Lady Gaga VS the Muppets


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Well, plenty already said regarding this abomination of a game but this is a total thrashing in every way.

We had muppets music at half time while our cheerleaders changed into cold weather gear. ND cheerleaders seem comfortable on one of the nicest fall nights of the year.

Can someone give me the upside? I'll take anything.

Those unis with the white pants are the most hideous abomination of a uniform I can imagine. Sorry, Schnauzer, can't yelp ya.

Actually, lady GaGa vs the Muppets was quite appropriate.

Cheerleaders... soft. Band... soft. Team... beyond soft. Everything in that stadium was so soft, I woke up with a sore back this morning.

Well, plenty already said regarding this abomination of a game but this is a total thrashing in every way.

We had muppets music at half time while our cheerleaders changed into cold weather gear. ND cheerleaders seem comfortable on one of the nicest fall nights of the year.

Can someone give me the upside? I'll take anything.

I thought the half-time music was a fitting tribute to the game being played on the field.

Never mind it was Jim Henson's birthday yesterday.

Band alum here and it hurts me to say that I too couldn't help but think of the halftime shows as a microcosm of the game and the two schools' programs.

NDSU had the smaller band, but played a hip, modern set of songs and moved around the field well.

The U has a massive band the stands around on the field too much and plays silly little sets of songs resembling circus music. Oof.

But hey, as a Gopher fan, I can always drink to a better future for both Gopher football and the band....

Band alum here and it hurts me to say that I too couldn't help but think of the halftime shows as a microcosm of the game and the two schools' programs.

NDSU had the smaller band, but played a hip, modern set of songs and moved around the field well.

The U has a massive band the stands around on the field too much and plays silly little sets of songs resembling circus music. Oof.

But hey, as a Gopher fan, I can always drink to a better future for both Gopher football and the band....

Part of the problem with our band - I remember playing in many debacles, like the classical halftime show where I could hear Iowa fans talking in the stands, the Sun Bowl 1999 where Oregon played pop songs at the battle of the bands while we played things like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the Superhero show when Wisconsin's band was here in 2003 and we had to have mics on the field.

They had 1 week to learn the show, hence park n blow, but at least it was a picture show. Remember when people were begging for those? I would rather complain that the term "field volume" has disappeared since about 1999-2000.

By the way, I could only pick out the melody of a few of the Gaga songs in their set. I wasn't impressed.

Part of the problem with our band - I remember playing in many debacles, like the classical halftime show where I could hear Iowa fans talking in the stands, the Sun Bowl 1999 where Oregon played pop songs at the battle of the bands while we played things like Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, the Superhero show when Wisconsin's band was here in 2003 and we had to have mics on the field.

They had 1 week to learn the show, hence park n blow, but at least it was a picture show. Remember when people were begging for those? I would rather complain that the term "field volume" has disappeared since about 1999-2000.

By the way, I could only pick out the melody of a few of the Gaga songs in their set. I wasn't impressed.

it seems some former band members (and perhaps some current members) are not that psyched about the leadership of the marching band and his/her choices over the last 8-10 years.

so would you say it is a problem with the leadership of the band? i.e. the director? i have never played in band or played an instrument in my life, but it often seems that those on this board who were in marching band are not big fans of the U of M band director's philosophy and music choices. often describing them as too ornate, too soft, to classical in nature. not selections that will cause the crowd to really want to get involved.

is this a case of a band director(s) just being annoyingly stubborn and being different simply for the sake of being different? perhaps even being snotty in their musical choices? i.e. choosing pieces opposite from what typically works for college football stadiums and crowds?

or am i missing something here?

it seems some former band members (and perhaps some current members) are not that psyched about the leadership of the marching band and his/her choices over the last 8-10 years.

so would you say it is a problem with the leadership of the band? i.e. the director? i have never played in band or played an instrument in my life, but it often seems that those on this board who were in marching band are not big fans of the U of M band director's philosophy and music choices. often describing them as too ornate, too soft, to classical in nature. not selections that will cause the crowd to really want to get involved.

is this a case of a band director(s) just being annoyingly stubborn and being different simply for the sake of being different? perhaps even being snotty in their musical choices? i.e. choosing pieces opposite from what typically works for college football stadiums and crowds?

or am i missing something here?

