Sid on Tubby

Atl Gopher

Active member
May 28, 2010
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"He said he is sick and tired of rumors that have him leaving Minnesota to go to different schools.

However, despite the fact Smith doesn't have any plans to move, he said he would listen to Arkansas if they called."

Does that make any sense to anyone. If your sick and tired of rumors then why fan the flames? Is this just Sid being Sid? I support Tubby and believe he can take our team to the next level but if this is true, then Tubby move on. Up to this point Tubby has said that this is his last job.

If the statement is true, Tubby is borrowing a line from Glen Mason.

ANY coach worth having will talk to decent programs that call them...

otherwise, they are NOT worth having. Coaches HAVE to max out on their leverage with the heartless. cold, calculating and incompetent administrators that they have to deal with and who will slice them, dice them and let their contracts run down or buy them out just to keep the heat off themselves. Coaches HAVE to take care of themselves in order to keep their "collective bargining" sacred and hard-earned rights in tact when dealing with the stinking administrators. It's a dog eat dog world out there. Take it to the administration before the administration takes it to you. THAT is the kind of world we live in right now. NEVER give an administrator an even break. administrators hire people, fire people, extend contracts, buy out contracts and waste money on their own little whims. bjm has a horrible record in offering contracts, letting contracts run down, at the last minute extending contracts and then shortly after that, buying those same ill-fated extensions out.

Exercise your power over these administrators coaches. Take it to those prexys and athletic directors. Stick it to them any way and every way you can...because, those adminitrators are sure as heck going to try to stick it to you, take away your bargining power and will try to force their terms on you. NEVER let the administrators get you down coaches!

IF you are a coach worth having, you will ALWAYS listen to what kind of offers there are out there for you. Because the administrators will sure as heck try to take away your bargining power any way they can. It's a real war out there when it comes to taking care of yourself when dealing with administrative officials of ALL kinds. Power to the coaches!!!!!! It has taken a lot of blood, sweat and tears to gain the stature, power, and level of bargining power that you currently have earned coaches...take it to the administrators any and every way you can! It is not every coach that has earned that you have it...USE it!!!!!

; 0 )

I have no problem with a coach "taking calls" from other schools as you describe a bove. The concern I have is making public statements and promoting the calls because that will seriously create issues with your recruiting.

CDH: IF a coach has other programs courting him/her...

I have a hunch that it won't hurt that coache's recruiting. If a "name" school is expressing interest, it possibly even makes that coache's appeal even stronger to some recruits/recruits parents. (Now, with higher profile shell and crew-racing rowing recruits, this may not be quite as strong a factor... ; 0 ) .....) IF an administrator fails to extend the contract of a coach and lets that contract run down to next to nothing, the way macturi did with a former football coach and then EXTENDS that coach at the last moment, and then buys that coach out, THAT really hurts recruiting for a lONG time, especially if the replacement coach has to be fired mid-season 3 1/2 years later. Recruiting is something that administrators can screw up big-time. badger joel macturi just NEVER seems to get that right. He zigs when he should be zagging and zags when he should be zigging. He NEVER gets it "just right."

Bryant Gumbal has been advocating paying student athletes because it is a billion dollar industry. I think when you take this into the context of big business statements like this are no big deal. But big time college athletics are a contradiction and this feeds into it.

If you don't think that a coach openly inviting new job opportunities doesn't impact his recruiting at his current school, then you and I will have to agree to disagree. One of the key items that Julian Wech wanted to know recently before comitting to MN was whether Tubby planned to be here next year. I do agree with your point the the Athletic Director's timing of extensions is also a key factor and can have a recruiting impact if handled poorly.

>>despite the fact Smith doesn't have any plans to move, he said he would listen to Arkansas if they called."<<

Politely accepting an AD's call out of the blue is one thing. Listening to an extensive proposal, multiple calls, counter offers, etc are something else entirely.

It would be no different than any of us in our daily jobs listening to someone else's proposal to us.
You may have no intention of changing jobs but it would be foolish not to listen to what a potential
employer has to say. It also lets your current employer know that others have interest in your talents.
Coaches do this sort of thing all the time. Since they already have pay contracts its a good way for them
to get other perks they may want. Say, like, a practice facility ?

It would be no different than any of us in our daily jobs listening to someone else's proposal to us.
You may have no intention of changing jobs but it would be foolish not to listen to what a potential
employer has to say. It also lets your current employer know that others have interest in your talents.
Coaches do this sort of thing all the time. Since they already have pay contracts its a good way for them
to get other perks they may want. Say, like, a practice facility ?

However, you would not broadcast to Sid. any other reporter or even fellow employees, that you are entertaining other offers unless your gun was fully loaded and you were prepared to leave. If an employee of mine was overtly seeking another position, I would eliminate that employee. My company requires dedicated executives. So does the U athletic program.

I don't want Tubby to leave. I think the world of him as a coach and as a person. If he is not happy then let's find someone that is.

I think the rules on students receiving help are a little strict, but at the same time to receive a full ride scholarship to any major university is worth some bucks as well.

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