NCAA VB Rules Committee Recommended Changes 2024

Ignatius L Hoops

Well-known member
Sep 9, 2015
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The NCAA Women's Volleyball Rules Committee, which met this week in Indianapolis, recommended allowing players to contact the ball more than once with any part of the body in a single attempt on a team's second contact when the ball is played to a teammate.

However, if the ball is played over the net in this type of scenario, it would be ruled a fault, and the team would lose the point.

All rule recommendations must be approved by the NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel, which is tentatively scheduled to discuss women's volleyball proposals Feb. 20.

Committee members debated the topic thoroughly before deciding to propose this change.

Through the years, officiating double contacts has sparked intense debates between coaches and volleyball officials during matches. Committee members think the proposed elimination of this judgment call can bring more consistency to the game.

The committee also feels that it will promote the continuation of play, which would make the game more entertaining for the players and fans.

Data collected from an experimental rule in the spring of 2022 showed it will change only a small number of calls.

"We believe we won't lose skill training because it is not significantly advantageous to the team that would have been called for double contact," said Lyndsey Oates, NCAA Women's Volleyball Rules Committee chair and coach at Northern Colorado. "Our goals with all the proposals were to continue to make volleyball an exciting game to watch and play. Our sport is in such a great place that we only want to continue advancing it and not set us back."

Two liberos​

The committee recommended each team be allowed to designate two liberos for each set of the match. Only one libero would be allowed on the court at a time and be allowed to serve in one position.

The rationale for the proposal is to allow more players the opportunity to compete and to increase action and improve play.

"This will allow schools who want to use this rule the ability to provide more opportunities for playing time," Oates said. "Coaches have the discretion to decide if it will be a good tactical decision or not."

Other rules proposals​

  • Allowing the referee to issue an administrative sanction (red card) to the home team in instances where spectators encroach the playing area and the host administration fails to resolve the problem.
  • Allowing interference above the net (whether an opponent was touched) to be added to the list of plays that can be challenged in video review.
  • Expanding the jewelry rule to allow small, snug-fitting nose rings and ear cuffs.
  • Requiring all protests to be resolved during the match.

Experimental rule​

The committee approved an experimental rule to allow women's teams to use the men's/international volleyball (nonsmooth cover) during the nontraditional season this spring

I’m going to need more details about two liberos. TIA.

100% correct to abolish calls of double on a set ball.

Those calls aren't at all helpful for the game and it gaining a wider audience.

It’s not possible to double a ball in a way that improves your hitters ability to score over a “properly” set ball. A ball that’s not rotating will always give the most control to your hitter. But it shouldn’t be a penalty if you put even excessive spin on it.
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100% disagree with letting 2 L’s play in the same set.

This just further allows the elite all-star teams to stockpile talent.

Now two L’s can be on Texas, Neb, etc. and both feel like they contributed to titles etc.

Disappointing how many of the coaches get it wrong. (Objectively correct that double contact should be allowed on the first two contacts.)

Not surprised that KCook is one of them. Not a huge fan of his so far.

Probably means the DS is now considered a libero and will not count as a substitute.
No, I'm thinking that they can replace the libero if she is not doing well in the set. You would only be allowed one libero on the court at any one time.

No, I'm thinking that they can replace the libero if she is not doing well in the set. You would only be allowed one libero on the court at any one time.
What is the rule now? Say if the L gets injured?

Are you not allowed to swap the jersey to another player until the next set?

If that’s what it is, then I guess all this does is essentially let you move that up to within a set instead of waiting until the next set.

If the rule were that you could only designate one roster player as the L for the entire match, the new rule proposal would have quite a bit more impact, but thinking that is not the rule. I seem to recall either this past season or one before that switching L’s in the middle of the match?

What is the rule now? Say if the L gets injured?

Are you not allowed to swap the jersey to another player until the next set?

If that’s what it is, then I guess all this does is essentially let you move that up to within a set instead of waiting until the next set.

If the rule were that you could only designate one roster player as the L for the entire match, the new rule proposal would have quite a bit more impact, but thinking that is not the rule. I seem to recall either this past season or one before that switching L’s in the middle of the match?
Right now, you get one player designated libero each set. If that player gets hurt, you have to use substitutions to get a middle blocker into the front row, and a DS into the back row.

The new rule would be insurance against injury or poor play in any one set.

Right now, you get one player designated libero each set. If that player gets hurt, you have to use substitutions to get a middle blocker into the front row, and a DS into the back row.

The new rule would be insurance against injury or poor play in any one set.

Then I am for this new rule and my previous thinking was wrong. Indeed, all-stars could stockpile L talent now, and play a different one each set if they wanted now. This rule just allows changes within a set, which seems more beneficial to everyone.

It would be nice to see the actual rule. I’ve seen it used in JOs but I have no idea if it will be the same.

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