I can only speak for myself, but the culture around the band is completely different from when I started. Eric Becher had just jeft in 1996, and Luckhardt was only in his 2nd year when I started. Becher sounded more like a hard ass, but came from Michigan with some shows and music he used there. Luckhardt succeeded him (also from Michigan) and started to emphasize tone and sound quality. All fine and dandy, but then you see the Wisconsin band or others getting the crowd into it and they are loud, and it opens your eyes.

I don't know, maybe it all goes back to the 60/70s sh!tstorm that resulted in the UMMB being placed under the school of music. Everyone just has to get used to the fact that some shows will always be better than others, some innovative, others extremely boring. Diem had to fight for his job a few years in a row, and I liked him when he was hired as the assistant halfway through my years in school.

No amount of complaining or numerous e-mails are going to do anything. Just like Coach Kill wouldn't use fan advice in coaching, I don't think Prof. Diem would use them in regards to the band.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

I can only speak for myself, but the culture around the band is completely different from when I started. Eric Becher had just jeft in 1996, and Luckhardt was only in his 2nd year when I started. Becher sounded more like a hard ass, but came from Michigan with some shows and music he used there. Luckhardt succeeded him (also from Michigan) and started to emphasize tone and sound quality. All fine and dandy, but then you see the Wisconsin band or others getting the crowd into it and they are loud, and it opens your eyes.

I don't know, maybe it all goes back to the 60/70s sh!tstorm that resulted in the UMMB being placed under the school of music. Everyone just has to get used to the fact that some shows will always be better than others, some innovative, others extremely boring. Diem had to fight for his job a few years in a row, and I liked him when he was hired as the assistant halfway through my years in school.

No amount of complaining or numerous e-mails are going to do anything. Just like Coach Kill wouldn't use fan advice in coaching, I don't think Prof. Diem would use them in regards to the band.

Just my opinion, I could be wrong.
I also only knew Diem as assistant, so can't speak to him as director; but he seems to be a hybrid of Becker & Luckhardt. He's hard but in soft areas.

As to the complexity of the shows, it always frustrated me to dedicate an entire rehearsal indoors to music. Learn the music on your own outside of rehearsal, focus on the field during rehearsal, and have a brief concert set mid-week to clean it up. I know students have busy schedules so it's hard to find time to practice. But I used to carry my music with me and memorize it while sitting on the toilet taking a s**t.

Our program is as low as it's been in 4/5 years (haha, see what I did thar?!) and all you guys can talk about is what the band plays?!

Ok, fair enough. It's hell of a lot better discussion than the other tish going on here. Carry on.

I was in the band for four years under Dr. Diem right after he replaced Luckhardt. Grew up really into Illinois' band because of family connections, and I've had buddies in Wisconsin's and Iowa State's bands as well as seeing a ton of K-State's band in person. I was also in UWEC's band in high school. I've got some perspective.

My opinions about the band under Dr. Diem: we are too nice and too content to keep everything the way it is, regardless of whether it's good or not.

This is the first year where we've cut non-drummers in forever, so maybe a fear of losing numbers is where our softness stems from. I disagree with that fear. I think, like football players, good band members want to be in a good band. You're asking kids to pay for a credit to put in 500 hours every fall, give up lots of friday/saturday night parties and tailgating. It's gotta be fun if you want to attract and retain kids, and it's more fun if you are good.

