This is a scary game for Wisconsin


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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I was thinking about this today. Think about this game from their point of view. They have more or less owned the west since its inception. Sure Iowa and Northwestern have a year now and then, but its been pretty much all Wisconsin the rest of the time. And here comes Minnesota, who with a win can not only win the west but also establish a winning streak against the Badgers. The start of a tradition of winning and competing even up with the Badgers. I think this game is more important for their program to win than ours.

From our perspective, it feels like we're coming either way. And if it isn't this year, then it will be next. That we expect these years to continue. And that won't change whether we win or not this week. All that said, kick their butts. Go Gophs...

It’s also scary for them because they have to come here, and play in a hostile environment, They don’t play nearly as well on the road. The home field advantage for the PSU game was enormous.

More important for them?

They have 3 or 4 west titles.

they got blasted 52-0 in indy a few years back.

If it's so big for wisco, why did they return 600+ tickets?

I would think most of the Big Ten would prefer we win just so OSU has a new matchup.

No sense watching WI vs OSU again since they recently played and it wasn't close.

MN vs OSU would be far better for TV (and for Big Ten CFP hopes). Therefore I expect the refs will make sure we win.

It will be nice to be on the side of the refs for once!

I would think most of the Big Ten would prefer we win just so OSU has a new matchup.

No sense watching WI vs OSU again since they recently played and it wasn't close.

MN vs OSU would be far better for TV (and for Big Ten CFP hopes). Therefore I expect the refs will make sure we win.

It will be nice to be on the side of the refs for once!
They do owe us. And I must agree, it seems like a lot better of an idea to me too.

I don't know that it's more important to them, but I do agree it should be scary. Minnesota has a record breaking passing game, and Wisc has only played one legit offense this year in OSU (who put 38 on them in a driving rain). Wisc is putting the ball on the ground an awful lot. Both their losses have been on the road. Minnesota just beat a top 10 team at home a few weeks ago. Should be a tough game, but plenty of reasons to worry if you're a Wisconsin fan.

I completely agree. If we win, especially if it’s in convincing fashion, it will signal that there is a new Alpha in the conference. The hand-wringing in Madison will reach agonizing levels. Not to mention they lose JT and still have a less than average passing game.

It's just as scary for us. It's in our building, the crowd will be nuts, and we can't ask for a better chance. With everything going our way this year, it would be such a letdown if we can't finish off the job.

Going to be a really long week waiting for Saturday. Call them "band wagon fans" if you like, but saw five different people wearing Gopher gear in church this morning. They were all older but win Saturday, and I'll start seeing kids in Gopher gear. Happened both years Gopher men and Gopher women got to the Final Four in BB. Lots of pride in the U; give people a reason to show it and they will.

What better Big Ten drama can you get? College Game Day in Town when it is snowy and blowing. Weather may be the X Factor.

A Gopher win will signal a new era.

I could see Wisconsin fans not wanting to touch this game (explaining the 600 returned tickets). reason being that they don’t want to be here in person to see their championship chances crushed, and they know the chances of seeing that are good. They also don’t want to be here to see us keep the axe. we went to Iowa, and to see us lose, see them storm the field, and see our undefeated season be broken was painful. I’d understand why their fans wouldn’t want to hit the road to potentially see a sad loss in a rivalry game, with this much on the line, in the cold. I bet a lot of them stay in Wisconsin and watch from their tv, so that if things go bad for the Badgers, they can cry in the comfort of their own homes.

Going to be a really long week waiting for Saturday. Call them "band wagon fans" if you like, but saw five different people wearing Gopher gear in church this morning. They were all older but win Saturday, and I'll start seeing kids in Gopher gear. Happened both years Gopher men and Gopher women got to the Final Four in BB. Lots of pride in the U; give people a reason to show it and they will.

It is an interesting phenomena.

I went to a watering hole on Como Ave with a buddy and my son to view the Iowa game... We arrived an hour prior to game time and there was not a seat to be had.

