Star Tribune 24 page special section on TCF Bank Stadium in today's paper


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Good stuff in the STrib today - nicely done.

If anyone is out of state, I'm more than happy to send you a copy of it as I was able to get a number of them...just send me a private message with your address and I'll get it out on Tuesday.

Go Gophers!!

This section is very good. There is a lot of information in there that even I, as someone who has followed the stadium very closely, didn't know. This section will be extremely informative to the general public that doesn't know as much about the ins and outs of the stadium. Plus it is pretty positive and will get the general public pretty pumped.

PLEASE go buy a Sunday Star Tribune today if you don't normally get it. We often complain that the Gophers don't get the coverage they deserve in the local press. We are told that's because there isn't a demand for it, or the Vikings sell more papers. Today is a day to show the circulation dept. at the Strib that the Gophers can and DO sell papers. They put a lot of work and money into producing this special section. Let's be sure Gopher fans show their appreciation by buying a print paper today.

The special section is really great. It covers just about every aspect of the stadium from beginning to end in good detail. Excellent read for once from the Strib.

Agreed, I posted a compliment on Kent's blog as I'm pretty sure he had the primary role in putting it together. It's fantastic and I would encourage others to compliment him on it as well. We gripe often enough about him not blogging enough and the like, we should compliment him on a job well done.

Agree, it was very good!

I thought the Star Tribune did a nice job with this. The graphics of the layout of the stadium was nice.

Here's my question: Why has this gotten virtually no chatter on here? Why has there been no talk about this morning's really nice story about three players from the '67 team visiting the stadium.

I understand that it is easy to constantly rip and whine, but this has been some pretty good stuff.

I thought the Star Tribune did a nice job with this. The graphics of the layout of the stadium was nice.

Here's my question: Why has this gotten virtually no chatter on here? Why has there been no talk about this morning's really nice story about three players from the '67 team visiting the stadium.

I understand that it is easy to constantly rip and whine, but this has been some pretty good stuff.

Yeah, we complain a lot about lack of coverage but they've went "above and beyond" on this stuff. I really enjoyed today's article.

I have really liked the coverage the past couple of weeks, it is giving the non-diehard fans information to get them pumped, i.e. my cousin who has never really liked the Gophers, big Texas Fan, has started talking with me almost daily about the stadium, the gophers, and even our basketball team. That is just one example of how Gopher Nation got one more fan, and it started with him reading the Strib...Hopefully there are a lot more +1 Gopher Nation fans out there because of their good coverage the past couple of weeks, thanks strib!

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