These 10 unique college football moments also deserve their own bobbleheads

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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9. Minnesota assistant eating a Dilly Bar in the snow. Everybody loves bobbleheads. Many people love snow globes. What if we combined the two?
The perfect opportunity for this technological breakthrough -- that would surely change the world for the better -- would be Minnesota assistant Dan Lehman eating a Dilly Bar on the sidelines in a game against Ohio State. Lehman was caught on camera talking to a Gophers player on the sideline while partaking in the pleasures of the great Dilly Bar. That in itself isn't too strange, but the fact that it was snowing and 15 degrees makes the choice of ice cream a bit questionable.
But we have to respect a man who knows what he wants, when he wants it, weather be damned.
So I propose we honor Lehman by creating a bobblehead of him eating the Dilly Bar and then placing that inside a snow globe so we can get the full experience.


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