Nike's New 'Pro Combat" Unis

Nike doesnt make jerseys for teams that are ranked #104

That's messed up that a select group of 10 teams get free promotion & recruiting material, while the have nots get squat.

They've Been Watching Old Movies Again At Nike HQ Apparently




I am kind of delighted that Nike is releasing a Virginia Tech pro combat jersey with apparently no sense of irony.

Not much self-awareness up at Nike HQ.


Ohio State: Bad, players should go to Rutgers if they wanted to wear that
Boise St: ok
West Virginia: Pretty nice, I like em
Alabama: ok, a little houndstooth on the numbers
Miami: Horrible, they should stick with what they wore in the bowl game against wisc last year
Pittsburgh: ok
Va Tech: eh, the circuitry looking stuff on the numbers is a little much for me
Florida: bad, if that gator skin shows up on tv=very silly, if its more subtle, ok
Oregon State: I like, look more like throwbacks than anything
TCU: bad, look like XFL jerserys

The nike promos are pretty cool to watch though...

Would be cool to see Gophs get something eventually, hell, even just a little promo with the guy with the deep voice...

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