Spring is my least favorite sports time. But Good God this Sucks!


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Aug 13, 2014
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COVID 19, you win.

No Masters.

No Kentucky Derby.

No Daytona 500.

No Opening Day Baseball.

No Baseball.

Normally, these are events that mildly blip on my interest. Is Lefty in contention? No. Then I don't need to watch or pay attention. I'm not going to watch Neckcar or a horse race. I'll pay a passing glance of attention to the Twins out of a sick sense of dedication to the state I love but I really do hate baseball. Something about having older brothers who were really good at it and watching like a hundred games a year for every year of my life till I was 14 made me realize it was pretty boring unless there was a pretty girl to make out with under the stands.

But this year, there's nothing.

Oh sure, there's been a few WWE events, but those are fake and I haven't killed enough brain cells to really be interested in that since High School. Boxing and MMA have had a few events I think, but since I don't really know, you can tell how much interest I have in them.

The point is, this period, the period between the end of basketball and hockey and the start of football is what I call the sports wasteland. Where we fill the time seeing who drafts who and who signs who and what kid signs to go to what school and what prognosticator thinks what school is going to win what and just how badly the Wolves are going to suck this season.

This year, I feel like even that has been taken from me. Even the glance at baseball to say, "Wow, The Twins don't suck!" is being taken away from us! Now the only thing to look at ESPN is to get commentary on a documentary about a legendary player who played last when my oldest child was born! And to see that Dennis Rodman did crazy shit and still played basketball! Some of us already knew that.

This year the only stats to see are death totals and infection rates.

Please God, give me some meaningless usage stats and value above average for utility players before its too late.

Agree. The baseball proposal sounds awful. I have seen suggested that the NBA do a ncaa type single elim tourney after finishing their regular season - now that would rock!

I can’t watch anymore replays of games I’ve already seen multiple times.

I have checked out the KBO for some live baseball action. I enjoyed every inning of it.

COVID 19, you win.

No Masters.

No Kentucky Derby.

No Daytona 500.

No Opening Day Baseball.

No Baseball.

Normally, these are events that mildly blip on my interest. Is Lefty in contention? No. Then I don't need to watch or pay attention. I'm not going to watch Neckcar or a horse race. I'll pay a passing glance of attention to the Twins out of a sick sense of dedication to the state I love but I really do hate baseball. Something about having older brothers who were really good at it and watching like a hundred games a year for every year of my life till I was 14 made me realize it was pretty boring unless there was a pretty girl to make out with under the stands.

But this year, there's nothing.

Oh sure, there's been a few WWE events, but those are fake and I haven't killed enough brain cells to really be interested in that since High School. Boxing and MMA have had a few events I think, but since I don't really know, you can tell how much interest I have in them.

The point is, this period, the period between the end of basketball and hockey and the start of football is what I call the sports wasteland. Where we fill the time seeing who drafts who and who signs who and what kid signs to go to what school and what prognosticator thinks what school is going to win what and just how badly the Wolves are going to suck this season.

This year, I feel like even that has been taken from me. Even the glance at baseball to say, "Wow, The Twins don't suck!" is being taken away from us! Now the only thing to look at ESPN is to get commentary on a documentary about a legendary player who played last when my oldest child was born! And to see that Dennis Rodman did crazy shit and still played basketball! Some of us already knew that.

This year the only stats to see are death totals and infection rates.

Please God, give me some meaningless usage stats and value above average for utility players before its too late.

Thought I'd try to cheer you up a bit - espn is reporting Florida has just become the 2nd state to open up to pro sports. Unfortunately, on the local front it's also being reported that Walz tonight will extend our lockdown until early June, so there is that.

And now Notre Dame is starting students back in campus for fall term August 10th.

we can still sign on here, and bitch about Pitino.

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