This weekend, we went to an Anoka County Bar and Grill, not known for any Gopher viewing allegiance. We got there in plenty of time for a good seat, but by game time the joint was full, and Every TV (30?) had our game on, and the sound was up.

Contrast to the 2016 Holiday Bowl where we viewed the game at a popular NE Minneapolis bar.... All of the TVs except one had the Wild game on.... When Kunle Ayinde picked off the late 4th quarter pass to seal the game, we were yelling like crazy, and the 150 others in the place were looking at us like we had rectums on our foreheads.

Interesting perspective. To me, this game is much more important for Minnesota than it is for Wisconsin. Their program is established, they already have the top recruit in Minnesota in the 2021 class signed up to play for them. There is nothing about Wisconsin that suggest they won't continue to be Wisconsin regardless of whether or not they win this game.

The Gophers could find themselves in the terrible position of losing their undefeated season to f'ing Iowa and losing the West to f'ing Wisconsin. There is no "next year" guarantee for a program that has still yet to have "a year". It could be that the Gophers are on the rise and will win the West in the next year or two. It could also be that they look back at this year as the chance to get over the hump and what a missed opportunity it was to blow that undefeated season and then the division.

I email back and forth with a friend of mine on here about the opportunities both the Gopher football and basketball teams have had to get over the hump and become relevant again under various coaches. Time and time again they've failed, oftentimes in heartbreaking fashion. What's happened after the failure has usually been an inability to re-establish any momentum with the program. That's not to say that would be the case with a loss on Saturday, but you have to acknowledge that possibility.

Saturday is Minnesota's chance to change a lot of narratives about their program and alleviate a lot of the pain from a long suffering fan base that wants to believe but is afraid to get hurt again. Wisconsin will still be the team to beat in the West next year regardless of the outcome of Saturday's game.

Interesting perspective. To me, this game is much more important for Minnesota than it is for Wisconsin. Their program is established, they already have the top recruit in Minnesota in the 2021 class signed up to play for them. There is nothing about Wisconsin that suggest they won't continue to be Wisconsin regardless of whether or not they win this game.

The Gophers could find themselves in the terrible position of losing their undefeated season to f'ing Iowa and losing the West to f'ing Wisconsin. There is no "next year" guarantee for a program that has still yet to have "a year". It could be that the Gophers are on the rise and will win the West in the next year or two. It could also be that they look back at this year as the chance to get over the hump and what a missed opportunity it was to blow that undefeated season and then the division.

I email back and forth with a friend of mine on here about the opportunities both the Gopher football and basketball teams have had to get over the hump and become relevant again under various coaches. Time and time again they've failed, oftentimes in heartbreaking fashion. What's happened after the failure has usually been an inability to re-establish any momentum with the program. That's not to say that would be the case with a loss on Saturday, but you have to acknowledge that possibility.

Saturday is Minnesota's chance to change a lot of narratives about their program and alleviate a lot of the pain from a long suffering fan base that wants to believe but is afraid to get hurt again. Wisconsin will still be the team to beat in the West next year regardless of the outcome of Saturday's game.
You are spot on.


They won what? They won 15 in a row to take a lead in the series just for us to tie it back up last year.

I say we retake the lead this year and start a trend to get us back to our old lead someday!

Go Gophers!


They won what? They won 15 in a row to take a lead in the series just for us to tie it back up last year.

I say we retake the lead this year and start a trend to get us back to our old lead someday!

Go Gophers!

They actually had to win 23 of 25 just to take a 1 game lead, which disappeared last year.

Interesting perspective. To me, this game is much more important for Minnesota than it is for Wisconsin. Their program is established, they already have the top recruit in Minnesota in the 2021 class signed up to play for them. There is nothing about Wisconsin that suggest they won't continue to be Wisconsin regardless of whether or not they win this game.

