The Future


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Nov 19, 2008
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Like many of you, I thought this was the year. I was very excited when Tubby Smith was hired. I thought we would become competitive within a relatively short period of time. I was disappointed, however, when, after promising starts, we suffered back to back February collapses in the 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 seasons . I was willing, however, to blame them on injuries, transfers and other conditions plausibly beyond Tubby's control. But after this year's collapse, when we had neither transfers, significant injuries or like problems, it's difficult not to believe that Tubby is at least part of the problem. There is a pattern of our teams playing with energy and confidence at the beginning of the season, and losing both as the season goes on. Normally it's the other way around. Teams are tentative in the beginning and improve as the season goes on.
I'm also concerned about the quality of our 2012 and 2013 recruits. I believe that our immediate future depends on the quality of our 2014 recruiting class. If we could land a couple of the Minnesota 2014 three, I would think we might be in pretty good shape. In light of Tubby's record over the past six years, however, I'm concern whether he will be able land these, or comparable players.
I like Tubby, and I think he has an impressive record, but I wonder if he has lost his passion for the job. I'm older than he is, and in at least in my case. I know that as one ages, one does lose, if not passion, energy.
So what's to be done. Long term, I think the most important thing to do is build a practice facility. Ideally, we would buy out Tubby's contract , and bring in a coach with the ability to land a quality 2014 recruiting class. But given the facts that we are still paying for the buyout of the Monson and Brewster contracts, and the payout for the cancellation of the North Carolina games, we probably don't have the money to do both. True, the Twin Cities are the headquarters of 19 Fortune 500 companies, so it's possible that money to do both could be raised, but if not, my priority would be the practice facility.
Assuming, arguendo, that money could be raised to do both, who might replace Tubby. Would Norwood Teague's relationship with Shaka Smart be a realistic possibility and would he be a good fit. Alternatively, what about Flip Saunders? My perception is that he would take the job. But given the fact that his coaching experience is primarily at the NBA level, would he be able to recruit effectively at the college level.

LOL....another classic buy out Tubby and get Smart or Flip thread!!

LOL....another classic buy out Tubby and get Smart or Flip thread!!

LOL....another classic post about a thread you don't like.

Parski, where the hell have you been? It's been boring with you only around part time.

LOL....another classic post about a thread you don't like.

Parski, where the hell have you been? It's been boring with you only around part time.

Trying to stay out of this bashing\hating\negativity Hoops side of Gopherhole. Just waiting for football to start.

Trying to stay out of this bashing\hating\negativity Hoops side of Gopherhole. Just waiting for football to start.

Curious. Tell me something positive about keeping Tubby around.

Curious. Tell me something positive about keeping Tubby around.

As far as the future goes where would anyone rather be? The place the Minnesota program is at 6 years with Tubby or the place Iowa's program is at 3 years with McCaffery?

"The Future Ain't What It Used to Be" -Yogi Berra.

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