Reusse says "maroon-and-gold nitwits" for rushing field after Iowa win in 2011


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Nov 11, 2008
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Reusse says "maroon-and-gold nitwits" for rushing field after Iowa win in 2011

per Reusse:

"As for stiorming the elevated floor: This was justified _ as opposed to the embarrassment all right-thinking Minnesotans should have felt when some of our maroon-and-gold nitwits rushed the football field after a victory over a mediocre Iowa team in 2011."

Go Gophers!!

Hate all you want Reusse. You're too old and cranky.
Please for every right thinking Minnesotans' sake, retire.
Storming a court or field represents everything right with college athletics and is the purest form of spontaneous sports joy.
There were plenty of reasons to storm the field against Iowa, none of which you'd agree with. Not that one single person involved in either last night's joy or 2011's would care what you think about them.

Hate all you want Reusse. You're too old and cranky.
Please for every right thinking Minnesotans' sake, retire.
Storming a court or field represents everything right with college athletics and is the purest form of spontaneous sports joy.
There were plenty of reasons to storm the field against Iowa, none of which you'd agree with. Not that one single person involved in either last night's joy or 2011's would care what you think about them.

This ^

I never understood why people are critical of sports fans having fun. The 2011 field rush was so much more than beating a mediocre team.

Storming a court or field represents everything right with college athletics and is the purest form of spontaneous sports joy.
There were plenty of reasons to storm the field against Iowa, none of which you'd agree with. Not that one single person involved in either last night's joy or 2011's would care what you think about them.

Ole, you once again nailed it. It's those spontaneous bursts of pure joy that make college sports what it is. I can't get enough of that.

Reusse's shtick is getting old.

Reusse to his grandchild who brings him a drawing: This one is OK but the one last week was an embarrassment.

Just trying to generate clicks. There are enough jack-holes from sconnie and iowa that live here and get used to reading him that I'm sure the comment section will fill up. That's all he wants.

What a waste of talent. He used to be able to write.

I have to agree UU he is wasting his talent.

The Gophers were 1-6 going into the Iowa game, and things were looking pretty bleak. People were already assuming the Gophers would go 0-8. Instead, the Gophers had a 4th quarter comeback via an onside kick, beat a rival and win Floyd. That's pretty good reason for a fan to be excited. A reasonable person would say that it is commendable for fans to be that excited in an off year. He routinely mocks people for even showing up at the games. Sometimes I think all the sportswriters in the Twin Cities should be fired and replaced with new graduates fresh out of school.

The court wasn't made for street shoes and the crap that comes with it. we were instructed to never ever touch the court. Steve Yoder days!

Wasn't it mostly just the students that time around? It wasn't like the entire fanbase loaded up the field or something. I thought it was cool the students went down to support those players who were going through so much crap.

Last night, you had all kinds of people on that court, it was awesome haha

I'll give Reusse credit. He's been able to carve out quite a career with a face made for radio, a voice made for print and the crankiness and wit of Ebeneezer Scrooge.

Reusse is a hero for at least two generations of Minnesota sports fans many of whom would would sell their soul to be able look back when they are 65 with the knowledge that they spent most of their time watching and spouting their opinions about sports and never doing an honest days work in their entire life.

Hate all you want Reusse. You're too old and cranky.
Please for every right thinking Minnesotans' sake, retire.
Storming a court or field represents everything right with college athletics and is the purest form of spontaneous sports joy.
There were plenty of reasons to storm the field against Iowa, none of which you'd agree with. Not that one single person involved in either last night's joy or 2011's would care what you think about them.

Man. +1! Nicely done Ole! Couldn't agree more! :)

Reusse to his grandchild who brings him a drawing: This one is OK but the one last week was an embarrassment.
That's actually funny. Saving it for 10 or 15 years when I can use on my first grandchild!

The Gophers were 1-6 going into the Iowa game, and things were looking pretty bleak. People were already assuming the Gophers would go 0-8. Instead, the Gophers had a 4th quarter comeback via an onside kick, beat a rival and win Floyd. That's pretty good reason for a fan to be excited. A reasonable person would say that it is commendable for fans to be that excited in an off year. He routinely mocks people for even showing up at the games. Sometimes I think all the sportswriters in the Twin Cities should be fired and replaced with new graduates fresh out of school.

