Reusse column: Zimmer's backers a lot like Brewster's


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Nov 11, 2008
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per Reusse:

Now, 40 months after his dismissal, those same zealots continue to exchange the lie that they never really were on board with Brewster … that they never did see the substance in him that clearly exists with Jerry Kill, a real football coach.

The maroon sweaters are hypocrites to go to their message boards and engage in this “knew it all along’’ bashing of Coach Brew, because 90 percent were believers. And I was inundated with the electronic communications to prove it.

Go Gophers!!

Reusse isn't wrong, but man he seems incredibly petty arguing with people on internet message boards. Does this honestly sell papers? Who cares?

Mostly, it's because Reusse doesn't understand the difference between "support" and "zealotry". As a person that does not have an education, he would not understand what a University is all about. As a person without allegiances, he does not understand such.

We all support the U program. We all support the coaches as players--or at least we should. That is not "zealotry". But Patty doesn't understand that.

I could go on and on, but as a acquaintance of mine one misspoke--almost Yogi-like--"You can't beat a dead horse to death."

I read scout, gopherhole, gopherillustrated, and kfan.

What site is everyone claiming they were right about brewster?

Now the fat azz, I can list a 100 deep where he was wrong, but where is the fat azz seeing fans post this?

I read scout, gopherhole, gopherillustrated, and kfan.

What site is everyone claiming they were right about Brewster?

Now the fat azz, I can list a 100 deep where he was wrong, but where is the fat azz seeing fans post this?

Guessing he's making that part up, based on e-mails both him and the Strib got. The general responses were "who", "as long as he's not Mason" or "they fired Mason? I hope the U rots in hell!"

A great love for Brewster isn't why Pat got those e-mails.

Highwayman is right. Nobody had any idea how Brewster was going to do. He'd never ran a team before and virtually NOBODY up here had even heard of him before. The problem for Reusse was he came back right after Brewster's initial Press Conference screaming about what a "phony" Brewster was and how he had "no chance" to win with the Gophers.

That brought him many responses ripping him for ripping the Coach before he even started coaching. Reusse now uses every chance he gets to make himself out to be a seer and a martyr for standing-up for what he believed. Oh and for tweaking the "delusional Gopher Fans' (his words Friday) for doing something they never did.

The problem is he often forgets that when Brewster went 7-1 Patrick went on the radio and said that he was wrong. That it looks like Brewster could coach after all. Yeah, that wouldn't fit the profile would it? :cool:

Will give Pat a little credit though. Every once and awhile, when he's not trying to be a dick, he'll admit that Brewster wasn't a "phony". That the "rah-rah guy" stuff was who he really was. He just wasn't much of a coach.

You can tell Gopherholers are under his skin. It's kind of funny.

So if I'm understanding Reusse correctly, we are much better off just hating everybody from the get-go. Got it! This is some great insight.

So if I'm understanding Reusse correctly, we are much better off just hating everybody from the get-go. Got it! This is some great insight.

Thanks - I always wondered where Rosemountain came up with his insight on Kill.

So if I'm understanding Reusse correctly, we are much better off just hating everybody from the get-go. Got it! This is some great insight.

Giving the new coach a chance is obviously unacceptable. Remember the scene in The Grinch that Stole Christmas where the Grinch steals their decorations, feast and presents, and the people still celebrated? The Grinch learned a lesson, but Reusse didn't. Instead he just stews in his lair because Gopher fans continue to be fans. Remember the end of Conan the Barbarian where after Thulsa Doom is killed, the members of his cult just drop their torches and walk dejectedly away? That's what Reusse wants. When Gopher fans don't through away their maroon and gold T-shirts, it must kill him.

Mostly, it's because Reusse doesn't understand the difference between "support" and "zealotry". As a person that does not have an education, he would not understand what a University is all about. As a person without allegiances, he does not understand such.

We all support the U program. We all support the coaches as players--or at least we should. That is not "zealotry". But Patty doesn't understand that.

I could go on and on, but as a acquaintance of mine one misspoke--almost Yogi-like--"You can't beat a dead horse to death."

Agree with highwayman. I don't have that much of a problem with Reusse and I was ready for the post-Mason era. Thought Brewster might be okay, but there were some troubling signs early and things kind of snowballed.

I'm a Packer fan, so I don't really care that much about Zimmer. Seems like a decent guy.

You can tell Gopherholers are under his skin. It's kind of funny.

