Predict the score vs South Dakota State


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Our roll call so far-

gopher1more/Idagopher ( tie )
MKE Gopher/Gopher on the rise/Dr. Don ( tie )
No winner for the Virginia game. Everyone picked Minnesota.
Markous15/gopher1more ( tie )
Section201/Tcgophers ( tie )

After tonight we'll be moving to a winner take all type of thing. No more ties. I'll take the closest score that was posted first as the winner. I believe that was the first tie breaker that MnSnowman used.


Please use the format name/winner/score

Blizzard Gophers 83 - 71

As for tiebreaker, I thought Snowman used the closest to the Gophers actual score as the first tie breaker and then the first posting as the second. It is your program so you do as you like, you are the head judge and jury and we are all spectators.

Dr.Don: Gophers 89-67

Blizzard makes the rules for what is best for him to figure out the winner.

Thank you Blizzard for doing this.

Go Gophers!!!!!

If you are going to get rid of the ties, you might as well go back and adjust the previous ties to the correct winners to keep things consistent going forward. Just a thought.

Blizzard Gophers 83 - 71
gopher1more: Gophers 72-61
Dr.Don: Gophers 89-67
GopherHokie - Gophers 81-65
JGopher: Gophers 72-53
howeda7: Gophers 71-64
The-Real-Truth, Gophers:70-50
XMan: Gophers 82-74
figi: Gophers 74-63
Eye of the Gopher: Gophers 78-66
Section201: Gophers 69-60
Gopher in Texas, Gophers 65 - 51
Steer53 Gophers 84-63
Sidefx182 Gophers 78-50
Anderson8284: Gophers 79-77
Gopher In Qatar: Gophers 77-66
JJSINMN Gophers 84 -72


Thanks for the suggestions otherwise. MnSnowman's operation was first class. :)

gopher1more - you're correct. I've got a week or so to think about it, so we'll see.

Blizzard Gophers 83 - 71
gopher1more: Gophers 72-61
Dr.Don: Gophers 89-67
GopherHokie - Gophers 81-65
JGopher: Gophers 72-53
howeda7: Gophers 71-64
The-Real-Truth, Gophers:70-50
XMan: Gophers 82-74
figi: Gophers 74-63
Eye of the Gopher: Gophers 78-66
Section201: Gophers 69-60
Gopher in Texas, Gophers 65 - 51
Steer53 Gophers 84-63
Sidefx182 Gophers 78-50
Anderson8284: Gophers 79-77
Gopher In Qatar: Gophers 77-66
JJSINMN Gophers 84 -72


Thanks for the suggestions otherwise. MnSnowman's operation was first class. :)

gopher1more - you're correct. I've got a week or so to think about it, so we'll see.

Blizzard, so you are maybe gonna retroact my name from the winners list because of some suggestion of retroacting ties???? I would get pissed if my name got dropped off. New rules are new rules...I suggest no retroactions alllowed and the new rules are from here to fore be in force. I will squawk if my name is dropped....:pig: :pig: :pig:

JJSINMN is two off the score this week.

so you are maybe gonna retroact my name from the winners list because of some suggestion of retroacting ties????

Your name has been forever memorialized in Gopherhole pick the score lore Don. :)

JJSINMN is two off the score this week.

Your name has been forever memorialized in Gopherhole pick the score lore Don. :)

Thanks Blizzard, now my Christmas will be Merrier. :)

Thanks again for handling this GH Pick the Gopher Score scene, Blizz.

Merry Christmas to all!!!

Go Gophers!!!

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