The name of this board should be changed to the GossipHole


Jan 3, 2009
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I can't believe some of the people who post on here.......many if not a majority of the people who post on here have turned this place into a GossipHole with their whining, moaning and rumors. It's getting harder and harder to find anything meaningful or constructive to read. Go start a blog so we don't have to read your trash. If I was a recruit reading this board and believed that those who post here are real fans and "support" this program there is no way I would attend the University of MN. Many of you are as bad as the two reporters you criticize and can't stand...Souhan and Reusse. And I can't believe the one who professes to be a journalist-Doogie-actually posts on here....his, what I consider to be, immature posts don't really help his credibility.

Rumor has it Paris Hilton and Zac Effron are cancelling their season tickets because of Goldy stiff arming those kids at the Metrodome. Maturi was going to fire Goldy but Bruininks told him he couldn't after Britney Spears threatened him.

Rumor has it Paris Hilton and Zac Effron are cancelling their season tickets because of Goldy stiff arming those kids at the Metrodome. Maturi was going to fire Goldy but Bruininks told him he couldn't after Britney Spears threatened him.

OMG!! I so hate Paris and Zac.

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