PA today - 8/19/10 9:35 AM

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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Promises to be talking Gopher football soon, as in the next 1/2 hour or hour or something. Didn't catch the exact quote.

Will try to listen.

Went through the schedule with a caller Chris. They differed on the opening 4 games. Chris of the 3-1 possible 4-0, while PA was 2-2. We have to beat MTSU, NIU, SDSU. Now Northwestern at Home a win both by Chris and PA. Wisconsin, The Royston Bowl. PA has Royston with picks and TD's and we stil lose by a point. Chris of its a Trophy game, we can steal one. At this point Chris is 4-2, PA 3-3. Purdue at West LaFayette, a must win. PA cannot figure out how Purdue beat TOSU last year, but both GO Gophers. Home to PSU and neither sees a win, but I do. Chris this ones for you. Chris 6-2, PA 4-4. TOSU, 6-3 4-5. Now the critical point of the season. On the road to Michigan State. Time constraints and Chris is gone, but another must win at East Lansing. 7-3 or 4-6. On to Illinois, certainly we can beat them 8-3 or 5-6. Home to The Bank against Iowa. PA's side kick touted he was wearing a Hawkeye Shirt. This could be the biggest game in the Bank. 9-3, 5-7. The question came up would Horton run the ball to keep the other team's offense off the field? I found myself saying, duh, yes!

I didn't listen to it but the Chris who was on with PA is Kim Royston's father.

This is a prime example of what bothers me about PA talking about the Gophers. He starts out laughing about how the Gophers are dogs on the road to start. Yup...I'm not happy about it either. He begins to talk about the schedule, ready to pick (probably) 2 wins this year. The sidekick says both he and Burrito pick SoDak to win the next game, but he changes his mind with PA. Must have been less negativity in the room without Burrito.

Now Chris Royston comes on, and PA totally changes his tone. He becomes deferential to the Gophers and much more positive. He just says what he thinks will make Chris happy, with absolutely no information on college football. To be fair, he admits that he knows little about the college game, so it's a conundrum for me; I want more Gopher coverage, and I see that he's trying. I guess I just wish the learning curve was a little steeper.

I have a feeling KFAN would be a different station if they were forced out of their protective bubble and what they spewed on the air had to actually hold up against/with people who actually knew what they were talking about.

This is a prime example of what bothers me about PA talking about the Gophers. He starts out laughing about how the Gophers are dogs on the road to start. Yup...I'm not happy about it either. He begins to talk about the schedule, ready to pick (probably) 2 wins this year. The sidekick says both he and Burrito pick SoDak to win the next game, but he changes his mind with PA. Must have been less negativity in the room without Burrito.

Now Chris Royston comes on, and PA totally changes his tone. He becomes deferential to the Gophers and much more positive. He just says what he thinks will make Chris happy, with absolutely no information on college football. To be fair, he admits that he knows little about the college game, so it's a conundrum for me; I want more Gopher coverage, and I see that he's trying. I guess I just wish the learning curve was a little steeper.

That's a good synopsis. It seems like PA's default position is to rip the Gophers, but he's at least willing to change his tune when someone with more credibility enters the discussion. I get the sense he would genuinely like to discuss the team more, given his statements concerning his respect for Horton and Cosgrove; it's just unfortunate his starting point is to join the rest of the chowderheads at KFAN by mocking the team.

If you admit you have no clue, why be negative? Being cluelessly positive is much better than cluelessly negative.

"I don't know anything about N. Illinois other than Garrett Wolfe is no long there. Are they in the MAC?" With his expert sidekick wearing his Iowa shirt saying "Northwestern lost some key players like Kafka, and Gophers beat them on the road last year, I'll take Northwestern to win" . . . with no further analysis. Very tough to listen to. Give Chris a lot of credit for his efforts, but as soon as they shoo him off the air, they go back to their cynical, unknowledgeable bit and say we have no chance to beat Penn St at home. I don't know how they make a living at their profession.

Didn't PA just a couple of days ago tell a "freshman" caller that the Gophs will only win one home game all year? Now Chirs calls him on it and he changed his tune. That's credible.

Why do people rip on Gaard for his love of Iowa? The man went to, and graduated from the University. He has the right, and understandably roots for his college of choice. I have no problem with it.

