Predict the Score vs High Point (deadline Noon Sunday)

Mikie S: Gophers 80 High Point 52

Summary of Predictions vs High Point

..UofM - High Point
.... 82.6 - 60.2 Group Avg
..... 82 - 60 .... Grp Median
..... 72 - 42 .... Lowest score.
101 - 72 .... Highest score
32 Predictions

MNSnowman: Gophers - 83 High Point - 59
Gopher737 : Gophers - 82 High Point - 63
RomaGopher : Gophers - 85 High Point - 62
what up guy: Gophers - 84 High Point - 58
Gopher07: Gophers - 78 High Point - 65
Anderson8284: Gophers - 79 High Point - 53
Gopherinphilly: Gophers - 88 High Point - 72
gopher1more: Gophers - 90 High Point - 65
Dr Don: Gophers - 94 High Point - 59
burton34: Gophers - 74 High Point - 61
bruster : Gophers - 77 High Point - 59
Roy Christensen: Gophers - 77 High Point - 56
GopherCrazy: Gophers - 72 High Point - 61
Warrior04: Gophers - 81 High Point - 68
Gopherholefan: Gophers - 80 High Point - 65
Runext07: Gophers - 86 High Point - 67
Figi: Gophers - 80 High Point - 56
MadisonRaisedGopherCrazed: Gophers - 78 High Point - 62
Zales04: Gophers - 78 High Point - 55
Ron456: Gophers - 85 High Point - 62
gophermanic: Gophers - 83 High Point - 60
whogoofed: Gophers - 80 High Point - 56
book: Gophers - 83 High Point - 57
maliksealy: Gophers - 85 High Point - 66
Charlesbenjamin: Gophers - 81 High Point - 59
Blizzard: Gophers - 101 High Point - 67
XMan: Gophers - 88 High Point - 70
Gopher In Qatar: Gophers - 88 High Point - 54
Mikie S: Gophers - 80 High Point - 52
Kindofgreen: Gophers - 80 High Point - 42
Ski U Mah Gopher: Gophers - 88 High Point - 60
SanDiegoPete: Gophers - 75 High Point - 55

Gold Rush -- Gophers: 82 High Point : 62

Yeah, I didn't get to the computer in time and I was away on Christmas vacation. Sorry!!!
Can't blame a guy for trying though....hey I should at least get a point if the Gophers win.

Fortunately, Dr Don was here to police this and bust me -- what would we do without him I don't know.

Hey Gold Rush...I am not a policer....just an old retired teacher that has a blast on this gopherhole.... Miller Lite time again... Gophers win. YESSS!!! Minnesota Gophers...AMERICA'S TEAM!!!!!!!

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