Season Ticket refund


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2019
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Let's go worst case scenario and the college football season is canceled. Is the donation portion of the season ticket non refundable?

Really? It's March, the virus is certain to spread and people will panic but the college football season should not be in jeopardy at all given that it doesn't start until late August by which point the panic and overreaction should be in the rear view mirror.

But yeah, if they wiped out the full season I would think they would refund the donation portion (or at least give people the option to have it refunded) of the ticket as well in order to not alienate their fans completely.
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If it comes to that, we will have many more severe problems that worrying about football. If people will not be allowed to a football game, they will not be allowed to the MOA or any other retail/restaurant/manufacturing/office complex......economy will be dead.

I doubt any school's have made a decision on this yet / and most don't think they will need to.

Really if it comes to that... in August ... we got other issues.

Wow...just unreal how the media has caused such a frenzy. F*cking crazy people. Did you know that more people die of Influenza everyday compared to coronavirus? Did you know that there are 100's of thousands more cases of influenza reported each day compared to very few reported cases of coronavirus?

The coronavirus frenzy has been a result of the fake media...they have been good at showing only what they want on TV and radio....such as focusing on taking sides politically. Just plain stupid.

Geezus people...cancelling a football season...? Good ridiculous your post sounds. Maybe you should go buy all up all the toilet paper and hand wipes that you can find and lock yourself in your house.

Wow...just unreal how the media has caused such a frenzy. F*cking crazy people. Did you know that more people die of Influenza everyday compared to coronavirus? Did you know that there are 100's of thousands more cases of influenza reported each day compared to very few reported cases of coronavirus?

The coronavirus frenzy has been a result of the fake media...they have been good at showing only what they want on TV and radio....such as focusing on taking sides politically. Just plain stupid.

Geezus people...cancelling a football season. Good ridiculous your post sounds. Maybe you should go buy all up all the toilet paper and hand wipes that you can find and lock yourself in your house.

What do people even mean by that anymore?

How does a silly thread result in that kind of response... talk about "frenzy"...

Let's go worst case scenario and the college football season is canceled. Is the donation portion of the season ticket non refundable?
Curious if you are season ticket holder or someone just trying to cause more frenzy. Hmmmmmmm?

Wow...just unreal how the media has caused such a frenzy. F*cking crazy people. Did you know that more people die of Influenza everyday compared to coronavirus? Did you know that there are 100's of thousands more cases of influenza reported each day compared to very few reported cases of coronavirus?

The coronavirus frenzy has been a result of the fake media...they have been good at showing only what they want on TV and radio....such as focusing on taking sides politically. Just plain stupid.

Geezus people...cancelling a football season...? Good ridiculous your post sounds. Maybe you should go buy all up all the toilet paper and hand wipes that you can find and lock yourself in your house.

Calm down

My biggest concern is the stores running out of toilet paper. Maybe they already have? What do we do then?
I guess we would have to take showers.

Decent chance this was all started by people who own hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and medical mask factories. 18,000+ died from the flu in America this year and nary a peep.

Did they say if they were going to cancel the season or comment on the status of the heating Coyles?
Why must this heating coil debate keep coming up. They were removed when the Vikings left. Too expensive to maintain. End of Story.

Ivy League has canceled their basketball tournament

The comparisons to seasonal flu in this thread are a little off. They are right that, as of now, most people who contract coronavirus have an experience similar to getting the flu: pretty sick for a week, and then full recovery, but much more dangerous for the elderly, immunocompromised, or very young.

That said, the data we have available so far also suggests that this virus may be 1) more deadly, and 2) possibly more contagious. The CDC estimates a mortality rate of influenza of between 0.04%-0.15% this year. Estimates for the mortality rate of coronavirus range from 0.5%-3%!

Many people will die from coronavirus infection. It will likely be more than a normal year's influenza disease burden. There are reasons to believe that it will be many, many more. It is not a new plague that is going to end life as we know it, but taking some precautions to limit the impact of the outbreak is absolutely reasonable.

I have tickets to the Eagles in 3 weeks, they better not cancel!

Cue the Big Lebowski gif in 3,2,1...........

So, IF - for instance - they said the games could be played, but with no fans in the stands -

how many threads would there be on Gopher hole talking about the poor attendance at Gopher Games?

seriously - this would have to get a LOT worse - way worse than China - before it comes to that point.

On the other hand, the highest mortality rates for corona are on older people - and given the average age of Gopher fans.........

And if we wanted to stand in front of Veritas, we would have to go to his house and stand in front of his TV......It would obviously be BYOB.

The comparisons to seasonal flu in this thread are a little off. They are right that, as of now, most people who contract coronavirus have an experience similar to getting the flu: pretty sick for a week, and then full recovery, but much more dangerous for the elderly, immunocompromised, or very young.

That said, the data we have available so far also suggests that this virus may be 1) more deadly, and 2) possibly more contagious. The CDC estimates a mortality rate of influenza of between 0.04%-0.15% this year. Estimates for the mortality rate of coronavirus range from 0.5%-3%!

Many people will die from coronavirus infection. It will likely be more than a normal year's influenza disease burden. There are reasons to believe that it will be many, many more. It is not a new plague that is going to end life as we know it, but taking some precautions to limit the impact of the outbreak is absolutely reasonable.

Everything you say is very reasonable, the problem is in the line in bold. Yes, many people will die but what the panickers don't seem to understand is that it will still be a very small percentage of the people that get the virus. The overwhelming majority of people that get the virus will recover and be just fine. Yet I guarantee there are tons of people out there that think getting the virus is a death sentence. Taking precautions and doing things to help stop the spread is definitely reasonable and important, I just hope we can avoid the mass hysteria in this country that sets in with events like this.

The CDC estimates a mortality rate of influenza of between 0.04%-0.15% this year. Estimates for the mortality rate of coronavirus range from 0.5%-3%!

Since there are likely many people who have contracted coronavirus, and don’t know they have/had it, the mortality rate could be a much smaller number. I’ve seen estimates all over the place.
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H1N1 was going to change the World too. 59 million American's (CDC) contracted H1N1 during its outbreak so COVID-19 has a ways to go still despite the crazy media coverage and fear generation. Yes, take reasonable precautions --- buying enough toilet paper so you are prepared to be quarantined in your home for 3-months is not a reasonable precaution.

EDIT: That 59-million number seems awfully high, but this is where I found it...
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