Let it be known across the land: Myron's middle name is "Page"

From the Barn

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Let it be known across the land: Myron's middle name is "Paige"

I suggest, no, DEMAND that anyone mentioning the Strib writer refer to him as Page until he drops the ostentatious middle initial.


I suggest, no, DEMAND that anyone mentioning the Strib writer refer to him as Page until he drops the ostentatious middle initial.

From the Barn ... and your middle name is "the". That would be like the pot calling the kettle black. :)

I like Page. It reminds me of Alan.

theres a difference between middle initial pimping and having a three word screenname. the P is ridiculous

page banned me from following him twitter because I said it takes a tough man to make fun of a 18 year old for having ambition aka wanting a music career.

I suggest, no, DEMAND that anyone mentioning the Strib writer refer to him as Page until he drops the ostentatious middle initial.

Wow - Myron must not have done anything today to annoy you, if this is all you've got to complain about!

Reminds me of Alex P Keaton...;)

Some insight to this conversation. When journalists use their middle initial, it's usually because a Google search with only their first and last name turns up someone else. In the world of journalism, your reputation and future is purely dependent on your writing samples, and when potential employers can't easily find them, it puts you at a disadvantage.

That being said, I don't think there are many notable "Myron Medcalfs" on this planet of ours.

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