You have it all wrong. Nobody gets under GopherHoler's skin more than Reusse. GopherHole was swamped with posters who jumped on the Brewster bandwagon with both feet and who now deny it. Reusse is rubbing their noses in it and rightfully so. It was about more than just supporting the Gopher football program. At the time Maturi's logic about hiring the best recruiter available seemed eminently reasonable to many fans who now heep scorn on it every chance they get.

You have it all wrong. Nobody gets under GopherHoler's skin more than Reusse. GopherHole was swamped with posters who jumped on the Brewster bandwagon and who now deny it. Reusse is rubbing their noses in it and rightfully so. The same thing is going to happen if the new Vikings coach turns out to be a bust.

Bandwagon? No. What we had were people who gave the new coach a chance, and who continued to be fans of the Gophers. We did have plenty of people who became Panth*erHawk clones when Brewster was hired.

I didn't read the article, since I don't click on that paper, but the more I learn about that place, the more unprofessional writing and strange ethics I come in contact with. I despise pompous writers with typos, grammatical errors, inaccurate information who seem insulated from being held to any standard. They're the ones calling for coaches to lose their jobs, for players to be benched. I wonder how many reporters at the strib read here.

You have it all wrong. Nobody gets under GopherHoler's skin more than Reusse. GopherHole was swamped with posters who jumped on the Brewster bandwagon with both feet and who now deny it. Reusse is rubbing their noses in it and rightfully so. It was about more than just supporting the Gopher football program. At the time Maturi's logic about hiring the best recruiter available seemed eminently reasonable to many fans who now heep scorn on it every chance they get.
You lost me with your logic. So, we as Gopher fans are not allowed to change our minds about a coach the more we learn about him? I wasn't initially sold on the Brewster hiring but I liked what he was saying and thought that he deserved a fair chance so I supported him (as any true Gopher fan should have), as time went on and it became obvious that he was a lot of bluster I also fully supported his firing. What is the problem with that?

You have it all wrong. Nobody gets under GopherHoler's skin more than Reusse. GopherHole was swamped with posters who jumped on the Brewster bandwagon with both feet and who now deny it. Reusse is rubbing their noses in it and rightfully so. It was about more than just supporting the Gopher football program. At the time Maturi's logic about hiring the best recruiter available seemed eminently reasonable to many fans who now heep scorn on it every chance they get.

I supported Brewster and thought he was doing a great job early on. I never, ever guaranteed he would "bring us to the promise land" or anything else like that. I'm not going to apologize for being excited and happy with Brewster for a certain amount of time. I'm also not going to apologize for defending him when some people were saying certain things (and sometimes still do) that we can't prove or were just flat out wrong just because they dislike him so much.

Does that mean I deserve to have my nose "rubbed in it"?

I supported Brewster and thought he was doing a great job early on. I never, ever guaranteed he would "bring us to the promise land" or anything else like that. I'm not going to apologize for being excited and happy with Brewster for a certain amount of time. I'm also not going to apologize for defending him when some people were saying certain things (and sometimes still do) that we can't prove or were just flat out wrong just because they dislike him so much. Does that mean I deserve to have my nose "rubbed in it"?

I agree GII. Well said. +1.

I supported Brewster and thought he was doing a great job early on. I never, ever guaranteed he would "bring us to the promise land" or anything else like that. I'm not going to apologize for being excited and happy with Brewster for a certain amount of time. I'm also not going to apologize for defending him when some people were saying certain things (and sometimes still do) that we can't prove or were just flat out wrong just because they dislike him so much.

Does that mean I deserve to have my nose "rubbed in it"?

Since you are not a Brewster denier you are not the kind of Gopher fan Reusse is going after in his column. Reusse (and me) are talking about the Brewster (and Maturi) haters who originally were on board with Maturi's strategy of hiring the best recruiter he could find. When Brewster didn't work out it suddenly became the worst head coaching hire in the history of Division I football for many GopherHole posters. They crawl out from under their rocks every time Bleed starts another thread about Brewster or Maturi.

You lost me with your logic. So, we as Gopher fans are not allowed to change our minds about a coach the more we learn about him? I wasn't initially sold on the Brewster hiring but I liked what he was saying and thought that he deserved a fair chance so I supported him (as any true Gopher fan should have), as time went on and it became obvious that he was a lot of bluster I also fully supported his firing. What is the problem with that?

I initially liked the Brewster hire but supported his firing, too. But you won't see me, GophersInIowa or yourself jumping into every thread about Brewster or Maturi spewing hatred, misinformation, and outright lies and claiming that they always hated the hiring of Brewster and knew that he would be a failure. That is the kind of GopherHoler Reusse is going after.