What needs to happen around here is the same thing that happens at Universities like Iowa - people developing an affinity for the University and its sports teams. By and large that doesn't happen at the U of M.

Why do people rip on Gaard for his love of Iowa? The man went to, and graduated from the University. He has the right, and understandably roots for his college of choice. I have no problem with it.


I don't blame Gaard and not ripping on him. But I will rip on a local sports station that uses a die-hard Iowa football fan to be the "expert" voice on the station while trying to lamely analyze the home team Gophers. I'm pretty sure my presence wouldn't go over well (wearing my maroon and gold) on a sports talk show in Iowa City.

Why do people rip on Gaard for his love of Iowa? The man went to, and graduated from the University. He has the right, and understandably roots for his college of choice. I have no problem with it.

What needs to happen around here is the same thing that happens at Universities like Iowa - people developing an affinity for the University and its sports teams. By and large that doesn't happen at the U of M.

I can't imagine someone who graduated from Minnesota getting a job on an Iowa radio station and rooting for the Gophers. He'd be fired. You do have to understand what market you're working in. I don't know that people don't have an affinity for the U's sports teams. I suspect that someone who graduated from Minnesota wouldn't be hired in the first place to do sports talk in Iowa.

I can't imagine someone who graduated from Minnesota getting a job on an Iowa radio station and rooting for the Gophers. He'd be fired. You do have to understand what market you're working in. I don't know that people don't have an affinity for the U's sports teams. I suspect that someone who graduated from Minnesota wouldn't be hired in the first place to do sports talk in Iowa.

Bingo. It wouldn't even be so bad if he had anything intelligent to add for analysis, but there is just nothing there except for biased uninformed negativity. PA is no better.

Gaard went to Iowa for two years, then transferred to the U where he graduated. He also talks about going to Gopher games with his dad growing up. He is a Gopher fan for the teams when they do well, or for Iowa when they do well. If we beat Iowa this year, he will be a Gopher fan until Iowa doesnt something better. And that is sad of him. No loyalty.

I suspect that someone who graduated from Minnesota wouldn't be hired in the first place to do sports talk in Iowa.

Exactly correct. They either wouldn't be hired there, or if they were, would grow to love and root for the hawkeyes. They certainly wouldn't be popular personalities if they professed their love for the U of M on air. The station would be flooded with calls and angry emails. Why??? Because people actually CARE about the Hawkeyes in Iowa. They don't care about the Gophers here in MN. They care about the pro sports teams.

So don't rip on Gaard for liking the school he went to - instead be angry that the culture is not different in this town.

Gaard went to Iowa for two years, then transferred to the U where he graduated. He also talks about going to Gopher games with his dad growing up. He is a Gopher fan for the teams when they do well, or for Iowa when they do well. If we beat Iowa this year, he will be a Gopher fan until Iowa doesnt something better. And that is sad of him. No loyalty.

One of my pet peeves is people who say "we" when referring to sports teams. He does it when talking about Iowa and the Gophers. In my book, there can be no crossover between those teams.

Exactly correct. They either wouldn't be hired there, or if they were, would grow to love and root for the hawkeyes. They certainly wouldn't be popular personalities if they professed their love for the U of M on air. The station would be flooded with calls and angry emails. Why??? Because people actually CARE about the Hawkeyes in Iowa. They don't care about the Gophers here in MN. They care about the pro sports teams.

So don't rip on Gaard for liking the school he went to - instead be angry that the culture is not different in this town.

That's just a plain idiotic statement. This site wouldn't exist if people didn't care about the Gophers in MN.

Gaard went to Iowa for two years, then transferred to the U where he graduated. He also talks about going to Gopher games with his dad growing up. He is a Gopher fan for the teams when they do well, or for Iowa when they do well. If we beat Iowa this year, he will be a Gopher fan until Iowa doesnt something better. And that is sad of him. No loyalty.

I did not know that - it does change my opinion slightly, and also helps to explain why he seems to follow/care about Gopher Basketball more than Hawkeye Basketball.

Exactly correct. They either wouldn't be hired there, or if they were, would grow to love and root for the hawkeyes. They certainly wouldn't be popular personalities if they professed their love for the U of M on air. The station would be flooded with calls and angry emails. Why??? Because people actually CARE about the Hawkeyes in Iowa. They don't care about the Gophers here in MN. They care about the pro sports teams.

