Official LOI list


Elite Poster
Nov 24, 2008
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Per GopherSports/Rivals, here are the LOIs signed and delivered so far today:

Official 2011 LOI:
Michael Amaefula
Quinn Bauducco
Joe Bjorklund (Update: per Jerry Kill, he will NOT grayshirt)
Foster Bush
Josh Campion
Theiren Cockran
Drayquan Crawford
Devin Crawford-Tufts
Quentin Gardener
Drew Goodger
Ge'Shun Harris
Marcus Jones
Grayson Levine
Jephete Matilus
Luke McAvoy
Kyle McAvoy
Steven Montgomery
Tommy Olson
John Rabe
Max Shortell
Derrick Wells
Peter Westerhaus

Chris Hawthorne

Preferred Walk-On:
Jon Christenson
Ernie Heifort
Peter Mortell
David Platner
Luke Trucilla

The signed LOI list is now complete with prospects we already knew about (21). Any new LOIs from this point on will be late additions to the class that haven't previously been publicized.

Nice start. Good to see Matilus on that list as I read that he was waffling.

Still wating: Montgomery, Amaefula and Bauducco. Bauducco is probably just brushing his teeth after breakfast.


Do walk-ons sign letters of intent and, if so, how is the information disseminated?

per recent tweets Montgomery is about to sign at his HS ceremony and Amaefula just signed.

Since it's 8 on the west coast now Bauducco can sign anytime.

per recent tweets Montgomery is about to sign at his HS ceremony and Amaefula just signed.

Since it's 8 on the west coast now Bauducco can sign anytime.

It is 7 (PST) there now unless he live somewhere that is on mountain time.

Since it's 8 on the west coast now Bauducco can sign anytime.

Are you sure it's 8? The reason I ask is because I assumed that it was 8 as well, but then there were several commitments from Central Time zone athletes well before 8 am local time. Via inference, I think it's probably 7, or possibly even earlier?

Are you sure it's 8? The reason I ask is because I assumed that it was 8 as well, but then there were several commitments from Central Time zone athletes well before 8 am local time. Via inference, I think it's probably 7, or possibly even earlier?

I'm on the gopher sports signing day chat thing and someone made a comment about it being 8. Andy the mod. and MV all let is slide, so I'm assumed it was 8, but yeah now that I look at it Tommy O. signed at like 7:30.

I'm on the gopher sports signing day chat thing and someone made a comment about it being 8. Andy the mod. and MV all let is slide, so I'm assumed it was 8, but yeah now that I look at it Tommy O. signed at like 7:30.

I'm on the same thing and this is one of the first things he says:

Any guesses on what city or state the first National Letter of Intent may come from? It will have to be on the east coast, as NLIs can officially be sent in after 7 p.m. in each time zone. Therefore, they usually come in waves, from east to west. "

Assuming he meant 7am, sounds like that's the time.

Thanks Monty... Apparently I'm just bad with, time/numbers/things

That would mean everyone who committed has signed.

Interesting tweet by MV: Difference between two staffs, Brew saw Bauducco as a rush OLB, Kill likes him a MLB.

Montgomery added to dpodoll's OP list of signed LOI'S

They haven't officially signed their LOI yet, or the U hasn't received it... Although it sounds like Grayson's just came in.

Additional Help for 2011

Per GopherSports/Rivals, here are the LOIs signed and delivered so far today:

Official 2011 LOI:
Michael Amaefula
Quinn Bauducco
Foster Bush
Josh Campion
Theiren Cockran
Drayquan Crawford
Devin Crawford-Tufts
Quentin Gardener
Drew Goodger
Ge'Shun Harris
Marcus Jones
Grayson Levine
Jephete Matilus
Luke McAvoy
Kyle McAvoy
Steven Montgomery
Tommy Olson
John Rabe
Max Shortell
Derrick Wells
Peter Westerhaus

Chris Hawthorne

Grayshirt (2012 LOI):
Joe Bjorklund

Preferred Walk-On:
Jon Christenson
Ernie Heifort
Peter Mortell
David Platner
Luke Trucilla

The signed LOI list is now complete with prospects we already knew about (21). Any new LOIs from this point on will be late additions to the class that haven't previously been publicized.

Great job of putting this all together! In addition, I would like to remind people that there are six additional players that could be considered almost "new" for 2011 (Okay may slightly used). These are five players who didn’t play or played very little last year because of injuries plus one transfer who sat out. If these players can remain healthy in 2011 they could be significant contributors in 2011.
The injured players are:

Xzavian Brandon
Brandon Green
Donnell Kirkwood
Brooks Michel
Kim Royston

In addition to these five, Brendan Beal sat out 2010 because of transferring. He will be available in 2011 and should also be a significant contributor.

It is very likely that these six plus the transfer kicker Chris Hawthorne will have a much greater impact on the 2011 season than the 2011 recruits signed today. Hopefully the 2011 class member will be great contributors but we won’t know the answer to that for a few years.

I'm really hoping Brandon Green can get that knee right. Could be a very important possession guy if we can get him out there.

Looks like we have 27 new Gophers this year, quite a pretty good haul all things considered. Now, to keep them on campus all four years (unless some of them get so good they only stay 3 ;))

Looks like a solid first class. Coach'em up, Jerry.

Personally I think this is a great start. Good class considering he had only 1 1/2 months to get everything together. Players now working out hard. Proven coaches who can coach and I'm sure the players are excited about that unlike Brewster who wasn't sure what to do. I'm allowed to say that as I supported Brewster to the bitter end!

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