Mason on K-Fan around 4:00 - 4:15


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Nov 20, 2008
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Mason is on with Barreiro talking football recruiting. I won't be able to listen so could someone listen and give a summary.

Barriero tried to get Mason to bash Brew on his recruiting promises Brew made comin in to Minnesota. Apparently Barreiro is a d-bag like the rest of the jackbags media tools up there.

I found it amazing that neither the host or Mason mentioned one recruit that signed with the Gophers. No mention of the 3 RB's, the D-Linemen, or the big OT from Irondale Jimmy Gjere. DB really doesn't know much of anything about the Gopher football program let alone any of the players. I would love to ask DB what he thinks for Hageman, Jacobs and Maresh a year from now. Jacobs was the #1 recruit 3 years ago and most people feel Hageman was the #1 recruit from Minnesota last season. Maresh was #2 in the Floyd class yet no mention of any of these 3 highly rated recruits by DB. I believe Carufel was also #1 in Minnesota 4 years ago.

I found it amazing that neither the host or Mason mentioned one recruit that signed with the Gophers. No mention of the 3 RB's, the D-Linemen, or the big OT from Irondale Jimmy Gjere. DB really doesn't know much of anything about the Gopher football program let alone any of the players. I would love to ask DB what he thinks for Hageman, Jacobs and Maresh a year from now. Jacobs was the #1 recruit 3 years ago and most people feel Hageman was the #1 recruit from Minnesota last season. Maresh was #2 in the Floyd class yet no mention of any of these 3 highly rated recruits by DB. I believe Carufel was also #1 in Minnesota 4 years ago.

And you are surprised?? Its Barrero. He left the Star Trib because they were making him fact check. KFAN doesn't care...they just let him spew whatever he wants and let the uneducated masses (90%of their audience) buy it up.

the bald idiot will never take phone calls on brewster or the's way too risky to be exposed


Thanks for the update. I can't believe they wouldn't talk about MN recruits. That would be the reason folks would listen.

I was surprised that Mason said that he would start Gray over Weber based on the fact that our offense was so poor this past year...especially in light of the fact that Mason recruited Adam.

Go Gophers!!

What really grinds my gears is his blatant ignorance of the names of certain players. That right there tells me he knows way too little about the program to make comments about it, let alone be critical of it or it's coach.

I also thought it was interesting that he questioned the credibility of the recruiting rankings system early in the show, and then later on pointed out that our recruits rankings have dropped off over the last few years and seemed to use that as ammo against Brewster. So recruiting rankings don't mean anything, unless it can be used to make Brew look bad? Hmm, sounds like some people that post here occasionally.

I was surprised that Mason said that he would start Gray over Weber based on the fact that our offense was so poor this past year...especially in light of the fact that Mason recruited Adam.

Go Gophers!!

I think Mason is trying to be objective and I would agree with that statement. If Weber struggles again next year, you probably have to say enough is enough and it's time to move on. I think a lot of Weber's problems came from coaches who tried to change his throwing motion and an offensive coordinator who refused to simplify his offense so the team could understand it. In Weber's defense, he has now had FOUR different offensive coordinators in four years and I think the last one (Fisch) was probably the worst of the bunch.

I heard part of that interview. Barrierro asked Mason a question about high school coaches and Mase immediately went into a defense of his program's relations with local coaches. He claimed it was 'vitally important' to build those connections which was funny considering the general assessment is that this was never a priority for him.

The host then went on some rant about how Brewster is billed as such a recruiter but failed since he didn't 'seal up the borers' again. Lame arguments repeated ad nauseum.

I heard most of it

I was quite surprised how well the two windbags acted. It was a decent conversation, but I thought they would be blowing some massive smoke up each other's skirts.

I can't stand K-SPAM and usually turn it off when D-Bag talks about the Gopher FB program. This time I was waiting for a train wreck that didn't happen.

If a new sports station ever hit our market I would kiss mother earth and never tune into 1130 again.

Mason actually made the segment respectable. Danny left the door open for him to bash Brewster but Smilin' Glen took the high road. Gotta give him credit for that.

Barriero tried to get Mason to bash Brew on his recruiting promises Brew made comin in to Minnesota. Apparently Barreiro is a d-bag like the rest of the jackbags media tools up there.

Barreiro is the Alpha d-bag in the Minnesota sports scene. He is constantly negative and has the biggest soapbox. He really only has a decent understanding of NFL football, everything else he spews is just ignorant "savagery".

Mason actually made the segment respectable. Danny left the door open for him to bash Brewster but Smilin' Glen took the high road. Gotta give him credit for that.

I agree. I had the feeling that Dan B kept trying to get Mason to throw a punch at Brewster. Mason, I thought, gave a good interview.

I think it is interesting that Mason would be chosen to host with DB on LOI signing day...if there is one person that knows less about college football recruits than DB it would have to be Mason. Maybe DB could have seance with Wacker next year to get his input? If there is one thing Gopher fans should not be upset with it is the state of our recruits.

