shock joc - negativity sells


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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You all complain about the negative media but many of you help with its proliferation. Look at all the attention Reusse Jr. got with his negative slant on Brewster. You think he is not out there saying to his buddies " Look at how many hits and comments I got." He is out to make a buck ...a career and has figured out the best way to do it is to always find a negative slant on things. You can't blame him if it works. To use an over used quote "It is what it is."

If more people understood this, he'd be out of a job.

You all complain about the negative media but many of you help with its proliferation. Look at all the attention Reusse Jr. got with his negative slant on Brewster. You think he is not out there saying to his buddies " Look at how many hits and comments I got." He is out to make a buck ...a career and has figured out the best way to do it is to always find a negative slant on things. You can't blame him if it works. To use an over used quote "It is what it is."

So Brewster is untouchable?

If more people understood this, he'd be out of a job.

When are you guys going to realize that there are significantly more Gopher football haters in Minnesota than there are fans. If Reusse was actually concerned about his job (he isn't because he belongs to a union), he has made exactly the right decision to constantly ridicule Brewster and the Gophers. There is a very receptive audience in Minnesota for bashing the Gopher football team. Gopher hatred sells.

So Brewster is untouchable?

Doogie, the Gophers v. Purdue basketball game is on ESPN right now. Somebody looking to advance himself as a local sports commentator should be focusing 100% of their attention on that game.

Oh, I am ... loving Paul Carter and not loving the refs so much.

No friend of the program

Nobody is untouchable. However, if you print stuff like that you are no friend of the program. Every time there is something like that in the papers the opposing recruiters put it in their scrapbooks. There are truths and partial truths. In court you would be call a hostile witness.

This will be the last comment I ever make on here about Doogie's "writing." It takes little talent to jump on one bandwagon or another and ride it as far as possible before leaping to the next one. Most of us call this "blowing in the wind" and I suppose you could also call it "blowing wind" because that is what the result usually resembles.

I've asked this question before, both of Doogie on this board and also via email of about every other sports scribe in the TC: Why aren't you uncovering insights about Gopher teams instead of resorting to clever sarcasm? No answer to date and I suspect that's because they know what I know, which is that it takes talent and time to construct investigative pieces that do more than lip service to objective journalism.

See, the thing is, Doogie, nearly every time you write something on here you contradict something previously written. Go back and check it out. You're so busy cleaning up your back trail you forget what you've already said.

Finally, any writer who has an audience and thinks his or her work does not influence public perception is either trying to fool someone or hasn't learned how powerful a scribe can be. Once you're published you can never again be "one of the guys" on forums like GH. I suspect that, like me, there are other writers here who participate without benefit of their pen names. Doogie, on the other hand, evidently wants more than a say on here. He wants a say as a media celeb who immediately falls back on the old "Hey I'm on here just like the rest of you" when stuff hits the fan. Can't have it both ways. It's intellectually dishonest, which is the thing that most bothers me about the posts I read from him.

There. That's it. Steams blown off. No more picking of knits. Go Gophers.

Doogie, I think it's a style v. substance issue. Brewster certainly isn't untouchable and should be subject to criticism. No one is immune to criticism. It's the way the criticism is levelled in such snarky ways in recent years that wears out my brain, but that's all the rage these days in everything from sports to politics to business news. I think Paul Allen is all well and good, but he's basically ripped off Jim Rome's routine and I don't find him either original or entertaining. That said, I think he's a decent play-by-play guy.

As for Reusse, I think he's a great writer. Probably the best in this market for years and years. But he's basically a poor man's Mark Twain these days as he's pretty cranky about pretty much everything and his irritation just erodes his credibility.

I'm old (mid-50s) and it would be nice to have reasonable analysis provided by some outlet in this market. Thank goodness there are good posters in here. I don't know where I'd get solid information if they weren't around.

what 50# said.

some people actually like sports and their teams and the players who play for them even if they aren't very good. I'm way more interested in what Brew thinks than any of the columnists in this town. Hell I'm more interested in what the waterboy has to say than any of the columnists in this town.

My point

I guess that is my point in a round about way. I come here because I love the Gophers. Have since I've been a little kid. I'm disappointed in the outcomes of some games and performances. But once I get over the disappointment I'm still a fan. I come here as entertainment, gather informative information and hear what others have to say. But this constant negativity stinks. Then to throw crap on the front page and then come back here to be one of the guys just doesn't work.

Doogie, to most Gopher fans who don't frequent this board (and many who do) your prespective is fair and relatively down the middle. Unless you are a homer beyond the level of Sid, the most hard core Brewster supporters will accuse you of being unfair, there's no way around it.

As for the fact that you post on this board, I see no issue with it. Would it be somehow better if you posted under an anonymous user-name as it is suspected some other media members do? I think not. And you are not currently a full-fledged columnest or beat writer. Should that occur, perhaps the appropriatness of posting here would change.

