Question on the home side vs. visitor side

2nd Degree Gopher

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
Reaction score
This has been brought up in some of the seat selection threads, but I thought it might merit its own discussion. I’ve been on the home side at the Dome for 10+ years and I really enjoy having a view of the Gopher bench during the game. I know that on-field activities are staged to the home side, including the band and any ceremonies. We’ll also have the sunny side/shady side issue at TCF, but to me that’s a matter of personal preference more than anything else. Are there other advantages to being on the home side that people perceive? Anyone prefer the visitor side for any reason? Thanks in advance for any thoughts/input.

I would prefer the visitor side right now only because you can get a better seat right now in the seat selection process. I do agree, that all of the things you mentioned are good reasons to sit on the home side. Although the band show is more of an auditory experience for me, than a visual one, so I never really cared as much what way they were facing. And my wife would prefer the sun I am sure. Of course by the time I pick, I am just hoping for a couple seats together!

I have seats on the home side now, but am considering visitor side for a number of reasons...

The first is that I think its more fun watching the home team sideline from the visitors side. Just like I enjoy the first baseline "visitor" side of the Twins games, I spend a lot of time binocularing the inside of Twins dugout...something you can't do from behind it. I think seeing the faces of the team and coaches could be really enjoyable.

The second is already stated, there are more choices still available on the visitors side

The third may be household wife really likes thte idea of being able to sit in the sun if its out...

I pick the first week of May, so I have a lot of time to think about it and watch the selections unfold...

Looking into the sun for the whole game is not fun. I have partial season tickets at Lambeau and had that situation one time when I switched seats with someone. The home side will be a lot easier on the eyes. Selected seats today and it went very smooth. Opted for the front of the second deck.

6315-16 I believe were my two numbers, a little over 86 percentile is where we fell.

Correct me if I'm from reading all the posts, the VISITORS' side will have more sun? If one has seats on the visitors' side, aren't you facing SOUTH? I would say both sides would get the same amount of sun if you're in the lower bowl.

One thing I haven't read people mentioning is our GIGANTIC scoreboard is tilted more towards the HOME side so if you're on the visitors' side, one may not have the best angle to view the scoreboard.

I, too, don't select my seats until late May, so most likely I would be on the visitor's side....I'm just hoping that some $500 seats will be left to pick from!:D

Correct me if I'm from reading all the posts, the VISITORS' side will have more sun? If one has seats on the visitors' side, aren't you facing SOUTH? I would say both sides would get the same amount of sun if you're in the lower bowl.

One thing I haven't read people mentioning is our GIGANTIC scoreboard is tilted more towards the HOME side so if you're on the visitors' side, one may not have the best angle to view the scoreboard.

The visitors sideline does face due South. However, the Home side actually gets quite a bit of shade. I toured on Oct 2nd and the entire home side was in the shade at 1:30-2:00pm. 11am games would be exception.

Is anyone else surprised at the massive preference for the home side? Yes, I expected it to be the much more popular option, but I'm very surprised at how few people are opting for the visitor's side. I pick on Monday and it's making me rethink what I might do.

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