I think Mason is trying to be objective and I would agree with that statement. If Weber struggles again next year, you probably have to say enough is enough and it's time to move on. I think a lot of Weber's problems came from coaches who tried to change his throwing motion and an offensive coordinator who refused to simplify his offense so the team could understand it. In Weber's defense, he has now had FOUR different offensive coordinators in four years and I think the last one (Fisch) was probably the worst of the bunch.

I can't believe how everybody blames a change in throwing motion for Webers demise. Weber never could throw no matter how his mechanics were. The throwing motion argument is way overrated.

Barreiro is the Alpha d-bag in the Minnesota sports scene. He is constantly negative and has the biggest soapbox. He really only has a decent understanding of NFL football, everything else he spews is just ignorant "savagery".

When did Barreiro take the rather large title belt off of Reusse? Are you saying that Dan's listener's outnumber Fat Pat's combined readership and listeners?? Hmmm.

Mason Indirectly complemented Brewster

Mason said during the interview the importance of recruiting in state. This is an area where the evidence would seem to be way in Brewster's favor. Since 2007, the Gophers have always got players in that range. The 2009 class was especially successful in state with according to Rivals, the Gophers signing six of the top 9 who actually signed. This year, Minnesota got 2 of the 3 high ranked in state recruits.

Based on Rivals, between 2003 and 2006, Mason was never able to sign a single top 4 in state player.

I was always a Mason fan. I think it's obvious he's a better head coach than Brewster. And I also believe that if he could have recruited at Brewster's level, that 2003 team has a better defense and goes into the Bowl season undefeated.

I think Mason is trying to be objective and I would agree with that statement. If Weber struggles again next year, you probably have to say enough is enough and it's time to move on. I think a lot of Weber's problems came from coaches who tried to change his throwing motion and an offensive coordinator who refused to simplify his offense so the team could understand it. In Weber's defense, he has now had FOUR different offensive coordinators in four years and I think the last one (Fisch) was probably the worst of the bunch.

I think Weber was like a deer in headlights last year with the offensive system that was implemented. I think that is part of the reason that Fisch left, he realised that his system wasn't realistic for college kids to learn and execute in the short time he had them.

I can't believe how everybody blames a change in throwing motion for Webers demise. Weber never could throw no matter how his mechanics were. The throwing motion argument is way overrated.

62 percent completion percentage as a sophomore with one of the nation's worst offensive lines....imagine if he could throw.

I agree. I had the feeling that Dan B kept trying to get Mason to throw a punch at Brewster. Mason, I thought, gave a good interview.

This is what every KFAN interview is like regarding Brewster. It is just constant setups for the interviewee to slam Brewster/Gopher Football.

Just out of sheer curiosity, why do some of you propose KFAN rips on Brewster/Gopher FB so much?

I'm just in the market for opinions on the matter.

This year, Minnesota got 2 of the 3 high ranked in state recruits.QUOTE]

Sounds good, but when #4 and #5 go to Nebraska and Stanford, we really got 2 out of 5.

I tend to like Mason more each time I hear him. He is honest and truly likes MN. He lives here and his son attends the U. He seems to have no hard feels toward the U, but people on here tend to bash him constantly.

He brought respectability to the program, but had to be fired. Coach Brewster is running the fine line of destoying what Mason did and putting the program back to where it was 15 years ago. I hope we see a glimmer this year.

Just out of sheer curiosity, why do some of you propose KFAN rips on Brewster/Gopher FB so much?

I'm just in the market for opinions on the matter.

Like most fans, I think they just want a big name like Lou Holts was to come in. That was the last time there was buzz about the Gophers in town. They are sick of the U of M Athletic Department as a whole.

I am starting to see the light on cleaning house. From AD down.

I heard the interview. Accounts already posted here are pretty accurate. DB definitely tried to bait Mason into bashing Brewster, but Mason took the high road as he has since he was fired. As for the QB situation, Mason basically said that the offense couldn't get any worse than it was so you might as well try Gray since it's obvious something needed to change. Surprising since he recruited Weber, but not shocking. The odd thing about the interview was that Mason was brought on the day after signing day presumably to talk about the recruiting class but not a single 2010 recruit was mentioned by name. They just mentioned that the class was ranked between 6th and 11th in the conference and included the classic caveat that "rankings don't always mean everything." At the bare minimum Barrero could have done 30 seconds of research to find out about Gjere and Edwards considering they are two of our highest rated recruits and both local.

What is laughable about listening to this interview is there was no bigger critic of Mase than Burrito. They hated each other....literally wouldn't talk to each other. Now that Mase is in the media, it's a virtual love-fest.:confused:

Mason was on to talk recruiting as a former coach. They talked about the system a bit and how he is "glad I got fired before twitter."

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