Do you guys really take him seriously as a writer? When you see his stupid little nickname every time his name is out there, you know he is not a true professional. Everyone has nicknames, but you know not to use them in a professional setting. And the guys writes basically a little blog for the Strib. That isnt much to hang your hat on. The sports section over there has become a joke. I have learned to go to the Strib for my news, and for my sports as the Pioneer Press is leaps and bounds ahead of the Strib when it comes to sports journalism.

Doogie, to most Gopher fans who don't frequent this board (and many who do) your prespective is fair and relatively down the middle. Unless you are a homer beyond the level of Sid, the most hard core Brewster supporters will accuse you of being unfair, there's no way around it.

As for the fact that you post on this board, I see no issue with it. Would it be somehow better if you posted under an anonymous user-name as it is suspected some other media members do? I think not. And you are not currently a full-fledged columnest or beat writer. Should that occur, perhaps the appropriatness of posting here would change.

Thanks ... I saw a comment on the strib comments section suggesting that I was too kind, no way to have everyone agree ... my goal, which admittedly I don't always succeed at, is to get people to think, not to agree ...
Maybe it would make sense. I can't say anything you wrote is false.

When are you guys going to realize that there are significantly more Gopher football haters in Minnesota than there are fans.

this is only true so far as there are so many iowa and wisconsin ex-patriates living in the twin cities. just because there are so many negative comments attached to the gopher stories at the strib doesn't mean that the haters outnumber the fans, let alone being 'significantly more'. one doesn't have to be living in the metro, state or country (loon) to make comments on the internet.

go out state sometime and look around at how much gopher gear you see. i am seeing 'significantly' more and more of it in St cloud (i even saw a family in gopher gear on the red line in chicago last spring, they were also wearing NU soccer gear so i figured that the younger ones were visiting NU to look at the soccer program).

another thing that you need to remember is that there are far more sports at the U besides football. yes football is 'significantly' more important than the others, but overall i would say that (to the maturi haters chagrin) the gophers have one of the top three athletics program in the big ten.

unless you have numbers for this 'significantly more' number of gopher haters, then i am calling BS.

There are A LOT of goph fans out here away from the metro. Seriously, a lot of us. I never (hyperbole, actually very rarely) see Wisco gear here and can not remember the last time I saw Iowa gear except for when I visited Kato over xmas. Point is, Vikes are probably still #1, but Gophs are #2 from my observations.

When are you guys going to realize that there are significantly more Gopher football haters in Minnesota than there are fans. If Reusse was actually concerned about his job (he isn't because he belongs to a union), he has made exactly the right decision to constantly ridicule Brewster and the Gophers. There is a very receptive audience in Minnesota for bashing the Gopher football team. Gopher hatred sells.

I disagree. There are more Gopher fans than Gopher haters. There are 40 stations in the Gopher Radio network. 37 of those 40 carry Gopher Football. 25 carry Men's BB, Women's BB and Men's Hockey (not the same 25). The managers of those radio stations think that Gopher football is worth airing. And it wouldn't be worth airing if there weren't people listening.

Maybe the average person watching the Gophers on TV or listening on the radio aren't the hardest of hardcore Gopher fans, but there are a lot out there. They just aren't as loud as the Gopher haters - loud screaming doesn't constitute a majority!

There are plenty of Gopher fans out there, who just want some information on the Gophers. They get what they can get. Unfortunately, what they can get is writers just mailing it in. After the Bowling Green loss in 2007, Reusse pledged to throw that loss back in the Gophers face if the Gophers ever get to the Rose Bowl. It would make it all the more sweeter to see if he will back than up if we get to the Rose Bowl.

Rose Bowl? Let's start with a trophy game win and build up from there.

There are A LOT of goph fans out here away from the metro. Seriously, a lot of us. I never (hyperbole, actually very rarely) see Wisco gear here and can not remember the last time I saw Iowa gear except for when I visited Kato over xmas. Point is, Vikes are probably still #1, but Gophs are #2 from my observations.
That may be true, but does it necessarily translate to the football team. For all you know, those people could be Gopher hockey or BB fans. Or just like wearing colors from their state's biggest university.

OK, but I have a hard time believing that someone that is a gopher basketball, and especially hockey considering how many rival programs there are out state, are 'football haters'. I do know many gopher football fans who hate gopher hockey because they went to SCSU, MSU, UMD, etc though.

Thanks ... I saw a comment on the strib comments section suggesting that I was too kind, no way to have everyone agree ... my goal, which admittedly I don't always succeed at, is to get people to think, not to agree ...
Maybe it would make sense. I can't say anything you wrote is false.