I initially liked the Brewster hire but supported his firing, too. But you won't see me, GophersInIowa or yourself jumping into every thread about Brewster or Maturi spewing hatred, misinformation, and outright lies and claiming that they always hated the hiring of Brewster and knew that he would be a failure. That is the kind of GopherHoler Reusse is going after.

Agree 100% here. I just don't get the personal animosity toward either Brewster or Maturi.

So, I have to ask a couple of questions: Does this mean that Reusse hates Zimmer too? He hated Brewster from the start and wasn't shy about saying it. Somehow, I doubt Reusse would have the fortitude to say that he hates Zimmer with that much fervor. Also, is he chastising Vikings fans the same way he does Gopher fans? Again, I doubt it. In other words, to me this column was all about taking more shots at Gopher fans. But again, that's his shtick. He wouldn't be Reusse if he didn't occasionally find a reason to bash Gopher fandom.

I don't think most people believed Brew's BS, but they could not believe Maturi could hire a guy as inept as he turned out to be. We did not want tp believe both our coach and our AD were incompetent. If Reusse wants to take credit for great insight here, fine, but he had been bashing competent coaches here as well (Stoll.Mason) for 30 years.
Basically this fits more under the saying "even a stopped watch is right twice a day", than it is a huge credit to Reusse's insight. He does not even like football and is basically a shill for baseball (the sport not the Twins), he does not know anything about any other sport at this point.

I supported Brewster and thought he was doing a great job early on. I never, ever guaranteed he would "bring us to the promise land" or anything else like that. I'm not going to apologize for being excited and happy with Brewster for a certain amount of time. I'm also not going to apologize for defending him when some people were saying certain things (and sometimes still do) that we can't prove or were just flat out wrong just because they dislike him so much.

Does that mean I deserve to have my nose "rubbed in it"? took the words right outta my mouth.

Heck, I had a LOT of hope after Brewster named his staff and said he was gonna throw it around like Tiller and NW but would bring some speed on Defense too. Mason even said that he needed to spend more effort recruiting Defense. Even kept the hope through that first damn 1-11 season. Mason said he was looking at a "major rebuilding job" too didn't he?

In the later years even took great delight after reading people castigating the hire in going back and pulling some of their posts praising it or arguing quite rightly, that he needed time to get his scheme implemented. Even Art Vanderly (?) defended Brewster on a regular basis in his first year, mainly because he was the Anti-Mason.

Personally, didn't "abandon all hope" until the last season or so when he insisted in trying to put in a Power Run game when all his talent was still best at throwing the ball.

All that said, nobody is ever going to convince me or re-write history enough to make me believe that sites were "swamped" with scores of people who were giddy with the hiring of Brewster. If memory serves, the first time Brewster's name came up was when Charlie Strong was in town to interview for the job.

Virtually nobody had even heard of him before that, how could they have said they were tickled pink by the hire?

The Masonites had every right to bitch and moan from the get go. Mason did a good job and they loved the guy. They would have acted like jilted lovers even if Saban had been brought in and Lombardi, Bryant and Woody Hayes had been brought back from the dead to be his Assistants.

If anybody is lying, it's the ones who claimed that that they knew right from the beginning that Brewster had no chance to make it, because they had absolutely nothing yet to base it on. Unfortunately that came during that first f-ing season.

I supported Brewster and thought he was doing a great job early on. I never, ever guaranteed he would "bring us to the promise land" or anything else like that. I'm not going to apologize for being excited and happy with Brewster for a certain amount of time. I'm also not going to apologize for defending him when some people were saying certain things (and sometimes still do) that we can't prove or were just flat out wrong just because they dislike him so much.

Does that mean I deserve to have my nose "rubbed in it"?

I'm with you. The Brewster bashing was mostly backed by emotion with not much logic involved. He tried and failed. He wasn't an a**-clown like some have called him. He might still be here if he had a better understanding of what it takes to be a head coach imo.

I'm with you. The Brewster bashing was mostly backed by emotion with not much logic involved. He tried and failed. He wasn't an a**-clown like some have called him. He might still be here if he had a better understanding of what it takes to be a head coach imo.

Actually, I pulled up some posts from 2008 - we were at 7 - 1. Most were surprised and others were wondering how we were going to keep him here! He was a fast starter. Reusse's recollection of the Gopherhole Board is somewhat true, but more of an exaggeration toward the hype. Most regulars were in the cautiously optimistic, and wait and see what kind of a bowl we get.

Most of what Reusse is likely referring to is the Parski Bunch.

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