The Gophers could find themselves in the terrible position of losing their undefeated season to f'ing Iowa and losing the West to f'ing Wisconsin. There is no "next year" guarantee for a program that has still yet to have "a year". It could be that the Gophers are on the rise and will win the West in the next year or two. It could also be that they look back at this year as the chance to get over the hump and what a missed opportunity it was to blow that undefeated season and then the division.

I email back and forth with a friend of mine on here about the opportunities both the Gopher football and basketball teams have had to get over the hump and become relevant again under various coaches. Time and time again they've failed, oftentimes in heartbreaking fashion. What's happened after the failure has usually been an inability to re-establish any momentum with the program. That's not to say that would be the case with a loss on Saturday, but you have to acknowledge that possibility.

Saturday is Minnesota's chance to change a lot of narratives about their program and alleviate a lot of the pain from a long suffering fan base that wants to believe but is afraid to get hurt again. Wisconsin will still be the team to beat in the West next year regardless of the outcome of Saturday's game.

Why is it MN fans do that thing you just did of moving the goal post from one game to the next, to the next, to the next until they eventually get to FAILURE? At the start of this season a ten game winning regular season would have been called a clear, convincing total win for our program. Before the Penn State game that game was seen as "THE" game of the new century. Now, if we lose to the Badgers it is all for naught? Somehow short? Really? Losing the Badger game AND losing our bowl game will seem like a lame ending to the season, but if we win our bowl game this year I will be very satisfied with this season for sure. 11-2, excellent. For now, BEAT THE BADGERS!!!

Interesting perspective. To me, this game is much more important for Minnesota than it is for Wisconsin. Their program is established, they already have the top recruit in Minnesota in the 2021 class signed up to play for them. There is nothing about Wisconsin that suggest they won't continue to be Wisconsin regardless of whether or not they win this game.

The Gophers could find themselves in the terrible position of losing their undefeated season to f'ing Iowa and losing the West to f'ing Wisconsin. There is no "next year" guarantee for a program that has still yet to have "a year". It could be that the Gophers are on the rise and will win the West in the next year or two. It could also be that they look back at this year as the chance to get over the hump and what a missed opportunity it was to blow that undefeated season and then the division.

I email back and forth with a friend of mine on here about the opportunities both the Gopher football and basketball teams have had to get over the hump and become relevant again under various coaches. Time and time again they've failed, oftentimes in heartbreaking fashion. What's happened after the failure has usually been an inability to re-establish any momentum with the program. That's not to say that would be the case with a loss on Saturday, but you have to acknowledge that possibility.

Saturday is Minnesota's chance to change a lot of narratives about their program and alleviate a lot of the pain from a long suffering fan base that wants to believe but is afraid to get hurt again. Wisconsin will still be the team to beat in the West next year regardless of the outcome of Saturday's game.
You are somewhat making my point in that this game is more important for Wisconsin. (Not to take away that it is very important to both teams.) If the Gophers lose, it’s same-old-same-old. Nothing to see here. If they win, it truly signifies change. There’s a new sherif in town. And his name is, Goldy Gopher.

This road game is not a big deal for them. They have smoked us since our new place was built. 20-7 was the closest game at the bank. They are confident here but will see a different crowd and atmosphere this time. There are Minnesota season ticket holders out there selling their tickets to Wisconsin fans who are willing to pay big bucks. The weather will scare some of our fans and they are selling to Wisconsin fans who want to see them win the west. Disgusting.
The winning team will need to be perfect.

Why is it MN fans do that thing you just did of moving the goal post from one game to the next, to the next, to the next until they eventually get to FAILURE? At the start of this season a ten game winning regular season would have been called a clear, convincing total win for our program. Before the Penn State game that game was seen as "THE" game of the new century. Now, if we lose to the Badgers it is all for naught? Somehow short? Really? Losing the Badger game AND losing our bowl game will seem like a lame ending to the season, but if we win our bowl game this year I will be very satisfied with this season for sure. 11-2, excellent. For now, BEAT THE BADGERS!!!

