Players to emerge with new staff?


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2009
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I can't remember if it was Coach Kill or one of the coordinators interview with Doogie, but one of them talked a bit about how every time they've arrived at someplace new...some players who were getting a lot of minutes got buried in the depth chart and some players who you were buried in the depth chart, emerged.

So who do you guys think are some of those possibilities and who are some guys who might have already been starters that you think will really benefit from the new systems?

My guesses:

Shady Salamon: I think he will get significant PT. I don't think he has the measureables that most of the S's have, but he is a smart kid and I imagine that he will do a good job of being in the "right" place.

Leston Simpson/Ben Perry: They both seem to be pretty athletic kids who could leap frog some of the other DEs who might have been better fits in Brews system.

Mike Henry: I could see him getting significant run at H-Back and I don't think any of us would have guessed that last season.

Kloss: He looked good in spring and he seemed to do the right thing a lot. We are so thin at WR, him contributing wouldn't surprise me.

Wilhite: I know he has been a starter for awhile, but he should be licking his chops at the new system. He is athletic and hopefully he creates some havoc.

M Gray will go from 2nd WR to best offensive player.
T stoudamire will return all kicks.

Every player on the team will be used for their strengths instead of trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. And that's good news.

I've seen Keise's name a few times as someone who could surprise. As for a starter who I think will benefit the most from the new system, probably Keanon Cooper, he seems like an ideal fit at OLB in that system.

Every Time

Every Time Coach Kill talks about players he mentions Campion

I think Gray is going to be spectacular at quarterback where he should have been for two seasons.

They talk about the freshman speedster Jones and they have hopes for the JC receiver Moulton is it?

walk on undersized defensive back ? got mentioned often

most of the guys I mentioned don't really fit the question asked but guys that come up in conversation from coaches

I've seen Keise's name a few times as someone who could surprise. As for a starter who I think will benefit the most from the new system, probably Keanon Cooper, he seems like an ideal fit at OLB in that system.

I was gonna mention Keise, even Gray mentioned him at Media Day as a guy to look out for, and with no hesitation really. It would be awesome to see him blossom here, being a Florida kid with a really good head on his shoulders who really seems to love it here.

Defensively, I'm guessing one of the DEs will surprise, as someone mentioned Simpson and Perry, guys who may be a tad undersized, or one of the LBs maybe becoming that rush end, something like that. We only had 9 sacks, it can really only get better at this point so someone's bound to surprise in that regard.

Ra'Shede Hageman is the best athlete on the D line. Finally getting quality day-to-day training could turn him into something special.

My prediction: Henry, Campion, Keise, Simpson, Ryan Grant, and Joey Balthazor will rise from (relative) obscurity to major contributors...

Ra'Shede Hageman is the best athlete on the D line. Finally getting quality day-to-day training could turn him into something special.

I've heard that he's thisclose to getting his scholly pulled. Kill hates his work ethic and needs to pick it up.

I've heard that he's thisclose to getting his scholly pulled. Kill hates his work ethic and needs to pick it up.
You need to work on making your jokes more obvious, the way you worded it someone could believe you.
When RH uses the right technique he looks like superman out there. Huge and quick.

I'm not joking. I think he could get buried.

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