That's the key, get them to think. I don't know if this is the forum for that. While I like these boards for info on recruiting and breaking news, you do not get an objective viewpoint from many that post here. You cannot ridicule any member of the teams without being dragged through the town and publicly stoned. There should be a full disclosure that states "when posting on Gopher Hole you are not allowed to talk negatively about any member of a Gopher team, Especially Tim Brewster, Adam Weber, Blake Hoffarber, or Spencer Tollackson."

If you can get the majority of minds on this board to open up I would be truley impressed. But that's not going happen.

There are 12 more radio stations carrying Gopher football than cover Men's BB or Men's hockey. That seems to indicate a pretty significant interest, especially if they are listening to Dave Lee calling football games.

That's the key, get them to think. I don't know if this is the forum for that. While I like these boards for info on recruiting and breaking news, you do not get an objective viewpoint from many that post here. You cannot ridicule any member of the teams without being dragged through the town and publicly stoned. There should be a full disclosure that states "when posting on Gopher Hole you are not allowed to talk negatively about any member of a Gopher team, Especially Tim Brewster, Adam Weber, Blake Hoffarber, or Spencer Tollackson."

If you can get the majority of minds on this board to open up I would be truley impressed. But that's not going happen.

That's an... interesting... perspective. People don't talk negatively about Brewster or Weber? That's a new one.

anybody else notice how quickly comments about PA get removed from Gopherhole? No big deal, cuz if I owned GH i would try to avoid lawsuits, as well.

"..Gopher Hole you are not allowed to talk negatively about any member of a Gopher team, Especially Tim Brewster, Adam Weber, .."

I think if you insert the words constantly and between "negatively" and "about" you might be closer to the truth. Or if you put the word only before "negatively" then you might have it down. Here:

"..Gopher Hole you are not allowed to talk constantly and negatively about any member of a Gopher team, Especially Tim Brewster, Adam Weber,..

Or "Gopher Hole you are not allowed to talk only negatively about any member of a Gopher team, Especially Tim Brewster, Adam Weber, .

Even then you'd be freely allowed to do it but you'd probably face the same type of critics that you are referring to now. If you want to constantly "blast away" or slur or as you put it ".. ridicule any member of the teams to your heart's content the StarTrib site revels in that. Both posters AND columnists!:banghead:

If someone just wants to post the same thing over and over again here, on a Gopher Board:eek: there is not surprisingly more tolerance for positive repetition then negative stuff.

I thought Tollackson was an average Big Ten player at best. He may have been better then that but he missed a lot of games. You've got to play to be counted. Hoffbarger has one great skill, shooting, but that seems to disappear far to often. Brewster's media skills seem to be stuck on the level of a High School Coach and the jury is understandably out on his ability as a Head Coach. Weber along with his receivers, were a Jekyll and Hyde bunch for most of the season. Mostly Hyde. Weber himself performed worse then he did as a Red Shirt Freshman. He held the ball to long, waiting for covered receivers to miraculously get open. They didn't. Then he seemed to refuse to "take off" or throw the ball away. Hubris, stubbornness or coaching? I couldn't tell.

I'm FAR from popular around here. Do you think that they above critique, honest as a June Day about the Arctic Circle is long, will be removed? Or the post attacked? Though granted, being on a lot of "ignore" lists does have it's upside!

Who said that? Re-read his post.

I read it and understood it. He said that people aren't allowed to say anything negative about Brewster or Weber. I simply pointed out that yes, they are. To say that people aren't allowed to say anything negative about Brewster or Weber is like standing under Niagra Falls and stating how dry it is.

If it is true at all that people "aren't allowed" to say something, it would be more true to say that people aren't allowed to say anything positive about Brewster or Weber.

I read it and understood it. He said that people aren't allowed to say anything negative about Brewster or Weber. I simply pointed out that yes, they are. To say that people aren't allowed to say anything negative about Brewster or Weber is like standing under Niagra Falls and stating how dry it is.

If it is true at all that people "aren't allowed" to say something, it would be more true to say that people aren't allowed to say anything positive about Brewster or Weber.

This is incorrect. Again, re-read his post. He did not say what you suggest.

This is incorrect. Again, re-read his post. He did not say what you suggest.

Actually, he did:

You cannot ridicule any member of the teams without being dragged through the town and publicly stoned. There should be a full disclosure that states "when posting on Gopher Hole you are not allowed to talk negatively about any member of a Gopher team, Especially Tim Brewster, Adam Weber, Blake Hoffarber, or Spencer Tollackson."

Actually, he did:

Yes, that is what he said. You misquoted him. You only stated the first half of what he said.

"You cannot speak ill of Weber or Brewster" equates to "these types of comments will be removed from the board." This is obviously not true.

"You cannot speak ill of Weber or Brewster without a great deal of backlash" is essentially what he said, and that is absolutely, and unquestionably, true on this board.

The difference is subtle, but all-important.

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