Lynch Fired by Wolves


Leave my member out of it!
Nov 12, 2008
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Today, Timberwolves' radio analyst Kevin Lynch and TV sideline reporter Lea B. Olson were fired with seven other Wolves employees. Neither Lynch's nor Olson's positions will be filled.

Shooter Now

I read that and was bummed. Not because I listen to the T-wolves on the radio but because I liked Lynch as a radio guy for the Gophers. Oh well...perhaps its just another victim of the poor economy.

I thought Lynch was good too.

Maybe the owner will fire himself one day.

What a terrible thing for the Wolves to do. They should be ashamed of themselves.

They steal Lynch away from a relatively stable job that he probably could have had for many years and then fire him after one year with them. That's awful. All the while, they pay Jim Stack, Fred Hoiberg, and others six-figure salaries to do essentially the same job. If they want to save money, how about chopping at the top a little bit and clear out some big cash?

Instead they try to run out a guy who probably wasn't making that much money and try to ruin his life.

Unfortunately for Lynch, it appears Zierden has cemented himself into the Gopher radio crew. Zierden did a GREAT job last season.

Lynch could prob get a job with the BTN if he wanted....he has to be better then some of the other guys on there.

I couldn't have said it better. As gopherguy notes, he'll get a job, but he might have to move away.

Did we ever think we'd see the day when the Gophers would have two people on their broadcast team and the Wolves would only have one? Strange days.

Laid Off

The Strib called it "laid off" in their report, not "fired." "Fired" implies a performance issue, while "laid off" implies economic downsizing, a very different reality. It will be interesting to see if the Woofies do bring on another side kick on the radio.

I agree with TJ's point that it seems a rotten thing to do to hire someone away and can him so soon, while you hang on to high priced executive office types who duplicate efforts.

I am thinking Lynch & Olson were full-year employees. The layoff is probably seasonal.

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