For all the talk of emphasis on tone and musical quality, the musicianship was not great. Definitely better than Wisconsin, but the UWEC band was way better than we were, as are Illinois and Kansas St. UWEC in particluar produces as much sound as us with half the people, and the trumpet players (my instrument) blow ours away both on average and at the high end. I know I was a much better player in high school, partly due to having way less free time to practice in college but mostly due to having a hardass director who would destroy you if your chops were out of shape or you didn't get your music down. We didn't have that pressure at the U of M when I was there. If we can audition selectively now, that will help a great deal. Good players can play loud without sounding crappy like the UW hopping bunny band. There should be no need to mic up the band. Ever. Move the band if you have to, but microphones create more problems than they solve.

In terms of show selection, we recycle too much and don't have enough custom stuff. A lot of the arrangements are stock pep band tunes or borrowed from other bands. Hated that. I can appreciate stuff that's not necessarily new popular music, but it has to sound good and be musically interesting. All the single ladies? Muppets? Really?

Marching-wise, our lack of precision bothered the crap out of me after coming from a band that was very precise in HS. It would piss me off to no end that we allowed people to march who couldn't figure out how to stay in a straight line. All it takes is a few dummies to screw it all up, and we had a few. Nice kids, enthusiastic about it, but they didn't have the ability to do it well. Some of the people were constantly unsure of where they were supposed to be in rehearsal; everybody needs to KNOW where they should be and be able to fix themselves if they get off. When you are trying to do your job right and nothing ever looks good, it kills your motivation. Check out some of the company front entrances onto the field for an example of simple stuff that we should NEVER screw up that still looks messy. The drill doesn't help. We marched several shows that had very little movement and forms that are not impressive if excecuted well while being easy to screw up. A series of 80 yard arcs? Nobody cares if it's good, but everybody can see if it sucks.

I'd cut down pregame a bit. I know some feel it's sacred, but objectively speaking, Battle Hymn is too long for such a simple drill. Condense it somehow if you want to keep it. Integrate some other patriotic forms and make it interesting. I'd also have conditioning tests. High step marching and playing a wind instrument is physically demanding; if you aren't in shape, you cannot play half the show because you are sucking wind. I actually got in great shape my senior year by running out in colorado, and it was amazing how easy everything became.

The Wisconsin Band isn't the most symphonic band you'll ever see, but they are entertaining to the football crowd.
The sound is very powerful. The marching step is still the old Big Ten step and is fun to watch. Love the pre-game run-on too!

I do wish that Leckrone would retire, however. The music selection is very old school.

As I understand it, the Badger Band will be coming to Minneapolis for the Wisconsin/Minnesota game this year. It will be neat to compare the two bands side by side. Two very different styles.

The only bands worth mentioning are in the SWAC:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It would rule if Minnesota had a band half that entertaining

Their breakdowns are always fantastic:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

The only bands worth mentioning are in the SWAC:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

It would rule if Minnesota had a band half that entertaining

Their breakdowns are always fantastic:

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

+1 - Well kind of. We have a great marching band. I just wish they would balance some of the stuff they do now with some modern crowd energizing music.

BTW I'd add Bethune Cookman, FAMU, and Prarie View A&M to that list. Can't remember hearing/ seeing Howard U's band.

Our program is as low as it's been in 4/5 years (haha, see what I did thar?!) and all you guys can talk about is what the band plays?!

Ok, fair enough. It's hell of a lot better discussion than the other tish going on here. Carry on.

Hey, The band played the muppet music while the visiting band played Lady Gaga and this all pales in comparison to the actual game. You are correct about that 100%. But, you failed to notice the original post also included the CHEERLEADERS. They outfitted themselves in cold weather gear while the visiting cheerleaders continued to cheer their little hearts out on top of their bare legs... with no visible discomfort. This was a TOTAL institutional failure... not just a loss on the field. :)

My problem with the Band, is not technical and I don't know anything about big sound, but how many band members or has the director ever taken any theater arts classes? They have to realize theyare performers, they have no prescence, and they give a sense of going through the motions. They need a bigger, bolder, enterance. Not some drum cadence to get in formation. No, they need to explode on to the field. Choose whatever fight song you want, we have an handful. Take it all the way down the field. That is an overture. Keep up the tempo, I know the swinging gates have been a staple since 1960, but the processional tempo is a killer. It is reverent, but it takes forever. Next the Block M. rather than marching into it. Explode it. Wham! Rotate it. Tempo, Tempo, Tempo it should build to a crecendo. A sense you cannot wait for the team to take the field. I have never had that with The Pride of Minnesota.

