Kyle MCord to Nebraska?


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Aug 23, 2021
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Word out of Columbus is that McCord has narrowed his transfer search to 8 schools. He is rumored to be leaning towards Nebraska. Hopefully he goes somewhere else. Minnesota not on his list. Probably scared off by competition with that qb from New Hampshire.

Supposedly one reason he might not go to Nebraska is that he doesn't want to play at the Horse Shoe, tOSU next year.

Nebraska paid Casey Thompson a rumored $250-300K to replace Martinez. Jeff Sims might have been paid more to replace Casey Thompson. Now Nebraska appears in the running to pay $1.0M+ to Kyle McCord to replace Sims/Haarberg/Purdy. Maybe one of these impulse buys will work for them. But resorting this often to the portal with big NIL dollars can have a downside, too.

McCord would be going from a team with a great offense with top talent everywhere (OL, receivers) to one with patchy talent. Would he perform as well ... would it be $1.0M+ well spent? Also, when you pay those kind of dollars, the starting spot is essentially guaranteed. Does this chase off Henrich Haarberg and Chubba Purdy, both of whom started several games at QB this past season? (Gophers' experience is instructive here). Who, then, are your back-ups? What if McCord gets injured, as Iowa's purchased QB, Cade McNamara, was this past season (and you don't have Iowa's Defense and STs, and soft schedule, to bail the team out)? I am actually fine if McCord and teammate WR Fleming go to Nebraska, and Nebraska spends a disproportionate amount of its NIL nut on two question marks, diminishing the NIL dollars available for Nebraska to hold its existing roster together.

One thing we have seen from PJ in Transfer recruiting: he is a value shopper (probably by necessity). We are no doubt paying reasonable/middling NIL dollars to a rising star at QB (Brosmer) with a one year commitment--ideally while Lindsay develops. For the third time in three years, Nebraska could be paying top-end NIL dollars for an expensive portal QB, this one a slightly tarnished, falling star, perhaps to the detriment of its ability to attract young QB talent who see the obvious trend line. I'm OK with that.
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Saw that the FSU collective currently has a $500,000 match through the 22nd from an anonymous donor.
But that just buys you for one year.

That's the worst possible thing about NIL, compared to other donations.

Unlike a building/facility that gets your name on it .... the gift acknowledgement/honor persists. (Right??)

With NIL ... great, thanks. What have you done for me every year after that?

Nebraska paid Casey Thompson a rumored $250-300K to replace Martinez. Jeff Sims might have been paid more to replace Casey Thompson. Now Nebraska appears in the running to pay $1.0M+ to Kyle McCord to replace Sims/Haarberg/Purdy. Maybe one of these impulse buys will work for them. But resorting this often to the portal with big NIL dollars can have a downside, too.

McCord would be going from a team with a great offense with top talent everywhere (OL, receivers) to one with patchy talent. Would he perform as well ... would it be $1.0M+ well spent? Also, when you pay those kind of dollars, the starting spot is essentially guaranteed. Does this chase off Henrich Haarberg and Chubba Purdy, both of whom started several games at QB this past season? (Gophers' experience is instructive here). Who, then, are your back-ups? What if McCord gets injured, as Iowa's purchased QB, Cade McNamara, was this past season (and you don't have Iowa's Defense and STs, and soft schedule, to bail the team out)? I am actually fine if McCord (and WR Fleming) goes to Nebraska, and Nebraska spends a disproportionate amount of its NIL nut on two question marks, diminishing the NIL dollars available for Nebraska to hold its existing roster together.

One thing we have seen from PJ in Transfer recruiting: he is a value shopper (probably by necessity). We are no doubt paying reasonable/middling NIL dollars to a rising star at QB (Brosmer) with a one year commitment--ideally while Lindsay develops. For the third time in three years, Nebraska could be paying top-end NIL dollars for a portal QB, this one a slightly tarnished, falling star, perhaps to the detriment of its ability to attract young QB talent who see the obvious trend line. I'm OK with that.

attract young QB talent for the next couple of years. I'm OK with that.
The value of that NIL investment is all based on your perspective. I would argue that McCord would provide them with at least above avg QB play. I know I will get some arguments on this, but if you placed McCord on the team this year, then they could have easily won four additional games. I base that fact on how completely inept the QB play was for many games and sometimes the QB gave the other teams the win.

I hate to say this, but they lost the following 4 games by 3 pts in each game - Minn, Maryland, IA & MSU. I think McCord could have been a huge difference in those 4 games with just better than avg QB play. If this had happened, NEB would have owned the head-to-head win with IA and at 9-3 they are in the Big1G Championship. That being the case, everyone in NEB would say the NIL is worth every penny and they would have paid double the NIL to be in that scenario. If they do get McCord and they have enough NIL to plug a few other holes on that O-line, I can see Rhule making a jump next year.

I thought McCord grew a lot during the season. Early on, he looked fairly pedestrian (at least to me) but he managed to get in sync with two WRs who may both be 1st-round draft picks (Harrison easily top 5 and Egbuka late-1st round if he declares) and a really good TE in Stover. I guess we're going to find out how he fares when playing with a less-stellar cast around him.

That said, I would love to have him on our roster.

Word out today is a heavy lean to Nebraska. UGH!Competing in the new Big I guess. Meanwhile, the sunshine pumpers in Minneapolis are ecstatic about d2 qb transfer from a low level league and a bad team. Probably the same people who thought AK was the next coming

Word out today is a heavy lean to Nebraska. UGH!Competing in the new Big I guess. Meanwhile, the sunshine pumpers in Minneapolis are ecstatic about d2 qb transfer from a low level league and a bad team. Probably the same people who thought AK was the next coming
Your pessimism and negativity is so refreshing. Thanks!