Couldn't agree more. In one of the threads someone posted something to the effect that if we end up in the Orange Bowl it would be a massive disappointment. Let that sink in for a second.

If we lose to Wisconsin on Saturday it will be disappointing.....but there is no way this season can't be viewed as a massive success no matter what happens against the Badgers. There are of course fans that can do it but you have to look really hard to find reasons to be negative about Gopher football right now and the trajectory the program appears to be on.

This road game is not a big deal for them. They have smoked us since our new place was built. 20-7 was the closest game at the bank. They are confident here but will see a different crowd and atmosphere this time. There are Minnesota season ticket holders out there selling their tickets to Wisconsin fans who are willing to pay big bucks. The weather will scare some of our fans and they are selling to Wisconsin fans who want to see them win the west. Disgusting.
The winning team will need to be perfect.

When TCF was built the latest possible home game was going to be November 20th or sooner. Now we are playing on the last day of November, which, in MN makes a difference. When I was in my mid 50's I could still face the cold with "I can gut out anything". My wife and I will be at the game Saturday come what may. However, do not underestimate how hard the cold can be on old people no matter how they dress. They just do not have the ability to keep their extremites non frozen. Plus, there is the money. Some folks may need the money in order to go to the bowl game, etc. You have not walked a mile in their shoes, neither have I. Just my old person point of view.

This is a huge game for both teams but life will go on for whoever loses it. I am sure some bandwagon fans will jump off if we lose, but the majority should be excited for next year and the future of this program and that's after we go to a very good bowl game, too. I believe some think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I would rather think we are laying the foundation for something much bigger in years to come. Win or lose, we aren't going away - in fact with improved recruiting and a lot of returning players especially on offense, we should be very successful next year and beyond!

Due to the thread title alone that psych case from Buckyville will be transcribing this entire thread over there.

I’m sure there is genuine concern in Madison masked by some false bravado. Two losses in a row to the hated Gophers particularly in convincing fashion would be a bitter pill.

I’m expecting a very tough game. Neither team will fall off the map with a loss but the fan worldviews will certainly shift a little to a lot.

This is a huge game for both teams but life will go on for whoever loses it. I am sure some bandwagon fans will jump off if we lose, but the majority should be excited for next year and the future of this program and that's after we go to a very good bowl game, too. I believe some think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, but I would rather think we are laying the foundation for something much bigger in years to come. Win or lose, we aren't going away - in fact with improved recruiting and a lot of returning players especially on offense, we should be very successful next year and beyond!

Lots of reason to believe the offense will be even better next year. TJ, Smith, and Books are all tough loses but it would appear we have skill guys ready to step in to those roles. Whole O-Line back and Morgan with another off season....offense could be scary good next year.

When TCF was built the latest possible home game was going to be November 20th or sooner. Now we are playing on the last day of November, which, in MN makes a difference. When I was in my mid 50's I could still face the cold with "I can gut out anything". My wife and I will be at the game Saturday come what may. However, do not underestimate how hard the cold can be on old people no matter how they dress. They just do not have the ability to keep their extremites non frozen. Plus, there is the money. Some folks may need the money in order to go to the bowl game, etc. You have not walked a mile in their shoes, neither have I. Just my old person point of view.

Not underestimating. My 80+ year parents come and the weather is tough on some, I get it. The folks I know who sold their seats are as hardy as anyone, dont need the money either. I get what your saying. The temp will be well above the suffering line however.

I am trying to sell my seats and I don't care if a Badgers or Gophers fan wants them. Thanks to the ridiculous single game prices, the resell prices are ridiculous. You rarely see only 700 tickets available on Stub Hub 5 days before the game.

Scary game for Wisconsin? What is scary is reversing/excorcising the dominance of Wisconsin. The end of a one-sided era?

