KSTP EXCLUSIVE Video: Kaler Says Claeys Supported Suspensions


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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per KSTP:

University of Minnesota president Eric Kaler says former head football coach Tracy Claeys supported the suspension of ten players last month. Claeys has disputed that since the suspensions were announced by the university.

"Let me be real precise in what I know about that," Kaler told 5 Eyewitness News in an interview Tuesday at the State Capitol. "Mark Coyle told me about the report, about the findings, he then talked to the coach. My understanding is the coach agreed with the suspensions and met with the players and Mark Coyle and informed them of the suspensions. So I believe he supported the decision."

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Go Gophers!!

I won't believe Sauraman's lies. He's just repeating what Wormtongue told him...

Kaler said he heard from another guy that his sister....

Either way I'm not sure this matters.

Wouldn't it be best for Kaler to just give it a rest at this point?

That's not an exclusive. That's heresay...

Kahler, "my understanding is"....

Wonderful, the reporters are writing articles based on heresay. Better yet, it's an EXCLUSIVE.

Wouldn't it be best for Kaler to just give it a rest at this point?

I feel like university administration, everyone else, fans, the university folks involved in the discipline ... everyone is having a different conversation and they all think they're addressing each other.... but nobody really is.

So, one interpretation of this is that Kaler is using his heresay rationale to back the firing.... thus throwing Coyle under the bus to insulate himself ???

I won't believe Sauraman's lies. He's just repeating what Wormtongue told him...

The point of a witty quote is to get the characters right. Reread the book.

What Kaler said is probably true. But the key word is "supported". Which he is using to mean "agreed with," but to Claeys eyes means "understand why that was the decision, and don't feel in a position to change the decision, so will go along with."

Why is he speaking about this? If I thought he was an evil malicious guy (I do), I would say that he is covering his ass and throwing Coyle under the bus in case Claeys can prove he was not informed/did not agree with the suspensions.

PS. Guys it is "hearsay".

What Kaler said is probably true. But the key word is "supported". Which he is using to mean "agreed with," but to Claeys eyes means "understand why that was the decision, and don't feel in a position to change the decision, so will go along with."

Yeah half this stuff is all based on wording and point of view.


I approve action being taken to address sexual assault.

I approve of students taking action to address what they think is injustice even if they're wrong, or go about it in the wrong way, that's how you learn.

I have questions about the wisdom of Universities trying to act as justice systems.

I have serious concerns about the actions of some players described in the report.

I have no problem with suspending / expelling players involved with sexual assault.

None of these are in conflict, but given the state of the dialogue about anything you'd think they all conflict.

JHC, the guy has credentials indicating he's way smarter than me, but I have enough common sense to know he should just shut up about this. He's in charge of a major university with a budget of over 3.5 billion dollars, a student body of close to 50,000, and faculty and staff of over 20,000. And he wants to continue this p*ssing match with a fired football coach who appears to just want to move on? Unbelievable!

Yeah half this stuff is all based on wording and point of view.


I approve action being taken to address sexual assault.

I approve of students taking action to address what they think is injustice even if they're wrong, or go about it in the wrong way, that's how you learn.

I have questions about the wisdom of Universities trying to act as justice systems.

I have serious concerns about the actions of some players described in the report.

I have no problem with suspending / expelling players involved with sexual assault.

None of these are in conflict, but given the state of the dialogue about anything you'd think they all conflict.

Is this the Golden Gopher athletics version of Vantage Point?

I love Slab_of_Bacon's post:"I feel like university administration, everyone else, fans, the university folks involved in the discipline ... everyone is having a different conversation and they all think they're addressing each other.... but nobody really is."

Why Kaler delved back into this again is beyond me. Just shut up and quit discussing it. Good gosh.

The fact KSTP labeled this "EXCLUSIVE" isn't surprising either. I mean, Doogie does work there.

PR spin to throw people under the bus in order for some more CYA.

Kaler is a scumbag. Don't believe anything he says.

Why Kaler delved back into this again is beyond me. Just shut up and quit discussing it. Good gosh.

He's lying, but must think that if he keeps repeating the lie that everyone will believe it.

Jerry, just remember its not a lie...... if you believe it.

Why won't this guy just go away...? Kaler, don't you got a University to ruin? Get gone!

Yeah half this stuff is all based on wording and point of view.


I approve action being taken to address sexual assault.

I approve of students taking action to address what they think is injustice even if they're wrong, or go about it in the wrong way, that's how you learn.

I have questions about the wisdom of Universities trying to act as justice systems.

I have serious concerns about the actions of some players described in the report.

I have no problem with suspending / expelling players involved with sexual assault.

None of these are in conflict, but given the state of the dialogue about anything you'd think they all conflict.

You've got it in a nutshell. Lots of people talking past each other.

I was all for letting Claeys go but can Kahler just stop rolling over him with the bus over and over and over? Just put a rest to it and realize that can you can say no to an interview with the worst new organization in Twin Cities television.

I guess now we know where the exclusive leaked EOAA report came from.

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