact, these may be our two best natural athletes. When I say never- this goes back through the Musselman years and includes even the Final Four squad.

This has created both a problem and a blessing for Tubby. The problem is how to split the playing time amongst so many relatively evenly talented players. The blessing is that he is afforded the opportunity to force players to play the Tubby way by the use of playing time. That was not an option during the Hump year or for many, many past Gopher squads. This has a huge effect on creating a better team and forcing players to play better and harder.

Bostic is the player of most interest to me. Here's a guy that has a pure stroke, huge hops, good footspeed and is a very, very good passer. His defense is coming around. This summer, if you had said he'd be 12th off the bench I'd thought you were nuts. I was among those fooled into thinking he'd be our best player and number one scoring option. I still think he could increase our upside potential if he is able to earn more and more playing time. To do so he will have to become better and better on the defensive end and score points on the Tubby "deflection" chart.

At any rate this team has a chance to be very, very good - even this year. Next year: no limit to how good these guys could be. Hats off to Tubby for putting this thing together.

I am hoping either Bostick or PC start getting JAS's minutes ASAP.

The Bostic watch...

is the most intriguing for me as well. He has given no indications of frustration. His body language and on court demeanor have been solid. last night after the game he was interviewed ('CCO) and he voiced all the right answers. He seems to truly understand that that it's up to him to improve to get more meaningful minutes. I hope he is makes the improvements and is rewarded with a shot to make some B10 contributions.

In a related note, I see Anthony Crater (freshman point guard...played every game so far) has decided to transfer from tOSU. Unhappy players often bug out after the first semester.

I too have watched Bostic demeanor

and have been impressed. While on the bench he seems to be an active cheerleader and doesn't pout on the court coming out of games. He seems to be very positive.

Definitely good problems to have

I'm not really worried about this. It's cliche', but it's true, these things have a way of working themselves out. Whether it's injuries or some players stepping it up and some not, the minutes will have a way of finding who earns them.

One thing that gets overlooked is what effect our depth has on PRACTICE. These guys truly ARE getting better every day by going up against tough competition in practice every day. For the first time in decades, the Gophers have the depth to have practices like they have now. For most of the Monson regime, albeit largely due to sanctions and scholarship restrictions, the starters were usually practicing against mostly walk-ons. Not exactly the best way to enhance the talent of your starters.

As the season goes on, most of these guys will improve every day and every week and as my old college coach used to say, the cream will rise to the top.

Great topic bga1

It seems to me that Bostick does not have the speed, foot speed. I have watched him specifically, and he lags in getting back on D which could be another topic.

Perhaps it is simply getting acclimated, perhaps I was anticipating too much.

I thought he would integrate much faster.

Another way - I thought he would have much more if an impact.


Interesting you mention that. The guy I was sitting with last night said the exact same thing. Because of the lack of playing time, he's kind of been watching Bostick for any body language issues and he said he's seen none whatsoever.

Contrary to what he observed from a couple former Gopher players/coaches -- Mo Hargrow (never quite seemed happy) and "Helluva Golfer" Walker (the day after he didn't get the interim coach tag & was rightfully canned by Molinari) -- Bostick by all appearances seems to be putting the team first. Ditto for Payton. I thought the crowd noticably showed its appreciation for KP last night, as they should.

The thing I love is that all the guys seem really into the game, even when not playing. Bostick, Payton, Carter, Williams and JAS are all really into the game and clapping and high fiving guys when they come off. All of those guys probably expect/want to be playing either some or more than they are yet they're all seemingly team first which is great. Bostick especially impresses me as most JUCO transfers want to play soon and a lot since their time is short

Last night's game was the first time that I saw Bostick look comfortable on the court. What I saw last night versus other games was a kid that is playing more fluid by letting the game come to him - he just played with more confidence. It would be nice to see him continue to play like that with no significant drop-off from Nolen, Westbrook and Hoff.

The Gophers have to lead the nation in bench scoring this year. There will be plenty of Big Ten games we will be win because of our depth.

I was saying the last six months that Bostick would be our leading scorer. Carter was an unknown but once the season drew near he was in the starting line-up and looked like he might be the biggest impact player of this class. The only question was if the freshmen would be able to help immediately.
Looks like everything is the total opposite now.

If Tubby keeps playing RSIII and Colt 45 at the same time this may give Carter more pt at the 4 spot.

This team is going to be fun to watch.

Glad to see Bostick show up too. His defensive play will make or break the rest of his season. He seems to relax too much on D. Other players are swinging their arms about and jumping into opponents shorts. Bostick plays off with his hands by his side.

Bostick is very interesting though because he seems like he's holding back. He's not currently running around in a frenzy like the rest of the team. He's a bit of a spot-up shooter when he should be slashing more. Once he gains enough confidence, he should make a large stride forward.

I'm not sure PC is built for the 4 spot in the Big Ten; if we are playing against a smaller lineup I'd love to see him in there. Damian as well.

I thought Bostick and Carter seemed to be forcing shots last night. Their shots looked nice but they didn't seem like gamechangers to me. I'm fine with Bostick sitting at this point. I don't see where all of the "athlete" talk comes in...he looked like one of the more unathletic players on the court last night.

Thoughts on Bostick

Bostick will have big nights for the Gophers before he graduates. He has a very smooth stroke and good range. Like many JC players they come out of school and have to adapt to a new system of basketball. Bostick will gain minutes and score like we thought he would. I have heard Tubby mention Bostick's name a couple of times during interviews, saying Bostick will be earning more playing time.

After the game, Bostick could also be seen signing autographs for all the kids until all the kids were happy. By the looks on Bostick and the kids faces, Bostick made many new fans tonight. Hoff and Sampson signed also.......

What happened to Bostick's Brother? It would be interesting to hear their take on the team and playing time.

What happened to Bostick's Brother? It would be interesting to hear their take on the team and playing time.

This is just my speculation, but...

Tubby imposes a "no media" rule on new players until the big ten season starts. I'm sure bostick talks to his bro, and it would make sense for his bro to keep everything to himself lest he get Devron in trouble for passing on info throught the "internet media."

LIke you, I'd really like to hear BB's thoughts, but also understand if he feels a need to be circumspect.

cream rises to the top

That's been my experience as a player and as a coach as well. I coach multiple sports and each year one of the boys will have all kinds of raw talent but will lack intensity, aggressiveness, tactical ability, something. But the lightbulb somehow goes on (I wish I could take credit for it but then I'd have to take credit for all the times it doesn't happen) and all of a sudden you have a blue chip and the team jumps another level. it wouldn't surprise me to see that happen to Carter or Bostick especially with such a great coach like Tubby.

That's been my experience as a player and as a coach as well. I coach multiple sports and each year one of the boys will have all kinds of raw talent but will lack intensity, aggressiveness, tactical ability, something. But the lightbulb somehow goes on (I wish I could take credit for it but then I'd have to take credit for all the times it doesn't happen) and all of a sudden you have a blue chip and the team jumps another level. it wouldn't surprise me to see that happen to Carter or Bostick especially with such a great coach like Tubby.

Very true in my coaching experience too.

I remember when the light bulb went on for me. I went from being clueless with hardly any talent to completely understanding that I had hardly any talent. :D

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