Wisconsin has never lost at TCF Bank Stadium, and simply dominated the Gophers. IMHO, there will come a time where it will be difficult to win at TCF Bank Stadium.

Minnesota is (60-60-8) against Wisconsin

Average score: Minnesota 17.2 - Wisconsin 17.2

Per decade

2010's 1 8 0 17.2 31.4
2000's 2 8 0 28.4 38.6
1990's 3 7 0 18.8 23.8
1980's 5 5 0 16.9 23.8
1970's 5 5 0 18.5 25.8
1960's 6 4 0 20.4 11.1
1950's 1 6 3 10.7 18.4
1940's 8 2 0 19.1 11.0
1930's 8 2 0 18.1 5.6
1920's 4 3 3 6.7 10.0
1910's 7 2 1 17.5 4.6
1900's 5 3 1 13.9 7.4
1890's 5 5 0 17.5 12.5
All games

2018/11/24 Minnesota 37 - Wisconsin 15 W At Camp Randall
2017/11/25 Minnesota 00 - Wisconsin 31 L At TCF Bank Stadium
2016/11/26 Minnesota 17 - Wisconsin 31 L
2015/11/28 Minnesota 21 - Wisconsin 31 L
2014/11/29 Minnesota 24 - Wisconsin 34 L
2013/11/23 Minnesota 07 - Wisconsin 20 L
2012/10/20 Minnesota 13 - Wisconsin 38 L
2011/11/12 Minnesota 13 - Wisconsin 42 L
2010/10/09 Minnesota 23 - Wisconsin 41 L
2009/10/03 Minnesota 28 - Wisconsin 31 L At The Metrodome
2008/11/15 Minnesota 32 - Wisconsin 35 L
2007/11/17 Minnesota 34 - Wisconsin 41 L
2006/10/14 Minnesota 12 - Wisconsin 48 L
2005/10/15 Minnesota 34 - Wisconsin 38 L
2004/11/06 Minnesota 14 - Wisconsin 38 L
2003/11/08 Minnesota 37 - Wisconsin 34 W
2002/11/23 Minnesota 31 - Wisconsin 49 L
2001/11/24 Minnesota 42 - Wisconsin 31 W


Why is it MN fans do that thing you just did of moving the goal post from one game to the next, to the next, to the next until they eventually get to FAILURE? At the start of this season a ten game winning regular season would have been called a clear, convincing total win for our program. Before the Penn State game that game was seen as "THE" game of the new century. Now, if we lose to the Badgers it is all for naught? Somehow short? Really? Losing the Badger game AND losing our bowl game will seem like a lame ending to the season, but if we win our bowl game this year I will be very satisfied with this season for sure. 11-2, excellent. For now, BEAT THE BADGERS!!!

It's in our Minnesota blood.

Why do you think Keillor named his fictional town Lake Wobegon (as in 'woe be gone')?

We Minnesotans have historically been quite the bunch of sad-sack, negative, look-for-the dark-side, waiting for the other shoe to drop, ultra-depressives who can't enjoy ourselves unless practically forced to.

Check it out; there are very nice, extremely well-intentioned people on this very site who seem to live in mortal fear that someone else might get 'too excited' about this football team, because they'll then be certain to end up disappointed. I am not exaggerating; it's literally true.

It's in our Minnesota blood.

Why do you think Keillor named his fictional town Lake Wobegon (as in 'woe be gone')?

We Minnesotans have historically been quite the bunch of sad-sack, negative, look-for-the dark-side, waiting for the other shoe to drop, ultra-depressives who can't enjoy ourselves unless practically forced to.

Check it out; there are very nice, extremely well-intentioned people on this very site who seem to live in mortal fear that someone else might get 'too excited' about this football team, because they'll then be certain to end up disappointed. I am not exaggerating; it's literally true.

Nordic types do come from the dark cold. Just saying. My father was pure Swede and I did not see him happy more than a couple times in 84 years.

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