The Good the Bad and the Ugly Week 1


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2011
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Have enjoyed these threads in the past but haven't seen one in a while so will take a whack at starting one.

The Good:
1. Big Ten Football is back. Game didn't go the way we wanted it to but man it was fun to see Gopher Football again.
2. Mo - 26 carries, 140 yards, 2 TD to go with 4 catches for another 17 yards. Mo has looked good when he has been in a feature roll and he continued that last night against what is typically a very good Michigan Run defense.

The Bad:
1. Morgan - Bad is a little harsh but he was not up to his usual standards and missed on some throws we have gotten very used to him making, including missing Mo wide open in the back of the endzone. He also locked in on Bateman a little too much.
2. Pass protection - Michigan has a good D-Line but they got far too much pressure on Morgan.

The Ugly:
1. Kickoffs and Punts - Here's hoping this gets a lot better when the regulars are back because that was just ugly across the board. Bad punts hurt field position and also probably led to us attempting a really risky fake punt which failed. Kickoffs were terrible, especially the one that led to along return and nearly a TD.
2. Defense - The offense and special teams didn't do them any favors but the new Defense struggled to put it lightly. Disappointing to see Michigan break off two 60+ yard runs and outside of the first drive they were never forced to punt again. D will need to grow up quickly and clean a lot of things up moving forward.

Good start. I'd add 1. Lack of depth on both sides of the ball. We are not deep enough to field a competitive team against a good team if key players are out. 2. Team speed is lacking. Yes, many of our defensive break downs were a result of players out of position and their inability to get off blocks but we were also a few steps slow. 3. Coaching. PJF commented in his presser about the fake punt call which many have dissected to death and I always appreciate his owning mistakes. I still don't understand why when we were still within 11 points in the 2nd half why we always run the play clock down to 0 ? We have an experienced QB and need to be running up tempo at times especially with an o-line that is changing . Overall, I am holding hope for 2 W's in the next 2 weeks while we get a few players back and fix some of these problems. Then we get IO. for a chance to get a nice W and Floyd !

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