Souhan: Lindsay Whalen and Ben Johnson are connected despite different Gophers timelines


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Souhan:

Patience is a funny concept in sports, where careers are short, injuries loom, firings occur with numbing regularity and every team in every league is selling the snake oil of imminent excitement.

Hear the word "patience" from a coach, and the mind immediately translates it into "I've run out of excuses."

The Gophers basketball teams open their regular seasons on Tuesday at Williams Arena. Both have reason to plead for patience, and they might provide two instances of "patience" being used properly.

One team will openly beg for it. One might be ready to make it pay off.

Go Gophers!!

Lindsay’s honeymoon period should be about over. Program seems as stale as it was at the end of the Borton era. Year 4 there should be some on-court results expected?
I imagine the recruiting class she just signed yesterday buys her at least next season unless this season is a complete disaster.

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