Word out today is a heavy lean to Nebraska. UGH!Competing in the new Big I guess. Meanwhile, the sunshine pumpers in Minneapolis are ecstatic about d2 qb transfer from a low level league and a bad team. Probably the same people who thought AK was the next coming
You could think of it the other way. Nebraska has been the graveyard of good quarterbacks for 25 years now. Let's see how McCord does when he doesn't have 5* linemen at every spot ahead of him and the best receiver in football to throw to.

Word out today is a heavy lean to Nebraska. UGH!Competing in the new Big I guess. Meanwhile, the sunshine pumpers in Minneapolis are ecstatic about d2 qb transfer from a low level league and a bad team. Probably the same people who thought AK was the next coming
I bet you are really fun at parties

You could think of it the other way. Nebraska has been the graveyard of good quarterbacks for 25 years now. Let's see how McCord does when he doesn't have 5* linemen at every spot ahead of him and the best receiver in football to throw to.

Yep, his numbers were good but looks like not even close to Tanner Morgan 2019 good. Ohio State fans have recent memories of a few different guys raining 40+ TDs on the season. Tough crowd. Generally IMO unless a guy is GREAT at a helmet school probably going to struggle noticeably stepping down in talent eg Nebraska or higher level of competition eg NFL.

I was hoping Nebby would stick it out with Mr Turnover.

Nebraska paid Casey Thompson a rumored $250-300K to replace Martinez. Jeff Sims might have been paid more to replace Casey Thompson. Now Nebraska appears in the running to pay $1.0M+ to Kyle McCord to replace Sims/Haarberg/Purdy. Maybe one of these impulse buys will work for them. But resorting this often to the portal with big NIL dollars can have a downside, too.

McCord would be going from a team with a great offense with top talent everywhere (OL, receivers) to one with patchy talent. Would he perform as well ... would it be $1.0M+ well spent? Also, when you pay those kind of dollars, the starting spot is essentially guaranteed. Does this chase off Henrich Haarberg and Chubba Purdy, both of whom started several games at QB this past season? (Gophers' experience is instructive here). Who, then, are your back-ups? What if McCord gets injured, as Iowa's purchased QB, Cade McNamara, was this past season (and you don't have Iowa's Defense and STs, and soft schedule, to bail the team out)? I am actually fine if McCord and teammate WR Fleming go to Nebraska, and Nebraska spends a disproportionate amount of its NIL nut on two question marks, diminishing the NIL dollars available for Nebraska to hold its existing roster together.

One thing we have seen from PJ in Transfer recruiting: he is a value shopper (probably by necessity). We are no doubt paying reasonable/middling NIL dollars to a rising star at QB (Brosmer) with a one year commitment--ideally while Lindsay develops. For the third time in three years, Nebraska could be paying top-end NIL dollars for an expensive portal QB, this one a slightly tarnished, falling star, perhaps to the detriment of its ability to attract young QB talent who see the obvious trend line. I'm OK with that.
Not trying to sound like a dick, but that's alot of cherry picking mainly in the negative. Nebraska lost 7 games by a combined 1 point( i know, not possible, just saying) and adding McCord and Fleming would be significant. Those are two excellent players that we'd take right now in a heartbeat if we're being honest. Could it blow up, sure. But that doesn't mean you don't take the leap. I personally think they'll be better, and it doesn't matter that he'll play with different talent, he is an upgrade.

Word out today is a heavy lean to Nebraska. UGH!Competing in the new Big I guess. Meanwhile, the sunshine pumpers in Minneapolis are ecstatic about d2 qb transfer from a low level league and a bad team. Probably the same people who thought AK was the next coming
As a Gopher fan why the angst? Don't play the Huskers in 2024 and no longer competing with them for the Big 10 West.

I listen to this podcast with Zach Smith, former tOSU assistant. I don't know how it got into my feed and the guy is a total pr!ck, but it's kind of entertaining because he tells a lot of stories about recruiting and college football and he is not at all PC. That said, I also don't know if he's full of sh!t or not, so it take with whatever sized grain of salt as you'd like.

He said that McCord wasn't even pushed out at tOSU, they just told him he'd have to compete next season for the starting QB position even if they didn't go and get someone in the portal. Additionally, they told him that he might not even be the starter in the bowl game - he'd have to compete for it. That is why McCord is leaving and it felt like for people around tOSU they really looked down on McCord for shying away from the competition. Essentially, he said that if you don't want to compete for your job every single year, you should have went to Rutgers.

It'll be interesting to see where McCord ends up. I thought Rutgers would have made sense - his dad was a QB there - but Nebraska makes sense too.

Will be interesting to see how he does at his next stop. No doubt he is a talented QB but he also had in insane group of WR to work with at Ohio State.
Most of the blame for ohio losing was placed on McCord, declaring that they would have won had they had a better quarterback.

well, does changing the QB solve all your problems - or do you have to change/adjust things in the offensive system at the same time?

Nebraska, MN and IA are all in that same situation - less than ideal offensive play where the heap of the blame goes toward the QB.

I think it's fair to question whether the system and play-calling contributed to the offensive issues.
(spoiler- I think it did at all three schools)

Not trying to sound like a dick, but that's alot of cherry picking mainly in the negative. Nebraska lost 7 games by a combined 1 point( i know, not possible, just saying) and adding McCord and Fleming would be significant. Those are two excellent players that we'd take right now in a heartbeat if we're being honest. Could it blow up, sure. But that doesn't mean you don't take the leap. I personally think they'll be better, and it doesn't matter that he'll play with different talent, he is an upgrade.
It’s a remnant of my feelings toward the Huskers when they were coached by Frost.

Will be a good get for them, but we should care about Nebraska now about as much as we care about Rutgers, Maryland, UCLA, and Indiana. Because we will play them the same amount

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