Podcast of the 11-24-13 Sports Huddle with Sid & Dave – Jerry Kill

Click on the link below to hear the 11-24-13 podcast of the Sports Huddle with Sid & Dave – Guest Jerry Kill.

Thanks, Killjoy. Jerry sounded positive and upbeat. He's been through this a few times and I get the sense that he thinks the Gophers are progressing nicely. I'm so excited about this Saturday's game. Sparty is good, but beatable.

Thanks, Killjoy. Jerry sounded positive and upbeat. He's been through this a few times and I get the sense that he thinks the Gophers are progressing nicely. I'm so excited about this Saturday's game. Sparty is good, but beatable.

Thanks killme - I really like DL65's reports. They are a work of art and you avoid the pain of listening to Sid (Given his age he does the best he can and once in while he surprises me with some of his historical knowledge). As you pointed out above the podcast does give you a better sense of how Kill is feeling though. I have to admit that DL65 does excellent job of capturing that also but hearing it helps.

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