Not to mention they had been outscored 144-31 in the three games prior.

What an a$$. It's called fun. After 55-0 and four years without a win against a rival it was entirely appropriate.

If the Gophers ever win the Big Ten, Reussie will complain that the SEC was tougher.

Fatrick is still smarting from being picked on as a lad. His goal in life to make others as miserable as himself. I never click on his articles, never. He disappointed me last year but here's to hoping that he'll make me right in picking him #1 in the 2013 dead pool.

See both sides to this. I agree with Reusse that storming courts/fields should be reserved for something much more meaningful than that win over Iowa. On the other hand, Iowa fans have rushed the field a lot in the past decade in situations that wouldn't meet Reusse's criteria.

You know, I've never really cared much about what Reusse has written, but F* him in this case. Seriously. That day in 2011 was one of the greatest of my football-watching life. Those of us who are diehards and season ticket holders literally SUFFERED through 2010 and most of 2011. I can't express how much joy I experienced on that cold afternoon as our boys fought back and won that game against a hated rival. I was watching from the second deck, but I absolutely would've rushed the field if I were in the first. As it were, I was running up and down the aisles like a madman, hugging and high-fiving anyone who would accept it...and I was pretty damn close to openly weeping by the end. I still get chills when I pull up the YouTube video of MG scoring the go-ahead TD. I'll never forget that moment, even if I live to witness a BT championship, Rose Bowl, or God forbid a Natl Title. I LOVE the Gophers...and anyone who calls me a "nitwit" for that can go f* himself.

You know, I've never really cared much about what Reusse has written, but F* him in this case. Seriously. That day in 2011 was one of the greatest of my football-watching life. Those of us who are diehards and season ticket holders literally SUFFERED through 2010 and most of 2011. I can't express how much joy I experienced on that cold afternoon as our boys fought back and won that game against a hated rival. I was watching from the second deck, but I absolutely would've rushed the field if I were in the first. As it were, I was running up and down the aisles like a madman, hugging and high-fiving anyone who would accept it...and I was pretty damn close to openly weeping by the end. I still get chills when I pull up the YouTube video of MG scoring the go-ahead TD. I'll never forget that moment, even if I live to witness a BT championship, Rose Bowl, or God forbid a Natl Title. I LOVE the Gophers...and anyone who calls me a "nitwit" for that can go f* himself.

Couldn't agree with you more. That was probably the most enjoyable football game I've ever experienced as a fan, and one of my all-time favorite sports moments. Its a testament to college football that a game like that can mean so much to the players and fans in an otherwise lost season, where in any other sport it's just a fluke minor upset.

What an a$$. It's called fun. After 55-0 and four years without a win against a rival it was entirely appropriate.

If the Gophers ever win the Big Ten, Reussie will complain that the SEC was tougher.

Never mind - I was thinking 2010!! Wasn't at 2011 but assume it was fun too!!

You know, I've never really cared much about what Reusse has written, but F* him in this case. Seriously. That day in 2011 was one of the greatest of my football-watching life. Those of us who are diehards and season ticket holders literally SUFFERED through 2010 and most of 2011. I can't express how much joy I experienced on that cold afternoon as our boys fought back and won that game against a hated rival. I was watching from the second deck, but I absolutely would've rushed the field if I were in the first. As it were, I was running up and down the aisles like a madman, hugging and high-fiving anyone who would accept it...and I was pretty damn close to openly weeping by the end. I still get chills when I pull up the YouTube video of MG scoring the go-ahead TD. I'll never forget that moment, even if I live to witness a BT championship, Rose Bowl, or God forbid a Natl Title. I LOVE the Gophers...and anyone who calls me a "nitwit" for that can go f* himself.

Yes! Exactly! +1!

Couldn't agree more on MG's last TD against Iowa that game! Absolutely amazing! I won't forget howTCF was just a madhouse after that TD! Just amazing! Hands down the best gopher football game I have attended in my lifetime.

My jerk buddy, for whom I was a groomsman, decided to have his wedding that day.

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