So don't rip on Gaard for liking the school he went to - instead be angry that the culture is not different in this town.

You realize that doesn't make a bit of sense, don't you? You say that those hypothetical calls and letters that a radio host in Iowa who roots for Minnesota would get are an indication of how much people care about the Hawkeyes.

Then you turn around and say that we shouldn't do the same thing here. It's the EXACT same thing! If calls and e-mails complaining are an indication of support for the Hawkeyes, then calls and e-mails complaining are indications of support for the Gophers.

That's just a plain idiotic statement. This site wouldn't exist if people didn't care about the Gophers in MN.

So, so very sorry about that. Please do let me revise my idiotic statement:

In General, the vast majority of Minnesotans will only care about the Gopher Football team if they are wildly successful. There are some passionate Gopher fans out there obviously like the ones on Gopherhole, but they are vastly outnumbered by apathetic or fairweather fans, who don't necessarily root against the Gophers, but don't care enough about them unless they are doing something really special.

You realize that doesn't make a bit of sense, don't you? You say that those hypothetical calls and letters that a radio host in Iowa who roots for Minnesota would get are an indication of how much people care about the Hawkeyes.

Then you turn around and say that we shouldn't do the same thing here. It's the EXACT same thing! If calls and e-mails complaining are an indication of support for the Hawkeyes, then calls and e-mails complaining are indications of support for the Gophers.

When did I say we shouldn't do the same thing here? I wish the culture was different and KFAN would be bombarded with listeners outraged with the lack of Gopher coverage. The reality is that it doesn't happen.

When did I say we shouldn't do the same thing here? I wish the culture was different and KFAN would be bombarded with listeners outraged with the lack of Gopher coverage. The reality is that it doesn't happen.

Right here:

Why do people rip on Gaard for his love of Iowa? The man went to, and graduated from the University. He has the right, and understandably roots for his college of choice. I have no problem with it.

What needs to happen around here is the same thing that happens at Universities like Iowa - people developing an affinity for the University and its sports teams. By and large that doesn't happen at the U of M.

You tell us not to rip on him, and then praise Iowa fans because they would rip on an Iowa sports talk personality who as a Minnesota alumni and rooted for the Gophers.

Exactly correct. They either wouldn't be hired there, or if they were, would grow to love and root for the hawkeyes. They certainly wouldn't be popular personalities if they professed their love for the U of M on air. The station would be flooded with calls and angry emails. Why??? Because people actually CARE about the Hawkeyes in Iowa. They don't care about the Gophers here in MN. They care about the pro sports teams.

So don't rip on Gaard for liking the school he went to - instead be angry that the culture is not different in this town.

Not sure this is true. One of the personalities at KFAN is that Sinikin guy. He is a Packer fan like non other, and this is a hardcore Vikings town. I am sure he still has a job and people arent calling for his head.

dont listen then. seriously why does everyone who hates PA keep listening to him and then bashing him. stop hatin.

The original point was that PA was going to talk Gopher football. He has stated that he will try to make an effort to do a better job with that. So, as a result, people will give him a listen, come here to discuss their thoughts, and the thread will take a familiar turn.

When I hear that he will discuss Gopher football, I'll give him a listen and hope that he becomes more informed. If he continues down the road he has walked, he'll get ripped for that. If he increases his knowledge, he will be lauded, whether it is positive or negative, as long as it is informed and accurate.

Right here:

You tell us not to rip on him, and then praise Iowa fans because they would rip on an Iowa sports talk personality who as a Minnesota alumni and rooted for the Gophers.

I don't think you're understanding my point. I can't fault him for being an Iowa fan, nor should anyone since he went there (albeit for only 2 years if that is accurate). I would encourage phone calls and emails to KFAN telling them to "get that Hawkeye guy off the air."

That was my only initial point - people on here always seem to be outraged that he is an Iowa fan. I was merely pointing out that it is natural for him to be a fan since he went to the University.

The bigger problem is that there isn't an outrage amongst listeners here, as there likely would be in Iowa City if it were the other way around.

Not sure this is true. One of the personalities at KFAN is that Sinikin guy. He is a Packer fan like non other, and this is a hardcore Vikings town. I am sure he still has a job and people arent calling for his head.

Fair point - although he is on the air significantly less than Gaard.

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