And now the Band's competition is in house. The PA announcer takes every opportunity and they use the in house speakers as a DJ with funk, hip hop, etc. Maybe rather than Jim Henson, you could have done a tribute to Blondi. One way or another the Band isn't cutting it.

I agree with Husker, the Pride of Minnesota needs to do something to shake things up. I have to pull myself from the tailgate lot in order to arrive at the stadium in time to see the pre-game. Wouldn't miss it. Yet as I watch the same thing over and over and can't help but think that some minor changes to the cureent pre-game (as Husker suggested) would generate even more excitement leading into the game. This band needs an attitude infusion of serious proportions. Something the Badger Band isn't lacking.

Reading this thread makes me want to watch the movie "Drumline". Watch that and you will know how to fix our bands problems. We need to recruit Nick Cannon. :clap:

It seems like everytime the topic of boring halftime music and the fact the band does NOT travel to other stadiums... the reason is always due to budget, and the fact it is under the school of music. To make a long story short: there isn't enough money to travel to Madison, or Iowa City, and there isn't enough money to play music that people would actually like to hear.

On one hand, I'm sure that is true. On the other hand... how can the South Dakota and North Dakota State bands afford to travel the same distance, and how can the NDST band "afford" to play Lady Gaga while we can only scrape together enough to have a muppet tribute?

This is the Big 10... D1... BCS... right?

There are some very knowledgable band people on here. Perhaps they'll know why. I honestly don't get it.

However, I do LOVE the pregame and I personally see no need to change it.

It seems like everytime the topic of boring halftime music and the fact the band does NOT travel to other stadiums... the reason is always due to budget, and the fact it is under the school of music. To make a long story short: there isn't enough money to travel to Madison, or Iowa City, and there isn't enough money to play music that people would actually like to hear.

On one hand, I'm sure that is true. On the other hand... how can the South Dakota and North Dakota State bands afford to travel the same distance, and how can the NDST band "afford" to play Lady Gaga while we can only scrape together enough to have a muppet tribute?

I'm betting its the same reason as we've heard. Our band is under the SOM. What do you want to bet their bands are part of the athletic department and are treated as part of the gameday atmosphere/marketing?

Becher sounded more like a hard ass, but came from Michigan with some shows and music he used there. Luckhardt succeeded him (also from Michigan) and started to emphasize tone and sound quality. All fine and dandy, but then you see the Wisconsin band or others getting the crowd into it and they are loud, and it opens your eyes.
So you're saying Minnesota is A&T and Wisconsin is Morris Brown? :)

Reading this thread makes me want to watch the movie "Drumline". Watch that and you will know how to fix our bands problems. We need to recruit Nick Cannon. :clap:

? Read Khaliq's post. Where do you think the concept for Drumline came from? As Husker was saying and I talked about a few seasons ago, It's tempo. You have to show energy, and excitement. What I like about the SWAC schools is the PA announcers and Drum majors also help with the "hype" You want to get the crowd fired up!

If there is one thing the band needs to solve many of its problems it is this: $$$$$$$

More money means you can go on away trips, hire arrangers, hire drill writers (good drill writers I should add), and buy rights to more current music. Oregon's band plays tons of current pop music because Nike guy bankrolls a portion of their budget and buys them the rights which are not cheap, in exchange they only have to wear those awful Nike designed unis.

If the UMMB is going to continue under the umbrella of the SoM, maybe all music education majors should be required to play at least one year in the marching band. Get those very talented musicians into the fold and get them some applicable experience in marching band which they will need if they are wanting to teach high school band. If the SoM isn't going to provide the band with what they need to be great, the control should be given to the AD just like Goldy is.

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